Applied piano recital + jury requirements


Recital Requirements

Junior: 30-40 minutes of music (recital slot to be shared with another junior recital)

Senior: 50-60 minutes of music

MM recital: 60 minutes of music

DMA recital (chamber + solo): 60 minutes of music

Number of faculty members required at previews

Junior recital: 2 (including applied professor)

Senior recital: 2 (including applied professor)

MM recital: 2 (including applied professor/major advisor)

DMA recital: 3 (including applied professor/major advisor)

Recital previews

Recital previews are required for all degree recitals and must be scheduled a minimum of 3 weeks before the recital. The student is responsible for scheduling the preview at a time convenient to their applied professor and the required number of other faculty. If possible, note that S102 is available from M/W 11:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m. for previews. If your committee members are available then and you wish to use the space for your preview, please contact

Undergraduate juries

All undergraduate piano majors enrolled in applied lessons are required to play a jury. This includes students in the following programs: BM Piano Performance, BME, BA, BA Music Tech. BM Composition students taking applied lessons will consult with their major piano teacher regarding the jury requirement. 

Advisory juries take place at the end of semester 1 of each year of study and full juries take place at the end of semester 2 of each year of study. The junior or senior degree recital (if required by degree program) will take the place of the required full jury for that semester. In the event a student fails a jury, they will be allowed one opportunity to perform a new jury at a date to be determined in consultation with the major teacher and the piano faculty. 

Repertoire requirements (in consultation with major advisor) 

All undergraduate advisory juries: a minimum of 2 pieces in at least 2 contrasting styles. 

Required juries can include pieces from advisory juries, but pieces from required juries should not be repeated in future juries.

Bachelor of Arts required juries

Freshman: Three pieces in contrasting styles by three different composers.

Sophomore: A minimum of three pieces in contrasting styles by different composers totalling a minimum of 15 minutes. Single movements of multi-movement works count as one piece. 

No further required recitals or juries. 

Bachelor of Music Education required juries + recital

Freshman: Three pieces in contrasting styles by three different composers.

Sophomore: A minimum of three pieces in contrasting styles by different composers totalling a minimum of 15 minutes. Single movements of multi-movement works count as one piece. 

Junior: A 30-40 minute recital, graded by the major professor and another faculty member. The junior recital program should not include works from previous required juries.*

Senior: Three additional semester hours, which may be covered by the Keyboard Harmony class. No jury required.

Bachelor of Music (performance) required juries + recitals

Freshman: A contrapuntal piece; a sonata-allegro movement; one additional contrasting piece. 

Sophomore: A minimum of 30 minutes of music representing at least three style periods; students will submit a repertoire list of works studied in the past four semesters. See example here.

In addition to the Sophomore solo jury, all BM piano students will also be required as part of the proficiency to prepare an ensemble work, approved by the piano and keyboard faculty and coached by a piano and keyboard faculty member, to be presented in a live performance for the piano and keyboard faculty. This performance may be presented as part of the requirements of Supervised Accompanying, chamber music or piano 4-hands course work. This requirement should normally be fulfilled at some time before the presentation of the junior recital.

Junior: A 30-40 minute recital, graded by the major professor and another faculty member. The junior recital program should not include works from previous required juries.*

Senior: A recital of 50-60 minutes of music, with preview; graded by a committee of at least 2 keyboard faculty members. The senior recital program should not include works from the junior recital.*

Graduate juries

Graduate students are required to present a jury at the end of their first semester in residence in a new degree to show that they are ready to proceed to thesis (recital) projects and to gain permission to continue in the program. Students shall present at least three works representing at least three contrasting styles (single movements of large works are acceptable). These works must be new repertoire for the student (not studied previously). In the event that the student does not pass their graduate jury, they will be allowed one more opportunity to prepare and perform a new jury program. If the second jury is not satisfactory, the student will not be permitted to continue in the program. 

*Students are encouraged to explore and present repertoire by composers from historically underrepresented groups (including women) in their juries and recitals.

DMA research-lecture procedures
DMA recording project requirements​
Guide to piano preparation​