Latest News
01/2021:A Real-Time State Dependent Region Estimator for Autonomous Endoscope Navigation published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
01/2021:Enabling Autonomous Colonoscopy Intervention Using a Robotic Endoscope Platform published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
12/2020: Excited to share a Futurum article on "Mech-ing endoscopies safer by using robots you can swallow" along with accompanying education materials.
12/2020: Congratulations to PhD Candidate Leah Bowen on successfully completing her Comprehensive Exam presentation!
11/2020:Comparing Visual Odometry Systems in Actively Deforming Simulated Colon Environments presented by Mitch Fulton at the 2020 IROS Conference.
10/2020:Miniaturized Circuitry for Capacitive Self-sensing and Closed-loop Control of Soft Electrostatic Transducers published in Soft Robotics.
10/2020: Congratulations to PhD Candidate Karl Johannes on successfully completing his Comprehensive Exam presentation!
10/2020: Congratulations to PhD Candidate Kristin Calahan on successfully completing her Comprehensive Exam presentation!
09/2020:Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of a Robotic Endoscopy Platform on Synthetic Tissue Substrates published in the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control.
08/2020: Endoculus robotic capsule endoscope highlighted in the IEEE Spectrum, Digital Trends, and MedGadget.
8/2020: Max Anderson selected for 2020-2021 BSI Scholars position.
08/2020: Mark Rentschler promoted to Full Professor.
08/2020:Patterned Enteroscopy Balloon Design Factors Influence Tissue Anchoring published in the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
07/2020: Comparing Visual Odometry Systems in Actively Deforming Simulated Colon Environments accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
07/2020: Congratulations to Dr. Greg Formosa on a success defense of his doctoral research!
05/2020:Novel Optimization-Based Design and Surgical Evaluation of a Treaded Robotic Capsule Colonoscope presented by Greg Formosa at the 2020 IEEE ICRA Conference.
04/2020: Emily Zuetell selected for 2020-2021 UROP position to study "Adhesion Mechanics and Optimization of Mushroom-Shaped Microstructures and Applications to Biomedical Devices".
04/2020:Identification and Control of a Nonlinear Soft Actuator and Sensor System presented by Brian Johnson at the 2020 RoboSoft Conference.
03/2020:Identification and Control of a Nonlinear Soft Actuator and Sensor System published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
02/2020: It was a pleasure to join Marwa ElDiwiny on the IEEE RAS Soft Robotics Podcast last month, and get to share a number of aspects about our research.
01/2020:The Role of Prototypes in Communication between Stakeholders published in Design Studies.
01/2020:Friction Between a Plane Strain Circular Indenter and a Thick Poroelastic Substrate published in Mechanics of Materials.
12/2019: Congratulations to Greg Formosa on successfully completing his comprehensive exam!
11/2019:Novel Optimization-Based Design and Surgical Evaluation of a Treaded Robotic Capsule Colonoscope published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
11/2019: Congratulations to Dr. Micah Prendergast on a success defense of his doctoral research!
11/2019: Great Podcast here with our AMTL's Lieutenant Colonel Brodie Hoyer, "Veteran's Day Special with Lieutenant Colonel Brodie Hoyer".
09/2019: Dr. Mark Rentschler profiled in a College of Engineering and Applied Science story.
09/2019: Dr. Mark Rentschler invited to participate in the 2019 NAEUS Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
09/2019: Dr. Mark Rentschler named a member of the 2019-2020 University of Colorado Excellence in Leadership Program.
09/2019: A special thanks to Dr. Allison Okamura for hosting a Stanford's Special Robotics Seminar for Mark Rentschler to share the AMTL's research efforts!
08/2019: Our Endoculus robotic capsule endoscope research featured in the ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine article on Attack of the Edible Robots!
08/2019: Excited to share our Endoculus robotic capsule endoscope research with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) on Incredible, Edible Robots!
08/2019: Our research on micro-indentation and visualization featured in a CU Boulder and a College of Engineering and Applied Science story.
07/2019:Three-Dimensional Microscale Imaging and Measurement of Soft Material Contact Interfaces Under Quasi-Static Normal Indentation and Shear published in Langmuir.
05/2019: A robot may one day perform your colonoscopy: CU Boulder Today, YouTube, Daily Camera, Sytec News, Innovation News, Colorado Public Radio, Greg Formosa Profile, Micah Prendergast Profile.
05/2019: Our robotic capsule endoscopy research was cited as #1, in Robotics Tomorrow article on, "The Strangest Reasons We've Seen Robots Engineered For So Far."
04/2019: Emily DiTommaso selected for summer UROP position.
04/2019: Greg Formosa named 2019 ICRA Best Reviewer.
04/2019: Brian Johnson named 2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellow.
03/2019: Emily Zuetell selected for a DLA Poster Presentation.
03/2019: Professors Mark Rentschler and Christoffer Heckman (CU Boulder) along with Hua Wang and Hao Zhang at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) awarded an NSF Smart and Autonomous System (S&AS) collaborative grant to understand the cognition and adaptation needs of an intelligence-driven patient care approach to reduce medical errors.
03/2019: Mark Rentschler awarded a Dean's Faculty Fellowship for 2019-2020.
01/2019: Doug Fankell's ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering paper on A Small Deformation Thermo-Poromechanics Finite Element Model and its Application to Arterial Tissue Fusion, named Editor's Choice Paper for 2018.
01/2019: Mark Rentschler named 2019 Research and Innovation Office (RIO) Faculty Fellow.
12/2018: Story on Levi Pearson (AMTL Alum) and College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate for Research.
11/2018: Our robotic capsule endoscopy research featured in Medical Device Developments magazine story, Fantastic Voyage.
11/2018: Levi Pearson has successfully defended his MS Thesis research!
11/2018: Levi Pearson named Outstanding Graduate for Research in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at December Graduation.
10/2018: Micah Prendergast presents our research on Robotic Endoscopy Localization, Navigation and Haustral Fold Detection at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Madrid, Spain.
09/2018:A Modular Endoscopy Simulation Apparatus (MESA) for Robotic Medical Device Sensing and Control Validation published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
08/2018: Mark Rentschler named Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
07/2018: Micah Prendergast and Greg Formosa selected as Mechanical Engineering Research Innovation Fellows for 2018-2019.
07/2018: Mark Rentschler advanced to Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
06/2018:Energy-Based Tissue Fusion for Sutureless Closure: Applications, Mechanisms, and a Potential for Functional Recovery published in Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering.
5/2018:Prototypes as Intermediary Objects for Design Coordination in First-Year Design Courses published in International Journal of Engineering Education.
05/2018: Mark Rentschler represents CU-Boulder at the Coalition for National Science Funding in Washington, DC.
04/2018:A Platform for Developing Robotic Navigation Strategies in a Deformable, Dynamic Environment published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
04/2018: Congratulations to Mitch Fulton on being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for the next three years of his PhD studies!
03/2018: Carlye Lauff has successfully defended her doctoral research!
02/2018: Kristin Calahan and Karl Johannes both selected to present their research at the 2018 World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, Ireland.
02/2018:What is a prototype? What are the roles of prototypes in companies? published in ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
02/2018: Professor Mark Rentschler honored as the Sylvia Norviel Cancer Research Faculty Fellow.
01/2018:A Representative Volume Element Model for the Adhesion Between a Micro-Pillared Surface and a Compliant Substrate published in Mechanics of Materials.
12/2017: Metro Denver's Article on our new NSF CPS Grant: "Robotic small intestine developed at CU Boulder could improve treatment, training options." Plus, articles in Global News Connect, InnovatioNews, AZoRobotics, Sytec News, and Geniux World.
12/2017: CU Boulder Today: "A robotic small intestine? Researchers are making one."
10/2017: Professors Mark Rentschler, Nikolaus Correll, Sean Humbert and Christoph Keplinger awarded NSF CPS Grant to study Synthetic, Distributed Sensing, Soft and Modular Tissue (sTISSUE).
10/2017: Professor Mark Rentschler named Director of Faculty Innovation Ambassadors, through the Vice-Chancellor for Research office.
09/2017: Micah Prendergast’s research highlighted in Department’s Spotlight on Research.
08/2017:Positioning Performance of Power and Manual Drivers in Posterior Spinal Fusion Procedures published in Applied Bionics and Biomechanics.
07/2017: Doug Fankell has finished his doctoral dissertation.
07/2017: Karl Johannes awarded the Kenneth Johnsen Student of the Month Award in Mechanical Engineering.
06/2017: Congratulations to Haley Smith for being nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year.
06/2017: Congratulations to Joan Ortega Alcaide and Levi Pearson! Their IEEE ICRA paper has been featured in the IEEE Spectrum and The Verge.
05/2017: Karl Johannes awarded Mechanical Engineering Outstanding TA Award, 2016-2017.
05/2017: Doug Fankell awarded a CU Mechanical Engineering Summer Research Fellowship to complete his doctoral dissertation this summer.
04/2017: Alex O'Brien selected for the ME Department's Undergraduate Research Spotlight of the Month for April 2017.
04/2017: Carlye Lauff has two papers on, "What is a Prototype? Emergent Roles of Prototyping from Emperical Work in Three Diverse Companies," and "Perceptions of Prototypes: Pilot Study Comparting Students and Professionals," accepted to the ASME International Design Engineering and Technical Conference (IDETC), August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH.
04/2017: Hyun Kim awarded UROP funding to study water content measurement in biological tissue for tissue fusion.
04/2017: Professor Mark Rentschler's invited talk on "Micro-Patterned Materials to Enable In Vivo Robotic Capsule Endoscope Locomotion" noted as a Scientific Highligh at the MRS Spring Meeting.
04/2017: Carlye Lauff receives ME Department and Graduate School grants for upcoming travel to ASME conference.
04/2017: Blake Biskner awarded UROP funding to study robotic capsule endoscopy.
03/2017: Greg Formosa awarded Outstanding GEAR2S Presentation in Bioengineering and Robotics & Control Award.
03/2017: Shared Representative Appearance Learning for Long-Term Visual Place Recognition published in Robotics and Automation Letters.
02/2017: Characterizing Adhesion between a Micro-Patterned Surface and a Soft Synthetic Tissue published in Langmuir.
01/2017: Carlye Lauff's research and fellowship was featured in the Department of Mechanical Engineering's Webpage, Designing Down Under with NSF GROW.
01/2017: Carlye Lauff completed her Comprehensive exam in January 2017
12/2016: Greg Formosa awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for December.
12/2016: Madie Kern’s research highlighted in Department’s Spotlight on Research.
11/2016: Madie Kern recommended for Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program in South Africa.
11/2016: Madie Kern has finished her doctoral dissertation.
09/2016: Doug Fankell awarded the 2016/2017 Thomas & Brenda Geers Graduate Fellowship in Mechanics.
08/2016: Carlye Lauff was chosen as a James Dyson DFA Design Leader to promote prototyping for social impact at CU Boulder.
08/2016: Professors Rong Long and Mark Rentschler awarded NSF Grant to study 3D Micromechanics of Adhesion and Friction.
07/2016: Eric Kramer has finished his doctoral dissertation.
06/2016: Professor Rentschler awarded the 2016 College of Engineering and Applied Science Dean’s Performance Award for Outstanding Junior Faculty.
05/2016: Strength and Persistence of Energy-Based Vessel Seals Rely on Tissue Water and Glycosaminoglycan Content published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
05/2016: Carlye Lauff awarded an NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Fellowship to conduct six months of doctoral research at the Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Design Innovation, Australia, during 2017.
05/2016: Eric Kramer awarded Mechanical Engineering Outstanding TA Award, 2015-2016.
05/2016: Greg Formosa awarded Mechanical Engineering Outstanding TA Award, 2015-2016.
05/2016: Professor Rentschler’s group awarded a Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade - Advanced Industries Accelerator Program Grant to develop an Endoscopically Deliverable Overtube to Prevent Colonoscope Looping and Colon Distension; Collaborator: Donald Kirkpatrick (Denver Health).
04/2016: Doug Fankell has finished his Comprehensive Exam.
04/2016: Professor Rentschler’s group awarded CU Innovative Seed Grant for Enabling Interactive Control of In vivo Robots; Collaborators: Sean Humbert (CU-Boulder), & Donald Kirkpatrick (Denver Health).
04/2016:A Novel Parameter for Predicting Arterial Fusion and Cutting in Finite Element Models published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
03/2016: Rachel Wilmoth and Greg Formosa named Honorable Mention for National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships.
02/2016: Doug Fankell has been selected to attend the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop.
01/2016: Eric Kramer has finished his Comprehensive Exam.
12/2015: Madalyn Kern has finished her Comprehensive Exam.
12/2015: John Kearns has finished his M.S. thesis.
09/2015:Human study of intestinal manometry for robotic capsule endoscopy published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
09/2015: Mark Rentschler awarded the Department of Mechanical Engineering 2014-2015 Woodward Outstanding Faculty Award.
08/2015: Automated traction measurement platform for micro-patterned materials published in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
07/2015: Levin Sliker has finished his doctoral dissertation.
07/2015: Mark Rentschler awarded the 2015 CU-Boulder’s Provost Faculty Achievement Award.
07/2015: Research showing that tissue storage ex vivo significantly increases vascular fusion bursting pressure published in Surgical Endoscopy.
05/2015: Levin Sliker awarded a Mechanical Engineering Summer Support Fellowship.
05/2015: Micah Prendergast awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for May.
04/2015: Madalyn Kern awarded an NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Fellowship with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
04/2015: Levin Sliker awarded a CU Graduate Summer Doctoral Fellowship.
04/2015: Micah Prendergast awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Research Fellowship.
04/2015: Carlye Lauff awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship.
03/2015: Eric Kramer awarded Best Presentation at GEAR2S 2015.
12/2014: Preconditioning protocol for mechanical measurement of small intestinal tissue published.
12/2014: Douglas Fankell awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for December.
12/2014: Emily Lindley, Vikas Patel, Evelyn Burger and Mark Rentschler awarded a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment grant for A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study Comparing the Analgesic Efficacy of Cannabis versus Oxycodone. As reported by ABC News, Denver Post and the NY Times.
10/2014: Mark Rentschler awarded the Department of Mechanical Engineering 2013-2014 Outstanding Graduate Education Award.
08/2014:Tissue adhesion properties, experimental and modeling results, published in the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
07/2014: Tissue bond strength research published in the ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
07/2014: Carlye Lauff awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for July.
06/2014: Madalyn Kern, Carlye Lauff, and Doug Fankell all received Graduate School Travel Grants for upcoming conferences.
05/2014: Virginia Ferguson and Mark Rentschler awarded a CCTSINovel Clinical and Translational Methods Pilot Program Award to study Biomechanical Measurements of the Uterine Cervix at Parturition.
04/2014: Nick Anderson received Boettcher Foundation Educational Enrichment Grant.
04/2014: Micah Prendergast named National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention.
03/2014: Eric Kramer awarded Best Poster at GEAR2S 2014.
03/2014: Douglas Fankell awarded Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Teaching Assistant Award (2013-2014).
02/2014: Tissue bond strength research accepted to the Design of Medical Devices Conference.
02/2014: Joan Ortega has finished his M.S. thesis through the Balsells Scholarship Program.
02/2014:Cognitive Ethnographies of Engineering Design research accepted to the International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS) and American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Zone IV Conference.
01/2014: Small bowel biaxial measurement and viscoelastic model to be published in the International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics.
12/2013: Mark Rentschler award the College of Engineering and Applied Science 2013 Charles Hutchinson Memorial Teaching Award.
12/2013: Shape memory polymer surgical hernia mesh research published in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B.
12/2013: Morgan Hill has finished her M.S. thesis.
12/2013: Matthew Francisco has finished his M.S. thesis.
11/2013: Madalyn Kern awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for November.
10/2013: Tissue fusion bond strength research published in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
10/2013:“Restoring surgeons' sense of touch during minimally invasive surgeries” - wireless tissue palpation research highlighted in Medical Xpress and Newswise.
10/2013: Nicholas Anderson awarded UROP funding to study load-controlled tissue fusion.
10/2013: Wireless tissue palpation research published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
10/2013: Eric Kramer awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for October.
09/2013: Our Robotic Capsule Endoscope research featured in Laser Focus World.
09/2013: Tribological investigation of the small bowel published in Tribology Letters.
09/2013: Direct heat arterial tissue fusion research published in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
08/2013: AMTL receives NSF Research Grant to study, “Cognitive Ethnographies of Engineering Design.”
07/2013:Wheel-tissue interaction mechanics research published in the Medical Engineering and Physics.
07/2013:Shape memory polymer surgical hernia mesh research published in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A.
07/2013: James Cezo has finished his doctoral dissertation.
06/2013: James Cezo selected to join the Innovation Fellows Program in the Medical Devices Center at the University of Minnesota.
05/2013: James Cezo awarded a Mechanical Engineering Summer Support Fellowship.
04/2013: Michael Zimkowski discusses shape memory hernia patch research with the Denver Post.
04/2013: Levin Sliker awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study Biorobotics at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy during 2013-2014.
04/2013: Tissue fusion group awarded CU Innovative Seed Grant for Thermal Tissue Bonding Mechanics for Improved Device Design; PI: Virginia Ferguson, Co-PI: Mark Rentschler.
04/2013: Levin Sliker awarded a Whitaker International Fellowship to study Biorobotics at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy during 2013-2014.
04/2013: Charles Wheeler awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
01/2013: Soft tissue viscoelastic compressive modeling accuracy comparison research published in the Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
01/2013: Tribological investigation of the small bowel research published in Tribology International.
10/2012: Mark Rentschler awarded the Department of Mechanical Engineering 2011-2012 Outstanding Graduate Education Award.
10/2012: Levin Sliker awarded the 2012/2013 Thomas & Brenda Geers Graduate Fellowship in Mechanics.
09/2012: AMTL receives NSF Research Grant to study, “Surface Micro-Patterning and Material Design to Enable In vivo Mobility.”
07/2012: Allison Lyle has finished her M.S. thesis.
07/2012: Xin Wang has finished his doctoral dissertation.
07/2012: Migrating motor complex in vivo sensor design and characterization research published in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
06/2012: Small intestine mucosal adhesivity research published in the Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
06/2012:Design and characterization of a novel testing platform for evaluating micro-patterned tread performance published in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
05/2012: Robotic capsule endoscope (RCE) research published in the Journal of Surgical Endoscopy.
05/2012: Ben Terry receives the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2012.
05/2012: Ben Terry has accepted a faculty position at the University of Nebraska in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.
04/2012: Nicholas Anderson featured on College of Engineering and Applied Science webpage.
04/2012: Morgan Hill awarded UROP funding to redesign and evaluation a computer-controlled pressure algometer.
04/2012: Mark Rentschler receives the University of Colorado at Boulder, Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Faculty Award, 2011-2012.
04/2012: Ben Terry has finished his doctoral dissertation.
03/2012: Madie Kern awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
03/2012: Myenteric contractions force measurements, on a solid bolus in the small bowel, research published in Journal of Robotic Surgery.
03/2012: Ben Terry has completed his oral doctoral dissertation exam.
03/2012: Pediatric ventricular septal defect camera system research published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
02/2012:Novel magnet camera system research published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
01/2012: Mark Rentschler featured in University of Nebraska Medical Center, CAST Newsletter (PDF).
12/2011: Mark Rentschler discussesSurgical Crawlers on College of Engineering and Applied Science webpage.
12/2011: Allison Lyle awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for December.
11/2011: Ben Terry, Xin Wang, Jim Cezo, Levin Sliker, Allison Lyle, and Madie Kern present research at ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
11/2011: Single port access camera research published in Surgical Innovation.
10/2011: Preliminary small bowel mechanical force measurements published in ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.
10/2011: Nick Anderson awarded HHMI UROP funding to design, fabricate, and experimentally test a novel magnetic camera for single incision surgery.
09/2011: Charlie Wheeler awarded UROP funding to experimentally evaluate micro-patterned treads for robotic capsule endoscopy.
08/2011: Levin Sliker awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for August.
07/2011: Xin Wang has completed his comprehensive exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate.
06/2011:Pain quantification research published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
06/2011: Ben Terry has completed his comprehensive exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate.
06/2011: Nicholas Anderson awarded a Boettcher Scholarship.
05/2011: Madalyn Kern awarded a Discovery Learning Apprenticeship.
05/2011: Michael Zimkowski has completed his doctoral preliminary exams.
04/2011: Levin Sliker has completed his doctoral preliminary exams.
04/2011: Keir Hart has finished his M.S. thesis.
04/2011: Zachary Mills has finished his M.S. thesis.
01/2011: Zachary Mills awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for January.
12/2010: Gastrointestinal Tract Tissue Mechanics Characterization for Mobile In vivo Surgical Robots, Junior Faculty Pilot Award project, with Dr. Jonathan Schoen (CU-Anschutz), has been funded by the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI).
12/2010: Micro-patterned tread research published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
11/2010: GI Crawler project discussed in the Denver Post’s article on, “Wise Inventions Popping Up At State's Universities.”
11/2010: Tissue Model for Vessel Sealing project, with Dr. Virginia Ferguson (CU-Boulder) has been funded by Conmed Electrosurgery.
09/2010: Madalyn Kern awarded UROP funding to design, fabricate, and experimentally test a small robotic crawler for the small bowel.
08/2010: Boutonniere Brace work published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices.
08/2010: Jim Cezo awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for December.
07/2010: Michael Zimkowski has finished his M.S. thesis.
07/2010: Xin Wang awarded the ASME Applied Mechanics Division’s Haythornthwaite Foundation Travel Award for his conference paper to be presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Vancouver, Canada, in November, 2010.
05/2010: Professor Rentschler interviewed by regarding working with CU’s Technology Transfer Office and the New Inventor Award.
05/2010: Levin Sliker awarded the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Senior for Research Award and Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Senior Award.
04/2010: Levin Sliker’s Discovery Learning Apprenticeship research poster awarded 1st Place in “Sensing What You Can’t See” division.
04/2010: Ben Terry awarded an NSF GK-12 Fellowship.
04/2010: Levin Sliker awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
04/2010: Rentschler Research Group’s efforts highlighted in CU Engineering article, “Capsule Crawler Opens New Surgical Vistas”.
03/2010: Allison Lyle awarded UROP funding for the summer to measure shear properties of the small bowel for in vivo mobility.
03/2010: Xin Wang awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for March.
02/2010: PortCamera preliminary work published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
01/2010: Professor Rentschler awarded the University of Colorado at Boulder 2009 New Inventor of the Year by the Technology Transfer Office.
12/2009: Michael Zimkowski awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for December.
10/2009: Professor Rentschler honored as Professor of Match during CU’s volleyball match.
08/2009: Austin Ruppert has finished his M.S. thesis.
07/2009: Rosie Steinhaus’ summer UROP work highlighted by the CU Athletics Department.
07/2009: Ben Terry awarded M.E. Department’s Kenneth Johnsen Graduate Student Award for July.
06/2009:Modular surgical robotic work published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
05/2009: Levin Sliker awarded a Discovery Learning Apprenticeship.
05/2009: Professor Rentschler’s group awarded CU Innovative Seed Grant for New Dynamic Tissue Modeling for Mobile In vivo Surgical Robots; Collaborators: Jerry Qi (CU-Boulder), & Jonathan Schoen (CU-Anschutz).
04/2009: Rosie Steinhaus awarded UROP funding for the summer to evaluate a new laparoscopic port camera.
04/2009: Levin Sliker awarded UROP funding for the summer to study improved in vivo robotic locomotion.
02/2009: Scott Macdonald awarded BMEidea award for his work on an improved boutonniere brace.
02/2009: Material modeling and wheel-tissue interaction work published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.
01/2009: Scott Macdonald awarded UROP funding for the spring semester to continue his work on an improved boutonniere brace.