Xin Qian

Xin Qian Focus Area: Heat and Phonon Transport - Ronggui Yang Lab

Oct. 4, 2016

Xin Qian Focus Area: Heat and Phonon Transport - Ronggui Yang Lab Xin is a third-year PhD student working with Professor Ronggui Yang. His work focuses on modeling and characterizing thermal transport properties in novel materials with promising applications in solar cells and light emitting diodes and batteries to address...

Joanna Gordan Casey

Graduate Student of the Month - Joanna Gordan Casey

Oct. 4, 2016

Joanna is a member of the Hannigan Air Quality measurements group where she enjoys learning about our atmosphere and its interactions with ecosystems and human exploits. Her interests range from the volumes of molecules enclosed by the walls of our homes, to community and regional scale airshed dynamics and composition...

Geya Kairamkonda

Undergraduate Student of the Month - Geya Kairamkonda

Oct. 4, 2016

I am a sophomore pursuing mechanical engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering. I love learning outside the classroom and currently am a DLA student studying how disease affects bone structure and composition. In the future, I hope to work projects involving space travel and human habitation on Mars.

Madison Emmett

Undergraduate Student of the Month - Madison Emmett

Oct. 1, 2016

I am a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering from Northern California who enjoys being outdoors, especially when skiing or rowing. I love to travel to experience new cultures and appreciate history and architecture. I plan to use my degree to work with prosthetics and artificial limbs/muscles, and to continue research in...

Eduard Benet Cerda

Graduate Student of the Month - Eduard Benet Cerda

Oct. 1, 2016

I come from a beautiful town in the coast of Spain called Tarragona where the combination of beaches, food and environment make it probably the best place to live in the planet. After graduating as a civil engineer in Technical University Barcelona and working a full year at a water...

Professors from universities across the USA recently visited the Engineering Center.

Help Me If You Can - Universities Turning to CU Boulder Engineering

Sept. 27, 2016

The CU Boulder Engineering GoldShirt program in the BOLD Center helps students from underserved backgrounds prosper in engineering -- and now it's being adopted outside Colorado. GoldShirt works like red shirting in athletics. Motivated students who want to be engineers, but didn’t have the opportunity to get fully prepared in...

Gary Anderson

From a Forklift to the Front Office

Sept. 20, 2016

ME Graduate wins 2016 CU Boulder Alumni Recognition Award Gary Anderson (MechEngr '69) worked hard for his CU Boulder degree, and not just in the classroom: Student by day, he drove a forklift at night to support his young family. Now a retired business executive, he’s never forgotten what balancing...

Stacked Air Quality monitoring boxes in Mike Hannigan's lab.

Soak Up The Summer Research

Sept. 16, 2016

Tanya Schulz (MechEngr ’17) is thinking small, very small, so small you can't see it with a microscope small. She’s spent her summer researching nanotechnology. It's the kind of work that requires a super computer and you might think is reserved only for post-doctoral students, but Schulz is a mechanical...

Zhengwei Li

Zhengwei Li - Mechanics of Materials and Micro/Nano

Sept. 15, 2016

Zhengwei Li is a senior PhD student working with Professor Jianliang Xiao. Li's work spans a few different areas, including mechanics of stretchable electronics and optoelectronics, mechanics of soft materials, stretchable thin film, optical functional materials and nanomaterials. He is now studying hierarchical wrinkling of thin films on both flat...

Alex Yersak on the slopes.

Graduate Student of the Month - Alex Yersak

Sept. 1, 2016

Alex is a fourth year PhD student who has been investigating atomic layer deposited thin films for ultrabarriers and corrosion protection of thin metal films. He has had the opportunity to conduct his research both on campus at CU and at ALD Nanosolutions. Prior to graduate school, Alex received his...
