Jack Barker and Michelle Leung
Two ENVS graduating seniors awarded the Jacob Van Ek Scholarship

May 2, 2022

ENVS is extremely proud to announce that graduating seniors Michelle Leung and Jack Barker have been awarded Jacob Van Ek Scholarships! The award recognizes students who excel in academics and contribute greatly to the CU Boulder community. Click here to read more about the award and present and past winners...

How cattle ranchers in Brazil could help reduce carbon emissions

March 17, 2022

Providing customized training to Brazilian ranchers can not only help keep carbon in the ground, but improve their livelihoods and mitigate climate change, according to new research from CU Boulder and the Climate Policy Initiative / PUC-Rio.

Don't Look Up Climate Platform
ENVS Chair, Max Boykoff, Part of the Expert Panel that Advised "Don't Look Up" Movie

March 16, 2022

Makers of the blockbuster Netflix movie Don't Look Up featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, elicited the help of climate scientists in the making of the movie as well as an online climate platform to guide questions and efforts that the film may inspire. One of the experts helping to advise these efforts...

Kyle Powys Whyte, Patricia Sheffels, and Maxwell Boykoff
A Successful Inaugural Patricia Sheffels Visiting Scholar Keynote Speaker

March 15, 2022

The ENVS Department hosted a successful inaugural Patricia Sheffels Visiting Scholar Keynote Speaker talk by Professor Kyle Powys Whyte (left). The lecture titled ‘Against Crisis Science: Research Futures for Climate and Energy Justice’, inspired the crowd, which included donor Patricia Sheffels (middle) and Chair Max Boykoff (right), to think of our climate crisis through the lens of indigenous peoples.

Karen Bailey holding a field mouse
Wildlife commissioner strives to listen to all voices

March 15, 2022

CU Boulder ecologist Karen Bailey, who serves on the Colorado Parks & Wildlife Commission, aims to listen to advocates for predators and also ranchers and farmers
