- AGeS awardees are expected to model BAJEDI principles.
- AGeS awards should be completely expensed within one year of the award.
- AGeS awardees, their host lab mentors, and their home institution supervisors participate in AGeS evaluation activities so that the AGeS team can continue improving AGeS using key feedback.
- AGeS-Grad awardees participate in teleconferences with their cohort of funded AGeS students over a two-year interval.
- For two years, AGeS-Grad awardees arrange at least one annual meeting that includes the awardee, the host lab mentor, and the home institution supervisor.
- Funding from the AGeS program should be acknowledged in all products.
AGeS should be informed of all products by sending an email to gradcontact@agesgeochronology.org, even if the product is generated after the award duration.
AGeS awardees will submit a final, informal project profile to gradcontact@agesgeochronology.org as a Word document for posting on the AGeS website. This will be in the form of a response to the set of 5 questions below with the questions as subheadings. At least two images with captions should be embedded in the Word document within the response.
What scientific question(s) does your research address and what motivates this work? (150-200 words max)
What chronometric tool did you employ and why? (150-200 words max)
What were some of the key takeaways of your research? (3 bullet points)
What new experiences, opportunities, and collaborations did you gain as an AGeS-Grad awardee? (150-200 words max)
What is one piece of advice that you have for future AGeS-Grad applicants or awardees? (1-2 sentences)