Structure of the AGeS3 initiative that combines mature (AGeS-Grad), prototype (AGeS-DiG), and new
(AGeS-TRaCE) micro-award programs to advance inclusive science and training in geochronology.
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The Advancing Geochronology Science, Spaces, and Systems (AGeS3 or AGeS-cubed) initiative is a 5-year NSF-funded project to increase access to geochronology data and expertise, to support and grow the geochronology community, and to promote inclusive and collaborative science. This will be accomplished through a trio of micro-funding programs that will make ~150 strategic micro-awards of $8-$15k each across three subprograms.
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AGeS3 is supported by NSF Frontier Research in Earth Science awards EAR-2218547, -2218544, -2218504 to R.M. Flowers (CU), J.R. Arrowsmith (ASU), L. Arthurs (CU-Boulder) and V. McConnell (GSA).