Third-Party Access

FERPA Protections

At the post-secondary level, student education records may be released to a parent or other third party only under the following circumstances:

  • Through the consent of the student via FERPA consent to release (established through Buff Portal)
  • In compliance with a subpoena
  • By submission of evidence that the parents declare the student as a dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax form (IRS Code, Section 152) (Parent Affidavit)
  • Under the alcohol and controlled substance exception or in connection with a health and safety emergency under the circumstances set forth in § 99.36 (if the student is under 21 years of age)

Managing Your Record Privacy

CU Boulder offers a variety of resources to help you further manage the privacy of your education record:

   CU Guest Access

Provide read-only, online access for guests to view specific components of your education records.

   FERPA Consent to Release

Authorize a parent or third party to contact CU Boulder about your education records.

   Full Privacy

Request that none of your directory information be released to any third party or published in campus directories or graduation announcements.

   Recommendation Letters

Authorize a CU Boulder faculty or staff member to write you a letter of recommendation.