Undergraduate advising

Undergraduate advising

New to CU Boulder? For newly admitted student information, please visit this page.

Refer to the College of Music Undergraduate Student Handbook for academic policies and procedures.

Academic advising

We're here for advising and registration help! Schedule your advising appointment with your academic advisor through Buff Portal Advising. Students will have the option to sign up for Zoom or in-person advising appointments. For virtual meetings, the Zoom link will be in the confirmation email you receive. For quick questions and concerns, drop-in hours are also available in Buff Portal Advising.

Registration + advising instructions

  1. View your enrollment date in Buff Portal. The enrollment date indicates your specific time to register for classes. Assigned enrollment dates are in November for the spring semester and April for the fall semester. You can view course registration instructions and important academic deadlines on the Registrar’s Office website.
  2. Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor in Buff Portal Advising. Your advisor will review your course selections and verify that you’re taking the appropriate classes and that you have a reasonable course load. Allow 30 minutes for the appointment.
  3. Review your degree audit and add your selected courses to your shopping cart. Degree audits show completed coursework and remaining requirements needed for your degree program. If you find an error or have a concern, please contact Victoria Ibarra.

Allow 24 hours for the advising hold to be removed from your record. Lessons, recitals, special studies and other applicable courses with restrictions will be added to your schedule after your enrollment date. Ensemble selection is determined by degree program and in accordance with the ensemble rule.

If you need help using Buff Portal Advising, refer to the Student User Guide. For general course registration questions, visit the Registrar's website.

Instrument + locker rental information

To rent a non-marching band instrument, contact Dustin Rumsey, dustin.rumsey@colorado.edu, Imig Music BuildingS118. Complete the general instrument check-out contract and arrange pickup with Dustin Rumsey. There is no instrument rental fee for music majors; however, non-music majors will be charged an instrument rental fee.

To check out a locker, please complete this form. Then, make the locker payment for either the semester (fall/spring/summer) or academic year (fall + spring). Contact music-scheduling@colorado.edu.