Get Involved
What does getting involved mean?
The ENVS Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) action group is divided into four different working groups to cover a variety of topics and goals for making our department a space that welcomes and supports people from marginalized groups. When you sign up to join the JEDI action group, you can choose one or more of these working groups, described below, depending on your interests. Working groups meet weekly or every two weeks and projects may involve an hour or two of work outside of meetings per week. If you don't have time to commit to a working group, we often host Community in Action events and other opportunities to help out with one-time needs.
Who can join the JEDI Committee?
Membership is open to any Environmental Studies department faculty, staff, researchers, and students!
- Focus Area 1: Inclusive culture and climate--this group works on ensuring that all members of our cummuniity are treated equitably; that community members recieve JEDI-related training; and that JEDI concerns are incorporated across the program in events, practices, and more.
- Focus Area 2: Inclusive hiring and retention--this groups works to create and maintain equitable hiring and assessment processes for ENVS faculty.
- Focus Area 3: Inclusive curricula--this group works to incorporate JEDI into undergraduate and graduate courses and curriculum requirements.
- Focus Area 4: Coordination--this group coordinates events, collaborations between working groups, and partnerships with departmental committees and external entities. This group also works on long-term objectives, planning, and goal-setting for the JEDI action group
Join the ENVS JEDI ListServe
The ENVS JEDI listserve provides event and meeting notifications and other announcements related to JEDI in the department.
- Log in to the CU Boulder Virtual Private Network (VPN). Install the VPN here.
- Open a browser and enter into the URL bar. You must be logged into the CU Boulder VPN to access the lists manager.
- Enter your CULoginName (IdentikeyUsername) and IdentiKey password into the corresponding fields in the top right window, then click Login.
- Search for and select the ENVS JEDI list: envs-jedi
- Click Subscribe in the left sidebar.
- You will now be subscribed to the list, and an alert will appear with the message, subscribe: action completed.
For more detailed screenshots of this process, visit the Office of Information Technology Subscribe to a List Tutorial.
- Open a browser and enter into the URL bar.
- Enter your CULoginName (IdentikeyUsername) and IdentiKey password into the corresponding fields in the top right window, then click Login.
- Select the ENVS JEDI list: envs-jedi in your left sidebar
- Click Unsubscribe in the left sidebar.
- You will now be unsubscribed from the list, and an alert will appear with the message, signoff: action completed.
For more detailed screenshots of this process, visit the Office of Information Technology Unsubscribe to a List Tutorial.
Find the next scheduled ENVS JEDI Event
Scheduled ENVS JEDI meetings can be found on the JEDI Events Calendar.