Published: March 17, 2017

Graduating in May? Congratulations!  Information on related events is below.  Please note the times listed are start times, and that both graduates and family members should plan to arrive early. More details will be sent out closer to graduation.

University of Colorado Commencement

Date/Time: Friday, May 12th at 8:30AM
Location: Folsom Field

Kate Bergeron

Kate Bergeron

Mechanical Engineering Recognition Ceremony

Date/Time: Friday, May 12th at 4PM
Location: Macky Auditorium
Speaker: Kate Bergeron (MS '93). Vice President of Hardware Design, Apple Computer
More about Kate Bergeron
RSVP information coming soon.  
Please join us for an outdoor reception, immediately following the ceremony.
The Mechanical Engineering Recognition Ceremony is a new tradition for ME graduates. In the past, there was a single college-wide ceremony with all departments. As the college has grown, the ceremony has gotten too long. Each department is now holding their own event.