Transnational Exchange journal cover49.1, Spring/Summer 2010
Laura Winkiel, editor

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As global flows of texts, media, persons, goods, and cultures traverse national borders, what is gained, what is lost? How do we compare these modes of being, knowing, and aesthetic expression as they move from one context to another? From what critical ground? This special issue of ELN investigates the epistemological, aesthetic, economic, cultural, social, political, and/or disciplinary histories and methodologies of transnational exchange in an effort to determine critically the stakes and premises of such exchange; the transformation and exchange of world literature/music/art; transnational migrations and diaspora; and the role of the state in creating and prohibiting transnational exchange.


In This Issue
  • The Jingo Poem
  • Immigration Removal Centers
  • World Literary Space
  • dada
  • Orientalism
  • Afro-Brazilian Theater
  • Canto-pop
  • Queer Comrades
  • Money Boys
  • Comparative Modernisms
  • and more