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Lecturers Sought for Fall 2023

The Department of Environmental Studies (ENVS) at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is seeking one or more lecturers to teach three undergraduate courses in the Fall 2023 semester (August 28 – December 20, 2023). The three courses are listed below, together with the class meeting patterns (days and times). Lecturers should hold a masters or PhD in a related subject. Class materials (e.g., syllabi, assignments, PowerPoint presentations) are available from previously-taught iterations of each class. All classes will be taught in-person on the CU Boulder East Campus (4001 Discovery Driver, Boulder, 80303).

  • ENVS 3034 Foundations of Environmental Justice – up to 75 students – Tues & Thurs 10-11:15am (supported by a graduate teaching assistant)
  • ENVS 3525 Water-Energy-Food Nexus – up to 50 students – Tues & Thurs 11:30am-12:45pm
  • ENVS 3621 Energy, Policy & Society – up to 50 students – Tues & Thurs 2:30-3:45pm

Interested applicants should contact Amie Redding (ENVS Program Coordinator) at: In your application email, please include: 1) your CV, and 2) a one-page (maximum) letter expressing your interest, qualifications, and experience. Within your letter, please indicate which of the three courses you are interested in teaching (and/or whether you are interested in teaching two or all three courses).

Compensation for this position is $6,740 per course.

Please submit your application as soon as possible. We will begin reviewing applications on July 26, 2023 but the position will remain open until filled.