NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)

In anticipation of the upcoming NSF call for MRSECs, the Research & Innovation Office convened a process to engage all interested researchers in the university’s internal selection and proposal development process. Click here for the internal MRSEC call and competition details.

After an open campus-wide call for nominations for CU Boulder’s next NSF MRSEC Director, Kristi Anseth has been selected as the Director and Tim White as the co-Director.

Upcoming milestones include forming a steering committee, soliciting recommendations for Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) and convening a range of events—such as research blitzes and/or collision events—to inform the eventual MRSEC proposal.

About Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers

NSF MRSECs are comprised of two or three Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) per center and led by a single faculty member acting as MRSEC Director. While IRGs do not have to be thematically connected, the MRSEC Director must be able to articulate a vision for the integrated center. The MRSEC Director should be recognized as a national leader in the field and have the demonstrated ability to work with and develop an integrated team of researchers.

If you are interested in being engaged in MRSEC-related activities, please contact:   Kristi Anseth or    Tim White.

Latest Updates

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NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) are a network of Centers located at academic institutions throughout the United States, funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Learn more

Please contact Karen Regan:    karen.regan@colorado.edu.

Upcoming Events

  • TBA: Future events will be added here.

  Internal Resources

Click above to view slide decks and video recordings from past MRSEC@CU events.

Requires a CU Boulder Identikey login.

Anticipated Timeline

After the above workshops take place, the below timeframes are anticipated:

  Search Faculty Experts 

Research and expertise across CU Boulder.


  Research Institutes 

Our 12 research institutes conduct more than half of
the sponsored research at CU Boulder.

  Research Centers 

More than 75 research centers span the campus,
covering a broad range of topics.

  Research Computing 

A carefully integrated cyberinfrastructure supports CU Boulder research.