Making Teaching & Learning Visible (MTLV) was a community of practice run from 2016 to 2021 in which faculty redesigned a selected course. Faculty worked in a cohort over an academic year and received iterative consultations and feedback from peers. Portfolio, written after a year of inquiry, identify a specific course and a question or challenge to investigate. Portfolios describe the solutions faculty devised, how solutions were implemented, and observations of student learning. Portfolios share these faculty members' processes and allow for the exchange of ideas across the university.
We invite you to explore redesigns and solutions faculty found from across the disciplines that address a variety of teaching challenges.
The following projects were completed by 2020-21 MTLV faculty participants. Faculty in this year's cohort chose their preferred medium and created ShortCUTS (CU Teaching Strategies) to describe their work.
Other ShortCUTS coming soon!