Funded Projects: AGeS-Grad

Information about the review process for the 2024 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2024 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.

StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Ayodele Anne AbayomiRefining the chronostratigraphy of late-Quaternary Texas coastal sediments to examine climate controls on sediment fluxThe University of Texas at Dallas
Nicole AikinCanyon Chronicles: Tracing Orogenic Construction through Garnet GeochronologyUniversity of WashingtonLu-Hf, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb
Yuly Paola Rave Bonilla
Newly identified monogenetic volcanoes in Antioquia, Colombia: the possibly northernmost monogenetic volcanic field of Andes Cordillera.University of South Florida
Hannah CothrenDeveloping a high-precision age model for the appearance of animal-life in Newfoundland, CanadaUniversity of Washington
Ella DavisTiming of Metamorphism and Deformation in the Southern Extent of the Northern Highlands Terrane, ScotlandVirginia Tech
Aniket DharSpeleothem Growth Dynamics in Stalagmites from Belum Caves, Southern India across Marine Isotope Stages 6-10University of Arizona
U-Th-Pb, Q
Anthony FuentesTowards Resolving the Red Bed Controversy: Developing the Capacity for Detrital Hematite U/Pb GeochronologyUniversity of California Berkeley
U-Th-Pb, Sed
Adit Ghosh
Investigation of soil erosion rates in the Channel Islands to quantify a baseline to underpin soil sustainability studies in Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern California
Mikala Hammer
40Ar/39Ar dating of cryptomelane to constrain manganese enrichment in the Emily Deposit, Cuyuna Range, MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota Twin Cities
Kristen Hashberger
Stratigraphy and Provenance of the Baca Formation in the Baca and Carthage-La Joya Basins, Central New MexicoNew Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
U-Th-Pb, Sed
Cassandra Kenyon
OSL provenance in Colombia’s Magdalena Valley: shedding light onto Eastern Cordilleran uplift and development of the Magdalena RiverUniversity of Oklahoma
Elisha Miller
How Do Surficial Processes Influence Rift Evolution? Rates of Uplift and Erosion from Lake TanganyikaUniversity of Oklahoma
Kabir MohammedTonian flasks: the age of a key microfossil assemblage from southern Kazakhstan and implications for Neoproterozoic eukaryote radiationJohns Hopkins University
Keanu Montanez
Assessing the timing and degree of contact metamorphism in the Funeral MountainsNorthern Illinois University
Emma MorrisonCan U-Pb zircon geochronology on gabbro intrusions in Timor Leste distinguish whether they are part of an ophiolite or from pre-collisional rifting?Brigham Young University
Jada Nimblett
Geohazards associated with the Platanar-Porvenir volcanoes, Alajuela, Costa Rica.Georgia State University
Bailey Nordin
Targeting changes in sedimentation across a warming Arctic periglacial fan using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) datingDartmouth College
Luminescence, Q/Sed
Aurora Rosenberger
Investigating temporal connections between normal faulting, ductile stretching, and detachment faulting in the Snake Range core complex, NevadaWashington State University
Supratik Roy
Interrogating timescales of regional metamorphism during Phanerozoic v. Paleoproterozoic orogenesisJohns Hopkins University
Rachel So
A U-Th chronology of evaporites in a hypersaline lake: Constraining lake level history at Great Salt Lake over glacial cycles of the last 280 kyUniversity of Southern California
U-series, Lakes
Anna Strickland
Petrochronology of enigmatic metatrondhjemite and restite blocks enclosed in subduction melanges: Insights into potential fossilized slab meltsUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Zachary WaltonAlteration in Ultramafic Lamprophyres and its Control on Rare Earth Element Distribution in Western KentuckyUniversity of Kentucky

Information about the review process for the 2023 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2023 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.

StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Khawaja Ahad JavedIs there a temporal relationship between the intrusion of Mount Hajdukovich pluton and Granite Mountain pluton of the Eastern Alaska Range?University of Alaska FairbanksU-Pb
Jonathan AnayaDetrital Thermochronology of Mesozoic Strata in the Mongolian Altai: Implications of Inherited Structures for Intracontinental DeformationNew Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology(U-Th)/He
Tristan BenchX-Ray Mapping for Enhancing Luminescence Surface Exposure Dating Scanning TechniquesUniversity of Washington, SeattleX-ray mapping for luminescence study
John BrighamCan Sm-Nd garnet geochronology on rodingites hosted in serpentinite constrain the timing of serpentinization in the northern Appalachian Mountains?Syracuse UniversitySm-Nd
Cole CochranDating Geomorphic Surfaces to Constrain the Timescale of Carbon Cycling in a Permafrost River SystemUniversity of Colorado BoulderLuminescence
Samantha DunnLASS-ICPMS zircon petrochronology to investigate the connection between the Jackass Lakes pluton and adjacent porphyry and metavolcanic rocksCalifornia State University FullertonU-Pb
Helbert GarciaUnraveling the response of low-latitude tropical mountains to Pleistocene climate changeSyracuse UniversityCosmogenics
Megan GillenGeomorphological Evolution of the Provincetown Hook, Cape Cod, MassachusettsMIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science & EngineeringLuminescence
Benjamin GuerreroRevealing the contribution of climate to hillslope processes using the 14C-10Be cosmogenic nuclide pair in the western Central Andes (30-36°S)Syracuse UniversityCosmogenics
Abdullah IbrahimUnravelling the nature and origin of the active tectonic pulses in the failed Suez rift, EgyptWestern Michigan UniversityLuminescence
Jordan JensenDeveloping a new approach to date <1 Ma fault slip using paired U-series disequilibrium and (U-Th)/He analyses of hematiteUtah State UniversityU-series
Joshua LeeQuantifying the relationship between soil production and weathering of underlying bedrockUniversity of California Los Angeles (UCLA)Cosmogenics
Yvonne LeonSlip rate and hazard potential of the Long Valley fault near Mammoth, CaliforniaUniversity of California, DavisCosmogenics
Payton McCainThermal History of the Western Cordilleran Fold-Thrust Belt, southern Peru: implications for incision of one of Earth's deepest canyonsTexas A&M University(U-Th)/He
Sierra RackTiming and Paleogeography of Mesozoic Arc Accretion in the Northern Sierra NevadaUniversity of California, DavisU-Pb
Rachel RenneAs old as the hills? Investigating the age and duration of small-scale microtopography in big sagebrush ecosystemsYaleLuminescence
Zena RobertConstraining the Timing of Primary Loess Deposition and Geomorphic Processes on Permafrost-Rich Hillslopes in Interior AlaskaMontana State UniversityLuminescence
Nicole SalladinApplying Detrital Zircon and Sanidine Dating to Constrain Early Eocene Chronostratigraphy and Provenance Trends in the Southeastern San Juan BasinNew Mexico State University40Ar/39Ar
Victoria ToddA Multi-proxy Investigation of Tropical Climate Variability ca. 200 kaThe University of Texas at AustinLuminescence
Caleb WalcottLuminescence rock surface dating as a novel tool to reconstruct Greenland Ice Sheet history across multiple timescalesUniversity at BuffaloLuminescence
Sarah Wells-HullUnraveling the timing and origin of enigmatic extensional faults in an ancient convergent orogen, western North CarolinaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill40Ar/39Ar
Yiming ZhangDating the Grenville Loop using U-Pb apatite thermochronologyUniversity of California, BerkeleyU-Pb

Information about the review process for the 2021 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2021 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.

StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Bryce BelangerDating climatic shifts during past warm periods: Building a U-series chronology for a Last Interglacial speleothemVanderbilt UniversityU-series
Austin CarterA novel 234U/238U folding verification technique applied to an ice core from the Allan Hills, AntarcticaUniversity of California - San DiegoU-series
Rebecca GoughnourQuantifying the duration of magma flow through two Columbia River Flood Basalt dikes using the biotite Ar thermochronometerIdaho State University40Ar/39Ar
Anselm KrauseUplift Patterns of Marine Terraces, Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand: A Catalog of Subduction Driven Surface DeformationCalifornia Polytechnic State University, PomonaLuminescence
Aubrey LaPlanteFeldspar IRSL dating of Late Holocene earthquakes in the transfer zone between the Panamint and Ash Hill faults, Eastern California Shear ZoneNorthern Arizona UniversityLuminescence
Kurt LindbergImproving Holocene chronologies for macrofossil-poor Baffin Island lake sediments using ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon datingUniversity at BuffaloRamped pyrolysis radiocarbon dating
Andre MereRock avalanches in a semi-arid orogen: spatiotemporal insight provided by 10Be exposure ages in the San Gabriel Mountains, CaliforniaUniversity of California, RiversideCosmogenics
Nicholas MeszarosEruption Tempos of Fayalite and Biotite Rhyolites at Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Implications for Current Magmatic QuiescenceThe University of Texas at Austin40Ar/39Ar
Shanti PenpraseSignals of environmental and human-driven change in catchment-averaged paleoerosion and terrace formation in the Whitewater River Basin, SE MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota Twin CitiesCosmogenics
Brian PenseriniTesting Multiple Working Hypotheses for Large-Scale Capture Events using low-T Thermochronometry, Sutlej River, western HimalayaUniversity of California Santa Barbara(U-Th)/He
Julianne ScamardoSediment storage as a driver of floodplain geomorphic heterogeneity in ephemeral watersheds across the Southwest U.S.Colorado State UniversityLuminescence
Jack SimmonsEvaluating exotic vs. endemic paleogeographic models for Late Jurassic terranes in the western Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaUniversity of North Carolina WilmingtonU-Th-Pb
Sianin SpaurThe hydroclimate response to warming in the southwestern US across the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum.Colorado State University40Ar/39Ar
Haley ThoresenEocene Basin Record of Metamorphic Core Complex Exhumation in the Western United States CordilleraUniversity of Idaho(U-Th)/He

Information about the review process for the 2020 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2020 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.

StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Erin Bessette-Kirton Birth of a bridge: Cosmogenic nuclide depth profile dating of fluvial terraces to determine the formation age of Rainbow Bridge, UtahUniversity of UtahCosmogenics
Xenia Boyes Dating the Onset of the Iceland Plume: 40Ar/39Ar chronology of Baffin Island BasaltsCalifornia Institute of Technology40Ar/39Ar
Genna Chiaro Reassessing a Supereruption: Investigating the Eruptive Tempo of the Ora Ignimbrites (Permian, Italy) with High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Sanidine AgesVanderbilt University40Ar/39Ar
Lisa Duong Temporal-geochemical transition of Miocene-Quaternary magmatism towards continental characteristics at Cerro Chirripo National Park, Costa RicaGeorgia State University40Ar/39Ar
Sarah Giles Ediacaran detrital zircon provenance in South Australia: Implications for the age of the Shuram excursion and Ediacaran paleogeographic reorganizationColumbia UniversityU-Th-Pb
Daianne Hofig Age Linking Middle Miocene and Anthropocene climates: novel insights from 40Ar/39Ar geochronologyTexas A&M University40Ar/39Ar
Allison Huisa Understanding Silicic Magma Storage Using 238U-230Th Dating of Zircon and Chevkinites in a Dominantly Mafic Intracontinental Volcanic SettingNorthern Arizona UniversityU-Th-Pb
Chantel Jensen Does forearc erosion mirror short-term megathrust earthquake cycle deformation?Western Washington UniversityCosmogenics
Mary Lonsdale Temporally calibrating an early eukaryotic fossil assemblage with U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS zircon agesJohns Hopkins UniversityU-Th-Pb
Logan Mahoney Surficial and Geomorphic history of Reynolds Creek, IdahoIdaho State UniversityU-Th-Pb
Eyal Marder Testing tectonic and climatic drivers of transient landscape evolution in the Colorado Front Range using river profile analysis and 10Be erosion ratesColorado State UniversityCosmogenics
Lyle Nelson Radiometrically dating the Great Unconformity and the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary as expressed in the Death Valley regionJohns Hopkins UniversityU-Th-Pb
Oyewande Ojo Thermotectonic history as recorded in footwall blocks of the S. Malawi Rift and N. Shire Graben border faults: Insights from apatite fission tracksOklahoma State University, StillwaterFission Track
Nicolas Perez-Consuegra Using apatite 4He/3He and U-Th/He thermochronology to unravel the timing and mechanism of incision of the Cauca River Canyon in the Northern AndesSyracuse University(U-Th)/He
Elizabeth Patterson Reconstructing precipitation variability in Mainland Southeast Asia over the last 20,000 years using stalagmitesUniversity of California, IrvineU-series
Valarie J Smith Timing of the onset of accretionary orogenesis and metamorphism following ~ 100 m.y. of a passive margin setting in the southern Appalachian orogenFlorida State UniversityU-series
Elaine Young Characterizing the rapid uplift and exhumation of the Fish Creek Vallecito basin, southeastern CaliforniaUniversity of California, Davis(U-Th)/He

Information about the review process for the 2019 AGeS-Grad application cycle is in the 2019 AGeS-Grad Review Context Statement.

StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Francisco ApenDeveloping apatite petrochronology through high-precision ID-TIMSUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraU-Pb, Sr, Nd
Joseph BiasiAlteration of the Columbia River Basalts: Implications for 40Ar/39Ar GeochronologyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyAr
Tarryn CawoodStructural Controls and Timing of Mineralization in the Oro Cruz Gold Deposit, SE CaliforniaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaRe-Os
Johanna EidmannEvaluating how reforestation and hurricanes affect landsliding, erosion, and reservoir sedimentationColorado State UniversityCRNs
Karol Faehnrich40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Kaltag-Porcupine fault system of Yukon and AlaskaDartmouth CollegeAr
Joel GombinerAge of Moses Coulee glacial outburst flood gravels through U-series dating of calcite cementsUniversity of WashingtonU-series
Lisa GrohnCrystallization and eruption history of ultramafic lower-crustal xenoliths in the north Andean arcUniversity of RochesterU-Pb
David Hernandez UribeTracking the spatio-temporal evolution of the subducted Farallon oceanic slab beneath the Colorado PlateauColorado School of MinesLu-Hf
Ellen LamontEvaluating Late Cenozoic Mountain Range Evolution in India's Himalayan Fold-and-Thrust BeltOregon State University(U-Th)/He
Drew LevyAssessing the contribution of Jurassic crustal thickening to growth of the Cretaceous NevadaplanoUniversity of Nevada RenoAr
Madeline LewisTiming of Mafic Intrusions Relative to Granitic Pluton Emplacement in the Sierra Nevada BatholithCalifornia Institute of TechnologyU-Pb
Craig MartinDetrital zircon geochronology of sediment from the Shyok suture zone in Ladakh, IndiaMITDetrital zircon
Kirsty McKenzieQuantifying differential uplift of the Yaquina Bay Fault, Oregon using OSL of marine terrace sandsPennsylvania State UniversityOSL
Nikolas MidttunRelating strain localization during post-orogenic collapse to inherited crustal structure in the northern Basin and Range provinceUniversity of MichiganFission track
Erin PeckRate of accommodation space filling following the 1700 earthquake in an Oregon estuaryOregon State University14C
Logan PowellZircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry: Evidence for the ~1.4 Ga Picuris orogenyColorado School of MinesU-Pb
Maria Alejandra Rodriguez MustafaTiming of mineralization in the Candelaria deposit, Chile: Implications for the IOA-IOCG continuumUniversity of MichiganAr
Jennifer ThinesPetrogenesis of Afro-Arabian large-volume silicic magmas revealed by U-Pb zircon geochronologyUniversity of IowaU-Pb
Kirk TownsendLinking long-term patterns of rock uplift to short-term fault kinematics and seismic hazardsUniversity of MichiganCRNs
Karissa VermillionSpatial and temporal variations in voluminous caldera volcanism in southern New MexicoNew Mexico State UniversityAr
StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Emery Anderson-MerrittBracketing slip rates on the Mojave San Andreas using feldspar IRSL luminescence datingUC DavisFeldspar IRSL Luminescence
Snir AttiaConstructing an improved geochemical record of Mesozoic Sierra Nevada volcanism to test models of arc temposUSCU-Pb (LASS-ICPMS)
Katherine GunsStrain Drain along the Southern San Andreas Fault: Investigating possible strain transfer though faults of the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Joshua Tree National Park, CAUniversity of Arizona10Be CRN
Brendon QuirkAssessing the possible coseismic nature of paleo-rock avalanches in the intermountain seismic belt, UtahUniversity of Utah10Be & 36Cl CRN
Maya StokesRole of river capture in retreat of the Blue Ridge EscarpmentMIT10Be & 26Al CRN
Kellie WallTiming of Eruption Relative to Magma Crystallization during the Life of an Arc VolcanoOregon State UniversityU-Pb (SHRIMP)
StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Alyssa AbbeyArkansas River development and late Cenozoic exhumation in the southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado.University of MichiganDetrital U-Th-Pb
James ChapmanZircon δ18O Trends in Cordilleran Magmatism in the Western U.S. and the Relationship to Mantle Lithosphere GeodynamicsUniversity of Arizonazircon U-Pb geochronology and zircon δ18O isotope geochemistry
Jeremy CordovaPressure-temperature-time evolution of the Easton terrane, North Cascades, Washington State: the record of subduction initiation.Western Washington University40Ar/39Ar
Luke FairchildConstraining rapid paleogeographic change in the Mesoproterozoic as recorded by the North American Midcontinent RiftUniversity of California, BerkeleyU-Pb (TIMS)
Emilie GentryIn situ U-(Th-)Pb LA-ICP-MS analysis of monazite in high-strain zones to test the extent and origin of the Norumbega fault system in the New England Appalachians, a San Andreas-type fault system.Colorado School of MinesU-(Th-)Pb LA-ICP-MS
Benjamin KleinA detrital zircon study of metasediments in lower arc crust in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California.Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDetrital U-Th-Pb
James MauchQuantifying active salt deformation in Spanish Valley, UT, utilizing a chronostratigraphy of offset stream terracesUtah State Universitycosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) 10Be-26Al isochron burial dating
Alexander MorelanAlluvial Fan Morphology Along Faulted Range Fronts as a Recorder of Slip RateUniversity of California, Davis10Be CRN
Matthew MorrisThermochronometric constraints on the age of Hells Canyon, testing lithospheric foundering in NE Oregon.University of Oregon(U-Th)/He
StudentProposal TitleInstitutionTechnique
Mariana BonichDeveloping novel methods to link source rock to sediment sink: overcoming the 'stepladder effect'Syracuse University(U-Th)/He
Aaron BufeInvestigating deformation in the wake of the Yellowstone hotspot using markers along the Snake RiverUniversity of California Santa BarbaraLuminescence
Jaime DelanoUnderstanding earthquake-cycle contributions to uplift and incision of the southern Olympic Mountains, WAWestern Washington UniversityLuminescence
Shelby FredricksonA geomorphic investigation of the tectonic transition between the Santa Barbara and Ventura folds belts near Rincon Point, CaliforniaUniversity of California Santa BarbaraLuminescence
Victor GuevaraDurations and rates of Archean high temperature metamorphic implications for continental stabilization and early Earth tectonicsVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityU-Pb TIMS
Sean KinneyRe-evaluating the White Mountain magma series through high-precision zircon U-Pb geochronology and trace element geochemistryColumbia UniversityU-Pb TIMS
Stephen NguyenIs there evidence in the magmatic record from a high-standing plateau in the Great Basin?Texas Tech UniversityU-Pb LA-ICP-MS
Barbara RatschbacherTimescales of shallow-level pluton construction via fractionation and crystal-melt separation - implications for the volcanic-plutonic connection and upper crustal differentiationUniversity of Southern CaliforniaU-Pb TIMS
Trevor WaldienNeogene deformation at a Mesozoic terrane margin in the eastern Alaska Range, AlaskaUniversity of California, Davis(U-Th)/He
Randolph WilliamsDating using the diagenetic record of the earthquake cycle, Loma Blanca Fault Zone, Socorro Basin, NMUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonU-series