RIO Bulletin: June 7, 2022
Limited Submissions
- Due 6/13: DOE Scale-Up of Integrated Biorefineries and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in First Generation Ethanol Production
- Due 6/13: NSF Regional Innovation Engines
- Due 6/13: NSF Physics Frontier Centers
- Due 6/20: DOE Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce for High Energy Physics (RENEW-HEP)
- Due 6/20: NEA Our Town
- Due 6/27: Library of Congress—Of the People: Widening the Path: Community Collections
- Due 6/27: American Diabetes Association, Accelerator Award (Early-Career Faculty)
- Due 8/1: NEH Summer Stipends
- Due 8/8: Searle Scholars
- Due 9/12: NSF LSAMP National Coordination Hub and Louis Stokes Community Resource Centers
Featured Opportunities
- Due 6/22 (White Papers): Semiconductor Research Corporation: Analog/Mixed-Signal Circuits, Systems, Devices; Packaging Program
- Note: If interested, contact IFR's Missy Diehl.
- Due 6/29 (Concept Paper): National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) Exchange
- Due 7/1 (Letter of Intent): University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program
- Due 7/11 (Notice of Intent): NSF Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
- Due 8/15: NSF Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (CA-SR)
- Due 8/16: Sociological Initiatives Foundation
- Due 8/19: John Templeton Foundation (Select Topics)
- Note: If interested, email IFR's Andrew Chiacchierini.
- Due 9/1: NEH Humanities Connections
- Due 9/5: NSF Mathematical Biology
- Due 9/15: Fulbright Scholar Program
- Due 9/28: HHMI Freeman Hrabowski (Early-Career) Scholars Program
- 6/14: HHMI Freeman Hrabowski (Early-Career) Scholars Program Info Session
- 6/21: NSF Engines Q&A with Program Directors
- 6/27: NSF Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers: Webinar and Q&A
- 6/27–7/1: SBIR/STTR Week 2022
- 7/13: NSF Webinar: Cultural Anthropology Program
- 7/13: You've Been Awarded an NSF Grant, Now What?
- 8/30: Find$ 30min: Recycle Your Proposal: Dimensions
- 8/30–8/31: DARPA Forward Advancing the Horizons of National Security
Awards & Fellowships
- Due 8/17: Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize
- Due 9/15: Sloan Research Fellowships (Early Career)
- Note: If interested, contact IFR's Andrew Chiacchierini.
- Due 9/16: NSF Alan T. Waterman (Science or Engineering)
- Due 9/30: Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences
- Due 9/30: John F. Kennedy Library Fellowships
- Due 9/30: Stockholm Water Prize
- Due 9/30: Cullman Center Fellowships (Multiple Disciplines)
News You Need
- Call for nominations: 2022–23 Distinguished Research Lectureship
- NIH Request for Information (RFI): Interdisciplinary Research Bridging Neuroscience and Environmental Health Science; Advancing Research in Fundamental Neuroscience
- Latest AB Nexus grants advance innovative intercampus research projects
- Submit ideas for funding by 8/4: Open Philanthropy: Cause Exploration Prizes
- NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Stimulating Integrative Research in Computational Cognition (CompCog)