Mechanical Engineering Spring 2022 Graduates

Doctor of Philosophy Graduates
Thanks to all the people who offered a helping hand during my PhD; thanks to the students and new friends that welcomed me at GEARRS years ago, and thanks to the mentors and lab-mates who have guided me since!
Thank you to Peter and John for advising me and supporting me in my passion for teaching. A huge thanks to the new and old members of TESLa for the memories. Couldn't have done it without the support from my friends, my family, Amber and Lightning.
It's been a wild ride these past 5 years! I'd like to thank my husband, family and friends for their endless support. Special thanks to my advisor Nicole Labbe for always believing in me.
Thank you to this department, Dr. Todd Murray and my friends in Colorado who’ve helped me achieve my greatest accomplishment. Thank you to my best friends, especially Yaneli, for always being with me, even from afar. A mi familia, gracias por siempre motivarme y apoyarme. Sin ustedes, nada fuera posible.
Gracias a mi familia por todo su apoyo durante esta jornada académica. Thank you to all my friends, lab mates, and mentors. I couldn’t have done it without you.
We did it! I say we because I would not have made it without the support of my advisor, Dr. Virginia Ferguson, my lab-mates , my friends (shoutout to Mike Lippert), and my family. Special thanks goes out to Ginger for being a champion of Mental Health.
Additional Graduates
Sankaranarayanan Ayyakudi Ravichandran, PhD
Madhur Bharath Atreya
Jesse Butterfield, PhD
Mitchell Joseph Fulton, PhD
Michael Alexander Meehan, PhD
Brodie Keagan Hoyer, PhD
Khoi Dang Ly, PhD
Jaylene Reyanne Martinez, PhD
Danielle Jiwon Park, PhD
Julian Quick, PhD
Oleksa Rybchuk, PhD
Adrienne Kathleen Scott, PhD
Elizabeth Ford Strong, PhD
Samuel Henry Rovetch Whitman, PhD
Master of Science Graduates
This Master's Degree goes out to my uncle, Mohammed Ali, who passed away in April 2020 due to COVID complications. I'll never forget you.
I, wisdom, dwell with prudence
And I find knowledge and discretion
- Proverbs 8:12
Thank you to my family and friends. All your love, encouragement and support is what made this all possible. I love all of you!
Thank you to all of my loved ones for supporting me throughout these two years. Dr. Labbe, working with you has been a great pleasure. Thank you for pushing me to be 'ever better' and helping me grow as a researcher. Thank you to all of my lab mates, you all gave me invaluable support.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey!
Thank you to my family, friends, partner, dogs, and colleagues who continuously encouraged and supported me. On to the next adventure!
Thank you to all of my supporters, this wouldn't have been possible without you. I can't express how much I appreciate everyone that helped me get to where I am today.
Thank you to all of my friends and family for their support and for making these past few years so amazing. I could not have done it without all of you. Sko Buffs!
Thank you to my teachers, family, mentors and friends for their support and for making my time at CU so enjoyable.
If I learned anything in grad school it's this: "Whenever there is a challenge, there is also an opportunity to face it, to demonstrate and develop our will and determination." - Dalai Lama
Thank you to all of the amazing faculty, friends, and family who have helped support me throughout my time here at CU!
Thank you to all my family for helping me get to this point over the last 30 years! Despite how much I love learning, I think after a BA, BS, and now an MS, I'm ready to enter the world and start contributing. I can't wait for our newest adventures together. "Boom boom, go!"
Thank you to mom, dad, Anthony, Fatima, and Chile for all your support and motivation. Thank you to College Track, PCDP, and BGN for providing me with the tools to succeed. Thank you to all my professors who kept me up all night finishing homework. 2 degrees down... Another to go?... Cheers!
Thank you to my mom, dad, sister and friends for providing me with this opportunity. I hope you all will be brave enough to also take a risk. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Explore, dream, discover." - Mark Twain
An enormous thank you to my parents, who have supported me throughout graduate school and made my graduation possible. Looking forward to the future!
Huge thank you to my mom, dad, brothers, Kara and friends for all of your support. I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you encouraging me along the way. Now it's time for us to enjoy some beers!!
My dog was the backbone of my education. "You're a shark. Sharks are winners, and they don't look back because they don't have necks."
Thank you to my family and friends for all the support along the way that got me to this point. CU has been awesome and I know I made the right choice coming to Colorado. I am looking forward to my next adventure and wherever that will take me.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the years to get to this point!
Thank you to all my family and friends who have helped me through the most difficult year of my life. I look forward to moving on to the next stage of my life and repaying each and every one of you in any way that I can.
Hold up, wait a minute, y'all thought I was finished?
I want to thank my grandparents for inspiring me to become an engineer, and my loving parents, whom continue to be my cornerstone and without whom, my dreams would have never materialized. Thank you!
Additional Graduates
Osmar Erubiel Aguirre, MS
Jaheen Ahsan, MS
Jared Amir Beshai, MS
Leopold Gideon Beuken, MS
Ryan James Brink, MS
Chris Buelke, MS
Eric Grieshaber, MS
Brandon Hayes, MS
Edward Augustine Herrick-Reynolds, MS
Eliseo Jauregui, MS
Zachary W Jordan, MS
Heiko Dieter Kabutz, MS
Devon Alicia Kroeker, MS
Abhishek Lohith Kumar, MS
Hannah Michelle Larson, MS
Yuekang Li, MS
Katie MacDonald, MS
Athish Ram Das, MS
Pedro Reyes Ricardez, MS
Chad Steven Ronish, MS
Kevin Santos, MS
Prakriti Sardana, MS
Lea Marie Adeline Savard, MS
Tanner J Saylor, MS
Patrick Edwards Sherman, MS
Anish Silwal, MS
Sam Duchamp Simons-Wellin, MS
Ryan Gregory Smith, MS
Andrew Thomas Smith, MS
Kristen Such, MS
Zoe Anna Turin, MS
Jonathan David Turner, MS
Jack Wilson, MS
Bachelor of Science Graduates
Many people have influenced my life. I would like to dedicate this message to my parents for being the sole reason for me being here. I appreciate what they have given me and how they inspired me to be the person I am today.
Thank you to my family and friends who supported me along the way!
I am honored to graduate in Mechanical Engineering at CU, and would like to share my gratitude to all the amazing friends, professors, and mentors that made the past years memorable in many ways. Special thanks to my family for the support along the way. Cheers to all my fellow ME Buffs!
Thank you to my family, friends and the faculty that got me to where I am today. It's almost the end of the week!
As a human-centered engineer, I believe firmly in empathy, respect, and integrity. These principles, influenced my work, at both the AMTL and at NWRA. I am proud that because of this work, I will soon be co-author on two publications, in IEEE T-RO and in JOSA. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything.
Thank you to all of my friends and family that believed in me and supported me every step of the way. Most importantly, thank you to my parents and brother. I will never truly be able to repay them for everything they do for me. I am beyond blessed to have the people around me in my life. SKO BUFFS!
I would like to thank my family for never giving up on me, even when I felt like giving up on myself. I am thankful for my professors for guiding me along the way, and my partner and friends for their love and support. I am proud to be an Engineering Buff!
Thank you to my amazing parents, none of this would've been possible without you. I am truly blessed and grateful to have the love and support that I have had from my friends and family these last five years. Excited to start my next journey as a pilot in the USAF.
Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me through my college career. I hope to do amazing things with this wonderful education.
Thank you to my friends, family, and mentors who have supported me through everything. Cheers to the next adventure and chapter of life!
Thanks to my family and friends for helping me make it this far in life. Next stop, the real world.
Thank you, mom and dad. I wouldn't be here without your guidance and support along the way. To all my friends I met throughout this journey, you are truly the best. The future is bright, exciting, and one worth building, and I thank all of those who educated and inspired me along the way.
Cheers to the wonderful professors, aussies, BFFs, roommates, and everyone in-between for making an amazing college experience. Thanks Mum, Dad, and Nick for always supporting me in my wild adventures! "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." -PC
Thank you Mom and Dad for the continuous support throughout my previous endeavors and future journey!
When I was young, I fell in love with snowboarding in my backyard and my sister said to me, “It looks like you have more fun building the features than riding, you should be an engineer.” And here I am today. Thanks mom and dad for always letting me go after what I love.
Thank you to everyone that helped me along the way here at CU. Especially my family, friends, professors and coaches. I couldn't have done it without all of you and I will be forever grateful. Sko Buffs.
Thanks to my friends and family!
Words cannot describe how excited I am to have completed my BS in Mechanical Engineering at CU Boulder. I look forward to what comes next!
Man, I really should have gone skiing a few more times.
I’d like to thank my parents, Francis and Sonia for their continued support over the last few years. Without them I’m not sure this would have been possible, and I can’t wait to move into the next chapter of life with my friends and family by my side.
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" - ADM Farragut. I'd like to thank mom and dad for endless support and inspiration, you are my role models and biggest fans. And to all of my peers, mentors, and loved ones, thank you for all you've done, it is more than you know.
Thank you to my mom, dad, grandparents, and the rest of my family for supporting me through this journey. I hope to make you proud with what I accomplish. This is only the beginning!
Thanks to my mom, dad, family, and friends. Love you all!
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, but every dog has his day.
Thank you to everyone who has made this possible, especially my beautiful wife and fantastic parents, for all the support they have provided me. I alsowant to thank my professors, who continually pushed me to improve.
I would like to thank my parents, sisters, and friends for supporting me throughout my time at CU Boulder. Engineering is pretty fun!
University was a path in which I underestimated its difficulty, but achieving this proved that although life may deal me challenges, I can overcome anything I put my mind to. I'd love to thank my father, mother, and my partner for believing in me. I couldn't have done it without you.
School done! Monkey brain go woo woo.
Thank you to my friends and family for all the support they gave me throughout my college career. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Sko Buffs!
Thank you to my family and all the friends I have made along the way.
Never backward, always forward. Always.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
Shoutout to the boys and my family, couldn’t be here without your support.
I had an amazing experience here at CU and met some wonderful people along the way. I am very thankful for my family and friends who have supported me along my journey, and I look forward to the experiences to come!
Huge thank you to my parents for being my role models and biggest supporters, and to my sisters for always being there for me. I love you all! To all my teammates and friends, thanks for the amazing memories and making these past 4 years incredible!
I am incredibly grateful for the people who have made my CU experience the best start to the rest of my life. I’m honored to have had my life touched by so many amazing people and I am looking forward to the next adventures!
Thank you mom and dad for all the support you have given me the past four years. Also thank you to all my professors and friends for helping me along the way. Couldn't have done it without you all.
I haven't even begun to peak yet.
Thanks Mom, Dad, Ayden and Julia for always supporting me! I couldn't have done it without you. Love you guys!
Thanks Mom and Dad!
I’d like to thank my high school physics teacher for believing in me and convincing me to pursue engineering. I’ve been following that advice for the last four years and I guess it worked out.
I will miss the ME department greatly. So many incredible people here have helped me achieve success and encouraged me to persist on. Thank you!
"You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets." - Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm beyond grateful for my family, friends, and colleagues over the past four years for making my dream of graduating college come true. Here's to the next adventure!
I'm proud of all of us and what we have accomplished together. The future isn't predicted, it's invented. Let's go do it.
It is my pleasure to to graduate in Mechanical Engineering at CU Boulder. Thank you to my family, friends, professors, and people who made these years everything that they were.
Being thousands of miles away never let their support be absent. Thank you to my family back in Egypt for their endless love, support, and faith in me. Today, I am graduating with multiple offers from very prestigious companies merely and only due to the fact of my family's support.
I would like to thank my parents for helping me and supporting me, my sister, my grandparents, my fianće, and all of my other family and friends. I will start my career at Tyson in Fayetteville, Arkansas as a Mechanical Engineer 1. GO BUFFS!
Shoutout to all my people, its been a journey. Love you Mom and Dad.
To my parents who always supported me in the only way they knew. This was a journey that really opened my future to brand new opportunities and widened my curiosity in technology and medicine. Thank you to my siblings, friends, mentors, and the CU and GoldShirt staff. You all helped me grow so much.
It has been a weird few years. Thanks to friends and family for the support and good times.
Thanks to my Mom, Dad, and all the wonderful staff who've helped me along this path. Through the many sleepless nights, and last minute assignments, I am proud to call myself an engineer! I can't say it's been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing about these past four years.
I'd like to thank my family, friends, and peers for all their support and guidance through out my studies. I want to also thank my professors, advisors, and academic coaches for believing in me and providing me with the right resources to thrive in engineering.
To Mom, Dad, my siblings, and my closest friends: Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in me throughout these 6 years of college. I couldn't have done it without you.
To the friends I made along the way, thank you for the crazy nights and lifetime memories. To my parents who always support me, thank you for being my role models. And to Samuel, my wife’s boyfriend, thank you for financing my education.
I would like to thank my family, friends, tutors, professors, and mentors for their support through this journey. I look forward to using the lessons I've learned and opportunities I've been given to reshape the world. "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." - C.S. Lewis
Thank you Mama, Dad, and Jacob for believing in me. Thank you to my grandparents for being such fantastic role models and supporters. Thank you to all my amazing friends. "You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take." -Wayne Gretzky
Thank you to my family and friends for sticking by my side and being my rock through these crazy 4 years. I couldn't have done it without your unwavering support. Much love!
I am incredibly grateful for the support from my family and friends. Thank you to all those who helped me get here. I am looking forward to the next part of my journey as a CU graduate.
Many thanks to my wonderful parents, family, friends, professors, mentors, colleagues, and plants at the ITLL. I could not have done it without their amazing support and I'm so grateful to have such a loving support network. Congratulations to all my fellow classmates and go chiefs!
The 'H' in 'ENGINEER' stands for happiness.
I want to thank everyone who had a role in setting me down this path. Particularly my family and friends. I am so proud to be a part of such a resilient community that is CU. It’s been the journey of a lifetime.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
"How do you like your eggs? - Fine. No how do you like them cooked. Oh that's how I really like them." - Bob French
Thank you to Mom, Dad, Ellie, Caroline and all of my friends who have supported and encouraged me to get to this point!
The above photo sums up my college experience.
College of Engineering and Applied Science Perseverance Award Winner, Department of Defense SMART Scholar.
Thanks to Mom & Dad for their endless love and support, thanks to ICC for the first two years, and thanks to the Department of Defense for paying for it all.
I would like to thank my mom for teaching me the importance of an education, good work ethic, and contributing to the greater good. Special shout out to my partner, Dominic, who has been with me through thick and thin. I love you so much!
Thank you all for getting me to where I am today! Was a pleasure being a part of this program.
I would like to thank my family through all their support, Dave, Margaret, Jonny, Kat, Jillian, Ian, Logan. The friends and experiences I have made through CU will never be forgotten. Proud to be a CU alum and Sko Buffs!
Thank you to all the thinkers along my journey: friends, professors, machinists, and sailors. "Our souls are dyed by the color of our thoughts." -Marcus Aurelius
"If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce." - Gucci Mane
Huge thank you to my parents, along with the rest of my family and friends whose support helped get me to where I am today!
Thank you to my friends and family who pushed me to always be the best me I could be. On to the next adventure.
"Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy."
Thank you to my supportive parents, helpful friends, and amazing professors who helped me get to where I am now!
Thank you to all of my family and friends who helped and supported me along the way! I would also like to thank all the amazing professors I had throughout my time here.
Thanks to my mom, my dad, and my siblings for always being supportive of me in my journey through college. Also, thanks to all of the friends I knew before coming here and to the ones I met along the way. I could not have made it without all of the laughs and good times together.
"Never corner something meaner than you."
Thank you to my family and loved ones who have supported me so well. And thank you to all of the friends I have gained along the way. I could not have done this without all of you!
I would like to give an immense thank you to my family who have been my rock when I have struggled these last few years. I would also like to thank the GoldShirt program, ME faculty, and my peers for helping me create lifelong bonds and perform at my best. I am eager to see what comes next!
"With the grain... With the grain..." - Big Z (Also thanks Mom and Dad)
Thank you to everyone who supported me and helped me get to this point. My dad, mom, sister, grandma, and all my friends and professors, I couldn't have done it without you. And remember, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
It was a long chapter but a good one. I am glad that I made it and now it is on to the next.
I want to thank my friends, family, track teammates, professors, and everyone who supported me during my time here at CU. I'm grateful for all the opportunities I've had and I'm excited to see where life takes me next!
I had a wonderful time at this university with wonderful people. I'm so thankful to have the support of my loving parents, family, and friends along the way. I am excited to start the next chapter of my life. SKO BUFFS!
My 5th year was just a victory lap. Thanks to all my friends and family for the help along the way.
Thank you to all the people who have supported me through this adventure- especially Mom, Dad, Ian, and Isabelle. This road has been long with so many twists and turns, it wouldn’t have been possible without my community. Cheers to the future, seeing the world, and always learning!
Thank you so much to all of my family and friends for their unwavering support throughout my engineering studies. They helped me stand where I am today as I continue on in pursuit of my master's degree.
Thank you to my friends and family for their support and the opportunity to come to CU and explore Colorado. Thank you to my professors and all those that have helped me get to where I am now. I am looking forward to entering an exciting new chapter in my life and career.
Thank you to my family for inspiring me to pursue this degree and helping me begin my career as an engineer, and thank you to my friends who supported me and made me laugh every single day. I couldn't have done it without you!
I'd like to thank all my family, friends and instructors who have helped me along this journey. Next stop: graduate school.
“It’s not that deep.” - A wise man
Thank you to everyone who assisted me along my educational journey and helped me find my offering to the world. A special thanks to Mom, Dad, and Colter for their endless love and encouragement along the way, I could not have done it without you. ‘Sko Buffs!
This success was only possible with all the support from my family, my friends in Colorado and around the world, and the amazing mentors I've learned from. I'm thrilled for the opportunities I'm moving on towards, and wish all the best to our graduating class!
Huge thanks to the best department in the University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science!!!
Couldn't have made it this far without the help of everyone around me. Whether you were family, friend or someone I met in passing, thank you.
Thank you mom, dad, and all the friends I've made along the way.
12 eggs a day makes you graduate with A’s. I am an egg kinda guy. Thank you, mom and dad and all my loved ones, for the support and encouragement. With this I leave one final piece of advice, “Eggs have all the micronutrients you need plus a coconut”.
My deepest thanks to my amazing parents, siblings, and close friends for helping me through these incredible four years!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way for this amazing journey. It was an awesome experience.
Thank you so much to my family for supporting me and providing encouragement and love throughout my college years! Dad, Mom and Paul, thank you for the late night chats and always listening to me rant. Aidan, Anna, Charlie, Will & Claire - thank you for being the best siblings ever. I love you all.
If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute.
Sometimes, it is OKAY to feel all of it and then some. Passion makes you vulnerable, but isn’t that sort of the point? Thank you Mom, Dad, and Carly for the infinite support. And thank you CU, for giving me the greatest of friendships and helping me find some exciting passions.
It feels unreal to believe that I am graduating as an Engineer! Looking back at everything that I have accomplished. I released that perseverance, dedication, and discipline are key for success, but it would not have been possible without the support of my family, friends, professors, and advisors.
Thank you mom and dad for your endless support through this journey. I owe much of my success to you two and could not have done it without you! Also, thank you to my amazing classmates who always pushed me to be the best engineer possible! Sko Buffs!!
I want to thank everyone who has helped me get this degree. It was an honor attending CU.
A big thank you to my family, friends, and professors for supporting me over the past four years.
I want to thank my friends, my Senior Design project teammates, my family, the team at NOAA, my professors, and all the engineers I've worked with for helping me get this far. I'm excited to see what the future has in store for all of us.
On to greater challenges and adventures...
Incredibly grateful for the amazing mechanical engineering community at CU and my amazing friends and family who supported me throughout my journey. Sko Buffs!
Mom and Dad, thank you for all your support and sacrifices in order for my graduation. Actually, our graduation, because it was a joint effort. Your prayers are the most important support. Thank you, God for giving me the strength to purse my dream. I owe you my life and everything I have.
"Slow and steady wins the race" - My car, probably. Thank you to my family for supporting me along the way.
Thank you to my family, friends, peers, and professors who always pushed me forward and helped me believe in my own capabilities. Additionally, thank you to all those who helped make undergrad a fun time!
Thank you to mom, dad, family, and all my friends for your support.
A huge thank you to my wife, Miesha. Thank you for being so supportive. I'd also like to thank the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs for everything they have done for student veterans. I couldn't have made it this far without their help. Thank you mom for all of your love and support!
Parker Smith is a CU/CMU engineering student from Frederick Colorado. After college, he will commission as a second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Parker enjoys mountain biking and spending time with his family.
I would like to thank my family and friends who've helped and supported me along the path that has led up to this point. It's been a great four years and I'm really looking forward to what the future holds for me in engineering and beyond.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters" Colossians 3:23
Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me against the odds to make my dreams a reality. Para mis padres y futuras generaciones! Si se puede!
3x world champion.
I want to thank my family and friends for all the love and support I’ve received throughout this amazing journey. I couldn't have done it without you!
Thank you so much to my family and support network for giving me everything I needed to be successful. "Now we're going to do the most human thing of all: attempt something futile with a ton of unearned confidence and fail spectacularly" (and learn so much along the way).
Much thanks to my family and friends who helped support and guide me through a mechanical engineering degree during the COVID-19 pandemic. I loved my time at CU. I am grateful for the enjoyable college experience despite many challenges. I am excited to enter the professional world of engineering!
It is only after these four long years that I feel ready to launch myself in a new direction, to drive forward alongside my classmates and continue to explore. Thank you to all that have played a role in my journey, I have appreciated your support, knowledge and above all time.
I would like to thank all my friends that made these past years bearable, my family for their support and encouragement, and lastly to all professors, advisors, and teammates who have brought me to where I am now. I could not have done this without you guys!
Huge thank you to my friends and family. You all are the best and I am grateful for you always being there.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - Tolkien
As a first generation, college has been a wild ride. I've always been my greatest enemy in the path to success. Through the last few years, I've learned that if you do not achieve success, redefine your definition of success. Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today.
I would like to thank my family and friends for a great four years of school! On another note, I will leave you with this quote... "I'm sorry, Rum Ham!" - Frank Reynolds
Thank you to mom, dad, Katie, and the rest of the family for all your love and support throughout the years. Thank you to all the friends I made along the way that made these some of the best years of my life and thank you to all of my teachers and advisors who made this possible. Next stop, master's degree!
Thank you to all my professors and advisors that helped me get here.
Huge thanks to the Lord and my parents for helping me throughout this journey!
Thank you to my friends and family.
Thank you to my parents, girlfriend, friends, and professors who gave me all the support I needed to get to this amazing achievement. Although it's a small chapter in my life, it has shaped me forever.
Thank to my friends and family for all the support they gave me throughout my college career. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Sko Buffs!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.
I would like to thank all the friends and instructors that have supported me along my journey. I especially want to thank my family for being the backbone that has held me through the thick and thin of college life. As One Punch Man stated, "I will leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow's me."
Thankful for my friends and family that have always supported me. I could not have achieved this without them or without my God. “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” - Proverbs 18:15
Thank you to my family and friends for providing me with the opportunity to be successful within mechanical engineering. Their support has allowed me to push further into my ME career and pursue a master's degree. Thanks for all of the support.
Life can be hard but the little things make it worth it #AuAu
Big thanks to everyone for their love, support, and guidance throughout my time at CU, especially my parents!
I want to say thank you to all the professors, instructors, advisors and TAs who helped me a lot. I learned a lot of engineering skills and major skills, which can give me a good foundation to my whole career. I also learned a lot from living in a foreign state.
Thank you to my family for your love, guidance, and support throughout my four years here. I look forward to cherishing the old memories and enjoying the new ones!
Thank you to my beautiful wife for all the love and support that made this achievement possible.
Additional Graduates
Abdulrhman Khaled Almutawtah, BS
Mohammad Abdussamad Alqahtani, BS
Dylan Richard Amos, BS
Olivia Andre, BS
Brody Robert Austin, BS
Joshua Thomas Ayers, BS
Hannah Badger, BS
Andrew Scott Beiter, BS
Mila Josephine Bergmann-Ruzicka, BS
David Owen Betz, BS
Evan Paul Bickel, BS
Sean Kristopher Bohling, BS
Luc Skyler Bollen, BS
Nicholas M. Brahill, BS
Isaac Evans Brighton, BS
Steele Brizzolara-Dove, BS
Abigail Lynne Browne, BS
Joshua Thomas Burget, BS
Cadle James Burrell, BS
James Andrew Cadagan, BS
Bridget Noel Cain, BS
Benjamin Anthony Capek, BS
Benjamin Andreas Bellem Carnicelli, BS
Jack Kenny Carver, BS
Aashay Ashish Choksi, BS
Landon William Cramer, BS
Nick Doffing, BS
Patrick Doyle, BS
Sean David Dunkelman, BS
Ryan Grady Elliott, BS
Faisal Fadhil, BS
Andrew Blaine Fine, BS
Benjamin M Fonte, BS
Scott A Funston, BS
Colton Lawrence Futter, BS
Jacob Sebastian Galan, BS
Bryce Joeseph Gallo, BS
Matthew Thomas Gilster, BS
Isaac Henry Gordon, BS
Ayla Masaki Gotoh-Mack, BS
Owen Porter Grace, BS
Joshua David Greenburg, BS
Benjamin Conner Hall, BS
Justin Ingalls Hall, BS
Ethan Hall, BS
Alana Huebert, BS
Timothy Hunter, BS
Connor R Jarolimek, BS
Noah Johnson, BS
Hannah Marie Kadel, BS
Christopher Keating, BS
Jonathan Keller, BS
Bradley D Kittrell, BS
William Richard Kohnert, BS
Abhimanyu Kumar, BS
Quintin Kurtz, BS
Carter James Lambert, BS
Ryan Martin LaRocque, BS
Anika Tamar Levy, BS
Chance Jay Lewis, BS
Wilson Long, BS
Angel Miguel Luna, BS
Zachary Franklin Majors, BS
Connor McCallum, BS
Kyle Bernard McDonnell, BS
Patrick Michael McSpadden, BS
Riley Mcvaugh, BS
Tyler Alan Merchant, BS
Isaiah D Montejano, BS
Caleb L Morford, BS
Iain Alasdair Morgan, BS
Alekh Sunil Nagarkar, BS
Bradley Yunjoon Nam, BS
Johnathan Michael Neptune, BS
Anthony Hiep Nguyen, BS
Hannah Niew, BS
Haley R Passov, BS
Ethan Lee Plott, BS
Caroline Paige Qualls, BS
David Joseph Reeder, BS
Aidan Rivera Lyons, BS
Brio Rookey, BS
Payton Lee Sanders, BS
Ian Y Sanford, BS
Aaron Schwan, BS
Jacob Gavin Semrow, BS
Noah Collins Sgambellone, BS
Yiwen Shen, BS
Cole Callan Sites, BS
Kyi Soe, BS
Andrew Spencer, BS
Sean Dennis Spindler, BS
Justin Thomas Stenman, BS
Jacob Christopher Stewart, BS
Chanel Isabella Idaho Sturm, BS
Joseph Sullivan, BS
Eric Swanson, BS
Gregory Textoris, BS
Thomas Thai, BS
Joel Trantham, BS
Quinton Shunzo Uradomo, BS
Isaai Urbina, BS
Salvador Vargas, BS
Luke Anthony Verratti, BS
Andrew S Virden, BS
Jamie Frank Warren, BS
Ryan Guy Wells, BS
Gabriel Grant Pierce Williams, BS
Cole Joseph Williams, BS
Sophie Woodman, BS
Joshua Colton Worster, BS
Phillip Quinn Wu, BS
Dale Allen Young, BS