Faculty Research and Practice Areas

Karen Bailey: Climate adaptation/resilience, sustainable rural livelihoods, human health and well-being, human-wildlife conflict, and justice and equity in STEM

Maxwell BoykoffEnvironmental governance, environmental communication, political economy and the environment.

Cassandra BrooksEnvironmental governance and policy across scales from local to international, marine science, and natural resource conservation.

Amanda Carrico: Human-environment interactions; environmental psychology; decision-making and behavior; climate change and migration.

Dave Ciplet: Climate and energy justice, just transitions, global climate governance

Dan Doak: Conservation biology, ecology

Mark Gasta (does not accept students): Outdoor recreation economy, leadership development, corporate social and environmental responsibility, systemic change

Benjamin Hale: Environmental ethics and policy, applied ethics, normative ethics, metaethics, and ethical and environmental concerns of emerging technologies.

Joel Hartter: Sustainability, Outdoor recreation economy, human-environment interactions, conservation, and natural resource management

Joanna Lambert: Community ecology, nutritional ecology, mammals in anthropogenic landscapes, human-wildlife coexistence and conflict, special focus on primates and carnivores.

Jill LittNeighborhood environments and health, nature-based social prescribing, environmental and policy change to support pro-health behaviors, and community-based participatory research.

Diane McKnightLimnology, aquatic ecology, and reactive transport of metals and organic material in streams and rivers.

Zia MehrabiFood security, climate change, biodiversity, human health, welfare, infrastructure, technology.

Dale MillerEnvironmental & Scientific writing, undergraduate career development, & sustainable building.

Steve Miller: Environmental and natural resource economics, quantitative environmental policy analysis, effects of climate change on natural resource use and economies, applied statistics and machine learning.

Peter Newton: Socio-environmental systems, food systems, tropical forests, rural livelihoods, sustainable development.

Natalie Ooi (does not accept students): Outdoor Recreation Economy, Sustainable Tourism Destination Management, Community Economic Development, Mountain Resort Communities

Josh Radoff (does not accept students): Decarbonization, energy systems electrification, renewable energy development, green building, climate action planning, corporate sustainability, local government policy development.

William Shutkin (does not accept students): Urban resilience and sustainability, climate justice, sustainable cities, sustainability planning and management

Carrie Vodehnal: Normative Ethical Theory, Applied Ethics, Moral Psychology

Associated Faculty

Lisa BarlowClimate change and resilience Education (works primarily with first-year undergraduates)

Joe Bryan: Focuses on the politics of indigeneity in the Americas, with particular attention to questions of land, territory, and rights.

Deserai CrowLocal and state-level environmental policy, natural disaster recovery and risk mitigation in local communities and natural resource agencies

Liam DowneyEnvironmental sociology, environmental inequality, race and ethnic relations, urban sociology, stratification/inequality, political sociology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Nicholas Flores: Environmental and resource economics

Karen Gebhardt: Economics of human-wildlife interaction, economics education, and the economics of gender in the United States economy.

Michael Gooseff:  Stream-groundwater interactions, contaminant transport and fate, polar earth system responses to climate change, ecosystem processes in polar landscapes, aquatic biogeochemical cycling, and water quality modeling.

Jill HarrisonEnvironmental sociology, environmental justice, Sociology of agriculture and food, immigration politics, and political theories of justice.

Jonathan Hughes: Environmental economics, empirical industrial organization, and transportation and energy economics

Lori HunterEnvironmental Sociology, population dynamics and environmental context, rural livelihoods and natural resources in sub-Saharan Africa, climate and migration.

Rita Klees: Biodiversity conservation, water supply and sanitation, water resource management, and environmental policy.

Patricia Limerick: Environmental history, history of science in the American West, cultural perceptions of nature.

Nicole Lovenduski: Modeling and observation of ocean biogeochemistry, polar climate change and its impact on the oceans, global carbon cycle dynamics, and global climate modeling

J. Terrence McCabeLivelihood strategies and decisions relating to land use among the pastoral peoples of Eastern Africa, mostly with the Turkana of northern Kenya and the Maasai of northern Tanzania.

Rebecca Morrs: Communication and interpretation of weather and climate risks, the use of scientific information in decision making, and weather hazard prediction and predictability.

Brian Muller: Planning methods, regional planning, and planning for hazards and climate change.

Beth Osnes:  Using theatre as a tool for women to empower their voices for participation in the development that impacts their own lives and communities.

Phaedra Pezzullo: Environmental communication, environmental justice, climate justice, public advocacy, toxic politics, qualitative research

Rebecca Safran: Evolution of biodiversity, mechanisms of trait evolution, and population genomics.

Paul Sutter: U.S. and global environmental history, disease and the environment, and history of the environmental sciences.

William Travis: Interaction of environment and society, including land use and anthropogenic transformations of land cover, with a focus on the American West.

Leaf Van Boven: Cocial psychology, environmental psychology, and political psychology

James White: Paleoclimate and paleoceanography, global change, and geochemistry