Advising Holds

What They Are

Advising holds (a.k.a., advising service indicators) prevent students in specific programs from registering until they've met with their academic advisor. 

There are two methods for applying advising holds in batch:

  • Identifying students based on their program enrollment in Campus Solutions
  • Using a department-provided list of student ID numbers

When They're Assigned

The CU-SIS Development team assigns holds according to the following schedule:

  • Fall: Early February
  • Spring: Mid-September
  • Summer: Mid-February

How to Review Your Holds

If your department currently uses advising holds, you'll receive an email from the CU-SIS Development team a couple weeks before the assignment date to confirm the population and text of your hold. Reply with any necessary changes, additions or deletions by the deadline provided.

If your department would like to discuss creating a new advising hold, email the CU-SIS Development team with the details of your request no later than one week before the assignment date.

Department Best Practices

Inform Students of the Hold

Students have requested that departments email them as soon as a hold is placed on their account. Here are examples from our office: Action Required: Clear Your Registration Hold(s) and Hold Applied: Register with Selective Service.

In your email, we recommend:

  • Including "Hold Applied" or "Action Required" in the subject line
  • Explaining the exact steps the student must take to resolve the hold before registration starts

If you wish to request an e-memo, all student communications are distributed by Strategic Relations & Communications. Visit the CU Boulder Today website to learn more and to submit your message as an administrative e-memo or CU Boulder Today story.

Remove the Hold Promptly

Advising holds now include a timeline for release (e.g., "After you've met with your advisor, your hold will be removed within three business days"). Please remove the advising hold as soon as possible after the student has received advising to ensure compliance with this timeline.

Manual Removal

  1. In Campus Solutions, click the NavBar icon (three horizontal lines) on the upper right.
  2. In the menu, click "Navigator" (document icon).
  3. In the navigation menu, click "Campus Comunity" > "Service Indicators" > "Person" > "Manage Service Indicators."
  4. On the "Manage Service Indicators" page, enter the student ID, then click "Search."
  5. In the "Service Indicator Summary" table, locate the service indicator to be released, and click the link (e.g., S40, S41) in the "Code" column.
  6. On the "View Service Indicator" page, click the "Release" button on the upper right.
  7. You will be asked to verify the release action. Click "OK."

Once the hold is released, it will no longer display to the student.

Batch Removal

To have advising holds removed from multiple students at once, departments may submit a student ID list to the CU-SIS Development team.

  1. For each service indicator reason (one service indicator reason per file), create an Excel file with three columns:
    • SID
    • Service indicator code and reason (e.g., S41 AMEN)
    • Term
  2. Send the file via Large File Transfer to

Please allow one business day to process the file.