Bryce Belanger - Dating climatic shifts during past warm periods. Building a U-series chronology for a Last interglacial speleothem
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Becca Goughnour - Quantifying the duration of magma flow through two Columbia River Flood Basalt dikes using the biotite Ar thermochronometer
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Aubrey LaPlante - Feldspar IRSL dating of Late Holocene earthquakes in the transfer zone between the Panamint and Ash Hill faults, Eastern California Shear Zone
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Kurt Lindberg - Improving Holocene chronologies for macrofossil-poor Baffin Island lake sediments using ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dating
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Nick Meszaros - Eruption Tempos of Fayalite and Biotite Rhyolites at Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Implications for Current Magmatic Quiescence
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Brian Penserini - Testing Multiple Working Hypotheses for Large-Scale Capture Events using low-T Thermochronometry, Sutlej River, western Himalaya
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Julianne Scamardo - Sediment storage as a driver of floodplain geomorphic heterogeneity in ephemeral watersheds across the Southwest U.S.
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Jack Simmons - Evaluating exotic vs. endemic paleogeographic models for Late Jurassic terranes in the western Sierra Nevada, California
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Haley Thoresen - Eocene Basin Record of Metamorphic Core Complex Exhumation in the Western United States Cordillera.
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