Responsible Conduct of Research Training


Who can participate in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training at CU Boulder?

CU Boulder encourages all faculty, staff, and trainees (i.e., undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, research assistants, and Principal investigators) involved in research to obtain instruction in RCR that is appropriate for their level of education, training, responsibility, and discipline. Anyone with a CU Boulder identity can take RCR training via the CITI RCR courses.

CITI RCR Directions 

Who is required to take training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)?

Currently, the following research personnel are requiredto complete training in RCR:

  • Any faculty, other senior personnel, postdoctoral fellow or student who is paid from a National Science Foundation (NSF) or USDA NIFA grant award. See NSF Requirements 
  • Trainees supported by specific awards (institutional training grants, educational grants, and research career development awards) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)See NIH Requirements 
  • All undergraduates performing paid research on CU Boulder campus should take the CITI RCR course.

   Note: If students or postdocs complete an online or classroom RCR course somewhere other than CU Boulder, they must submit an RCR Completion Form, electronically sign it and email it to the RCR Coordinator. Be sure to give a copy to your mentor/PI for the NIH- or NSF-funded award, and keep a copy for your records.

Click Here to Determine if You Are Required to Take RCR Training 

Flow chart of who has to take RCR training

Registration instructions

When did I (or someone in my lab) last have RCR training?

  • If you took CITI online training, you should be able to follow the registration instructions above for logging into CITI and use the "My Records" tab to determine the last time you took RCR. If it has been more than 4 years, please retake the course.
  • If you need to determine if someone has taken an in-person RCR course on this campus, their name will be in this document.
  • If you need to determine if someone has taken a CITI RCR course on this campus, their name will be in this document.


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