Funded Projects: AGeS-Grad
Information about the review process for the 2024 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2024 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Ayodele Anne Abayomi | Refining the chronostratigraphy of late-Quaternary Texas coastal sediments to examine climate controls on sediment flux | The University of Texas at Dallas | Luminescence |
Nicole Aikin | Canyon Chronicles: Tracing Orogenic Construction through Garnet Geochronology | University of Washington | Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb |
Yuly Paola Rave Bonilla | Newly identified monogenetic volcanoes in Antioquia, Colombia: the possibly northernmost monogenetic volcanic field of Andes Cordillera. | University of South Florida | 40Ar/39Ar |
Hannah Cothren | Developing a high-precision age model for the appearance of animal-life in Newfoundland, Canada | University of Washington | U-Th-Pb |
Ella Davis | Timing of Metamorphism and Deformation in the Southern Extent of the Northern Highlands Terrane, Scotland | Virginia Tech | U-Th-Pb |
Aniket Dhar | Speleothem Growth Dynamics in Stalagmites from Belum Caves, Southern India across Marine Isotope Stages 6-10 | University of Arizona | U-Th-Pb, Q |
Anthony Fuentes | Towards Resolving the Red Bed Controversy: Developing the Capacity for Detrital Hematite U/Pb Geochronology | University of California Berkeley | U-Th-Pb, Sed |
Adit Ghosh | Investigation of soil erosion rates in the Channel Islands to quantify a baseline to underpin soil sustainability studies in Southern California | University of Southern California | Cosmogenics |
Mikala Hammer | 40Ar/39Ar dating of cryptomelane to constrain manganese enrichment in the Emily Deposit, Cuyuna Range, Minnesota | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | 40Ar/39Ar |
Kristen Hashberger | Stratigraphy and Provenance of the Baca Formation in the Baca and Carthage-La Joya Basins, Central New Mexico | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | U-Th-Pb, Sed |
Cassandra Kenyon | OSL provenance in Colombia’s Magdalena Valley: shedding light onto Eastern Cordilleran uplift and development of the Magdalena River | University of Oklahoma | Luminescence |
Elisha Miller | How Do Surficial Processes Influence Rift Evolution? Rates of Uplift and Erosion from Lake Tanganyika | University of Oklahoma | Cosmogenics |
Kabir Mohammed | Tonian flasks: the age of a key microfossil assemblage from southern Kazakhstan and implications for Neoproterozoic eukaryote radiation | Johns Hopkins University | Re-Os |
Keanu Montanez | Assessing the timing and degree of contact metamorphism in the Funeral Mountains | Northern Illinois University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Emma Morrison | Can U-Pb zircon geochronology on gabbro intrusions in Timor Leste distinguish whether they are part of an ophiolite or from pre-collisional rifting? | Brigham Young University | U-Th-Pb |
Jada Nimblett | Geohazards associated with the Platanar-Porvenir volcanoes, Alajuela, Costa Rica. | Georgia State University | Cosmogenics |
Bailey Nordin | Targeting changes in sedimentation across a warming Arctic periglacial fan using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating | Dartmouth College | Luminescence, Q/Sed |
Aurora Rosenberger | Investigating temporal connections between normal faulting, ductile stretching, and detachment faulting in the Snake Range core complex, Nevada | Washington State University | (U-Th)/He |
Supratik Roy | Interrogating timescales of regional metamorphism during Phanerozoic v. Paleoproterozoic orogenesis | Johns Hopkins University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Rachel So | A U-Th chronology of evaporites in a hypersaline lake: Constraining lake level history at Great Salt Lake over glacial cycles of the last 280 ky | University of Southern California | U-series, Lakes |
Anna Strickland | Petrochronology of enigmatic metatrondhjemite and restite blocks enclosed in subduction melanges: Insights into potential fossilized slab melts | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | U-Th-Pb |
Zachary Walton | Alteration in Ultramafic Lamprophyres and its Control on Rare Earth Element Distribution in Western Kentucky | University of Kentucky | U-Th-Pb |
Information about the review process for the 2023 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2023 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Khawaja Ahad Javed | Is there a temporal relationship between the intrusion of Mount Hajdukovich pluton and Granite Mountain pluton of the Eastern Alaska Range? | University of Alaska Fairbanks | U-Pb |
Jonathan Anaya | Detrital Thermochronology of Mesozoic Strata in the Mongolian Altai: Implications of Inherited Structures for Intracontinental Deformation | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | (U-Th)/He |
Tristan Bench | X-Ray Mapping for Enhancing Luminescence Surface Exposure Dating Scanning Techniques | University of Washington, Seattle | X-ray mapping for luminescence study |
John Brigham | Can Sm-Nd garnet geochronology on rodingites hosted in serpentinite constrain the timing of serpentinization in the northern Appalachian Mountains? | Syracuse University | Sm-Nd |
Cole Cochran | Dating Geomorphic Surfaces to Constrain the Timescale of Carbon Cycling in a Permafrost River System | University of Colorado Boulder | Luminescence |
Samantha Dunn | LASS-ICPMS zircon petrochronology to investigate the connection between the Jackass Lakes pluton and adjacent porphyry and metavolcanic rocks | California State University Fullerton | U-Pb |
Helbert Garcia | Unraveling the response of low-latitude tropical mountains to Pleistocene climate change | Syracuse University | Cosmogenics |
Megan Gillen | Geomorphological Evolution of the Provincetown Hook, Cape Cod, Massachusetts | MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science & Engineering | Luminescence |
Benjamin Guerrero | Revealing the contribution of climate to hillslope processes using the 14C-10Be cosmogenic nuclide pair in the western Central Andes (30-36°S) | Syracuse University | Cosmogenics |
Abdullah Ibrahim | Unravelling the nature and origin of the active tectonic pulses in the failed Suez rift, Egypt | Western Michigan University | Luminescence |
Jordan Jensen | Developing a new approach to date <1 Ma fault slip using paired U-series disequilibrium and (U-Th)/He analyses of hematite | Utah State University | U-series |
Joshua Lee | Quantifying the relationship between soil production and weathering of underlying bedrock | University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) | Cosmogenics |
Yvonne Leon | Slip rate and hazard potential of the Long Valley fault near Mammoth, California | University of California, Davis | Cosmogenics |
Payton McCain | Thermal History of the Western Cordilleran Fold-Thrust Belt, southern Peru: implications for incision of one of Earth's deepest canyons | Texas A&M University | (U-Th)/He |
Sierra Rack | Timing and Paleogeography of Mesozoic Arc Accretion in the Northern Sierra Nevada | University of California, Davis | U-Pb |
Rachel Renne | As old as the hills? Investigating the age and duration of small-scale microtopography in big sagebrush ecosystems | Yale | Luminescence |
Zena Robert | Constraining the Timing of Primary Loess Deposition and Geomorphic Processes on Permafrost-Rich Hillslopes in Interior Alaska | Montana State University | Luminescence |
Nicole Salladin | Applying Detrital Zircon and Sanidine Dating to Constrain Early Eocene Chronostratigraphy and Provenance Trends in the Southeastern San Juan Basin | New Mexico State University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Victoria Todd | A Multi-proxy Investigation of Tropical Climate Variability ca. 200 ka | The University of Texas at Austin | Luminescence |
Caleb Walcott | Luminescence rock surface dating as a novel tool to reconstruct Greenland Ice Sheet history across multiple timescales | University at Buffalo | Luminescence |
Sarah Wells-Hull | Unraveling the timing and origin of enigmatic extensional faults in an ancient convergent orogen, western North Carolina | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 40Ar/39Ar |
Yiming Zhang | Dating the Grenville Loop using U-Pb apatite thermochronology | University of California, Berkeley | U-Pb |
Information about the review process for the 2021 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2021 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Bryce Belanger | Dating climatic shifts during past warm periods: Building a U-series chronology for a Last Interglacial speleothem | Vanderbilt University | U-series |
Austin Carter | A novel 234U/238U folding verification technique applied to an ice core from the Allan Hills, Antarctica | University of California - San Diego | U-series |
Rebecca Goughnour | Quantifying the duration of magma flow through two Columbia River Flood Basalt dikes using the biotite Ar thermochronometer | Idaho State University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Anselm Krause | Uplift Patterns of Marine Terraces, Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand: A Catalog of Subduction Driven Surface Deformation | California Polytechnic State University, Pomona | Luminescence |
Aubrey LaPlante | Feldspar IRSL dating of Late Holocene earthquakes in the transfer zone between the Panamint and Ash Hill faults, Eastern California Shear Zone | Northern Arizona University | Luminescence |
Kurt Lindberg | Improving Holocene chronologies for macrofossil-poor Baffin Island lake sediments using ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dating | University at Buffalo | Ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dating |
Andre Mere | Rock avalanches in a semi-arid orogen: spatiotemporal insight provided by 10Be exposure ages in the San Gabriel Mountains, California | University of California, Riverside | Cosmogenics |
Nicholas Meszaros | Eruption Tempos of Fayalite and Biotite Rhyolites at Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Implications for Current Magmatic Quiescence | The University of Texas at Austin | 40Ar/39Ar |
Shanti Penprase | Signals of environmental and human-driven change in catchment-averaged paleoerosion and terrace formation in the Whitewater River Basin, SE Minnesota | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Cosmogenics |
Brian Penserini | Testing Multiple Working Hypotheses for Large-Scale Capture Events using low-T Thermochronometry, Sutlej River, western Himalaya | University of California Santa Barbara | (U-Th)/He |
Julianne Scamardo | Sediment storage as a driver of floodplain geomorphic heterogeneity in ephemeral watersheds across the Southwest U.S. | Colorado State University | Luminescence |
Jack Simmons | Evaluating exotic vs. endemic paleogeographic models for Late Jurassic terranes in the western Sierra Nevada, California | University of North Carolina Wilmington | U-Th-Pb |
Sianin Spaur | The hydroclimate response to warming in the southwestern US across the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. | Colorado State University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Haley Thoresen | Eocene Basin Record of Metamorphic Core Complex Exhumation in the Western United States Cordillera | University of Idaho | (U-Th)/He |
Information about the review process for the 2020 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2020 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Erin Bessette-Kirton | Birth of a bridge: Cosmogenic nuclide depth profile dating of fluvial terraces to determine the formation age of Rainbow Bridge, Utah | University of Utah | Cosmogenics |
Xenia Boyes | Dating the Onset of the Iceland Plume: 40Ar/39Ar chronology of Baffin Island Basalts | California Institute of Technology | 40Ar/39Ar |
Genna Chiaro | Reassessing a Supereruption: Investigating the Eruptive Tempo of the Ora Ignimbrites (Permian, Italy) with High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Sanidine Ages | Vanderbilt University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Lisa Duong | Temporal-geochemical transition of Miocene-Quaternary magmatism towards continental characteristics at Cerro Chirripo National Park, Costa Rica | Georgia State University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Sarah Giles | Ediacaran detrital zircon provenance in South Australia: Implications for the age of the Shuram excursion and Ediacaran paleogeographic reorganization | Columbia University | U-Th-Pb |
Daianne Hofig | Age Linking Middle Miocene and Anthropocene climates: novel insights from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology | Texas A&M University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Allison Huisa | Understanding Silicic Magma Storage Using 238U-230Th Dating of Zircon and Chevkinites in a Dominantly Mafic Intracontinental Volcanic Setting | Northern Arizona University | U-Th-Pb |
Chantel Jensen | Does forearc erosion mirror short-term megathrust earthquake cycle deformation? | Western Washington University | Cosmogenics |
Mary Lonsdale | Temporally calibrating an early eukaryotic fossil assemblage with U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages | Johns Hopkins University | U-Th-Pb |
Logan Mahoney | Surficial and Geomorphic history of Reynolds Creek, Idaho | Idaho State University | U-Th-Pb |
Eyal Marder | Testing tectonic and climatic drivers of transient landscape evolution in the Colorado Front Range using river profile analysis and 10Be erosion rates | Colorado State University | Cosmogenics |
Lyle Nelson | Radiometrically dating the Great Unconformity and the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary as expressed in the Death Valley region | Johns Hopkins University | U-Th-Pb |
Oyewande Ojo | Thermotectonic history as recorded in footwall blocks of the S. Malawi Rift and N. Shire Graben border faults: Insights from apatite fission tracks | Oklahoma State University, Stillwater | Fission Track |
Nicolas Perez-Consuegra | Using apatite 4He/3He and U-Th/He thermochronology to unravel the timing and mechanism of incision of the Cauca River Canyon in the Northern Andes | Syracuse University | (U-Th)/He |
Elizabeth Patterson | Reconstructing precipitation variability in Mainland Southeast Asia over the last 20,000 years using stalagmites | University of California, Irvine | U-series |
Valarie J Smith | Timing of the onset of accretionary orogenesis and metamorphism following ~ 100 m.y. of a passive margin setting in the southern Appalachian orogen | Florida State University | U-series |
Elaine Young | Characterizing the rapid uplift and exhumation of the Fish Creek Vallecito basin, southeastern California | University of California, Davis | (U-Th)/He |
Information about the review process for the 2019 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2019 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Francisco Apen | Developing apatite petrochronology through high-precision ID-TIMS | University of California, Santa Barbara | U-Pb, Sr, Nd |
Joseph Biasi | Alteration of the Columbia River Basalts: Implications for 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology | California Institute of Technology | Ar |
Tarryn Cawood | Structural Controls and Timing of Mineralization in the Oro Cruz Gold Deposit, SE California | University of Southern California | Re-Os |
Johanna Eidmann | Evaluating how reforestation and hurricanes affect landsliding, erosion, and reservoir sedimentation | Colorado State University | CRNs |
Karol Faehnrich | 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Kaltag-Porcupine fault system of Yukon and Alaska | Dartmouth College | Ar |
Joel Gombiner | Age of Moses Coulee glacial outburst flood gravels through U-series dating of calcite cements | University of Washington | U-series |
Lisa Grohn | Crystallization and eruption history of ultramafic lower-crustal xenoliths in the north Andean arc | University of Rochester | U-Pb |
David Hernandez Uribe | Tracking the spatio-temporal evolution of the subducted Farallon oceanic slab beneath the Colorado Plateau | Colorado School of Mines | Lu-Hf |
Ellen Lamont | Evaluating Late Cenozoic Mountain Range Evolution in India's Himalayan Fold-and-Thrust Belt | Oregon State University | (U-Th)/He |
Drew Levy | Assessing the contribution of Jurassic crustal thickening to growth of the Cretaceous Nevadaplano | University of Nevada Reno | Ar |
Madeline Lewis | Timing of Mafic Intrusions Relative to Granitic Pluton Emplacement in the Sierra Nevada Batholith | California Institute of Technology | U-Pb |
Craig Martin | Detrital zircon geochronology of sediment from the Shyok suture zone in Ladakh, India | MIT | Detrital zircon |
Kirsty McKenzie | Quantifying differential uplift of the Yaquina Bay Fault, Oregon using OSL of marine terrace sands | Pennsylvania State University | OSL |
Nikolas Midttun | Relating strain localization during post-orogenic collapse to inherited crustal structure in the northern Basin and Range province | University of Michigan | Fission track |
Erin Peck | Rate of accommodation space filling following the 1700 earthquake in an Oregon estuary | Oregon State University | 14C |
Logan Powell | Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry: Evidence for the ~1.4 Ga Picuris orogeny | Colorado School of Mines | U-Pb |
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez Mustafa | Timing of mineralization in the Candelaria deposit, Chile: Implications for the IOA-IOCG continuum | University of Michigan | Ar |
Jennifer Thines | Petrogenesis of Afro-Arabian large-volume silicic magmas revealed by U-Pb zircon geochronology | University of Iowa | U-Pb |
Kirk Townsend | Linking long-term patterns of rock uplift to short-term fault kinematics and seismic hazards | University of Michigan | CRNs |
Karissa Vermillion | Spatial and temporal variations in voluminous caldera volcanism in southern New Mexico | New Mexico State University | Ar |
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Emery Anderson-Merritt | Bracketing slip rates on the Mojave San Andreas using feldspar IRSL luminescence dating | UC Davis | Feldspar IRSL Luminescence |
Snir Attia | Constructing an improved geochemical record of Mesozoic Sierra Nevada volcanism to test models of arc tempos | USC | U-Pb (LASS-ICPMS) |
Katherine Guns | Strain Drain along the Southern San Andreas Fault: Investigating possible strain transfer though faults of the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Joshua Tree National Park, CA | University of Arizona | 10Be CRN |
Brendon Quirk | Assessing the possible coseismic nature of paleo-rock avalanches in the intermountain seismic belt, Utah | University of Utah | 10Be & 36Cl CRN |
Maya Stokes | Role of river capture in retreat of the Blue Ridge Escarpment | MIT | 10Be & 26Al CRN |
Kellie Wall | Timing of Eruption Relative to Magma Crystallization during the Life of an Arc Volcano | Oregon State University | U-Pb (SHRIMP) |
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Alyssa Abbey | Arkansas River development and late Cenozoic exhumation in the southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado. | University of Michigan | Detrital U-Th-Pb |
James Chapman | Zircon δ18O Trends in Cordilleran Magmatism in the Western U.S. and the Relationship to Mantle Lithosphere Geodynamics | University of Arizona | zircon U-Pb geochronology and zircon δ18O isotope geochemistry |
Jeremy Cordova | Pressure-temperature-time evolution of the Easton terrane, North Cascades, Washington State: the record of subduction initiation. | Western Washington University | 40Ar/39Ar |
Luke Fairchild | Constraining rapid paleogeographic change in the Mesoproterozoic as recorded by the North American Midcontinent Rift | University of California, Berkeley | U-Pb (TIMS) |
Emilie Gentry | In situ U-(Th-)Pb LA-ICP-MS analysis of monazite in high-strain zones to test the extent and origin of the Norumbega fault system in the New England Appalachians, a San Andreas-type fault system. | Colorado School of Mines | U-(Th-)Pb LA-ICP-MS |
Benjamin Klein | A detrital zircon study of metasediments in lower arc crust in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Detrital U-Th-Pb |
James Mauch | Quantifying active salt deformation in Spanish Valley, UT, utilizing a chronostratigraphy of offset stream terraces | Utah State University | cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) 10Be-26Al isochron burial dating |
Alexander Morelan | Alluvial Fan Morphology Along Faulted Range Fronts as a Recorder of Slip Rate | University of California, Davis | 10Be CRN |
Matthew Morris | Thermochronometric constraints on the age of Hells Canyon, testing lithospheric foundering in NE Oregon. | University of Oregon | (U-Th)/He |
Student | Proposal Title | Institution | Technique |
Mariana Bonich | Developing novel methods to link source rock to sediment sink: overcoming the 'stepladder effect' | Syracuse University | (U-Th)/He |
Aaron Bufe | Investigating deformation in the wake of the Yellowstone hotspot using markers along the Snake River | University of California Santa Barbara | Luminescence |
Jaime Delano | Understanding earthquake-cycle contributions to uplift and incision of the southern Olympic Mountains, WA | Western Washington University | Luminescence |
Shelby Fredrickson | A geomorphic investigation of the tectonic transition between the Santa Barbara and Ventura folds belts near Rincon Point, California | University of California Santa Barbara | Luminescence |
Victor Guevara | Durations and rates of Archean high temperature metamorphic implications for continental stabilization and early Earth tectonics | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | U-Pb TIMS |
Sean Kinney | Re-evaluating the White Mountain magma series through high-precision zircon U-Pb geochronology and trace element geochemistry | Columbia University | U-Pb TIMS |
Stephen Nguyen | Is there evidence in the magmatic record from a high-standing plateau in the Great Basin? | Texas Tech University | U-Pb LA-ICP-MS |
Barbara Ratschbacher | Timescales of shallow-level pluton construction via fractionation and crystal-melt separation - implications for the volcanic-plutonic connection and upper crustal differentiation | University of Southern California | U-Pb TIMS |
Trevor Waldien | Neogene deformation at a Mesozoic terrane margin in the eastern Alaska Range, Alaska | University of California, Davis | (U-Th)/He |
Randolph Williams | Dating using the diagenetic record of the earthquake cycle, Loma Blanca Fault Zone, Socorro Basin, NM | University of Wisconsin - Madison | U-series |