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On April 4, ENVS will welcome Dr. Naomi Oreskes as the 2024 Patricia Sheffels Visiting Scholar

Naomi photo

Join us in welcome Dr. Naomi Oreskes as this year's Patricia Sheffels Visiting Scholar! We are thrilled to hear from Dr. Oreskes on her talk, Epistemic Privilege and the Gender of Climate Change Denial. 

About Naomi:

Naomi Oreskes is Henry Charles Lea Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. A world-renowned earth scientist, historian and public speaker, she is the author of the best-selling book, Merchants of Doubt (2010) and a leading voice on the role of science in society, the reality of anthropogenic climate change, and the role of disinformation in blocking climate action. You can learn more here.

Event Details:

On Thursday April 4, ENVS will host a social hour, including lunch, with Dr. Oreskes at 2:00pm in the SEEC Atrium. Following this, Dr. Oreskes will present on her work at 3:00pm in SEEC C120.