Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award

Established in 1966, the DEAA honors graduates and friends who have distinguished themselves through outstanding personal qualities, knowledge, and significant contributions to their fields. These contributions may fall into six categories:

  • Education
  • Research and Invention
  • Government Service
  • Industry and Commerce
  • Private Practice
  • Special (Alumni distinguished in other areas or non-alumni who deserve recognition for service to the college)

The committee considers these criteria:

DEAA Criteria

  • Career: Has the nominee achieved a high level of distinction in his or her field as measured by career trajectory, prior awards, or substantial contributions that have had a positive impact on the profession or society?
  • Community and professional service: Has the nominee given his or her time and talents, above and beyond normal job expectations, in service to the local, national, or international community or to professional societies and associations?
  • Continued involvement with CU Engineering: Has the nominee remained engaged with the college by serving on an advisory board, giving guest lectures, mentoring students, providing financial support, or in other ways?

The selection committee equally weighs each criterion during the scoring process, and they require a nominee to have strong achievements in all three categories.

Faculty, staff, alumni, or friends of the University of Colorado Boulder may submit nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominating two candidates for a joint award is not permitted, as their contributions to all three criteria generally differ, making it difficult to evaluate two candidates on a joint basis. Instead, if two nominees are closely coupled, such as having achieved recognition for a cooperative achievement, separate nominations should be submitted in the same year.

Special category awards are generally limited to one per year with rare exceptions. Please note, nominations of current, full-time College of Engineering and Applied Science faculty or staff is not permitted. Alumni can be considered for a DEAA after they are no longer employed by the college full-time.

Incomplete nominations or those received after the Nov. 15 deadline will be deferred until the following year. Nominations that don’t meet guidelines (including the minimum/maximum number of supporting letters) will be returned to the nominator.

Nominations remain active for three years, meaning a nominee not selected in the year the nomination is submitted will have two additional years of consideration. Nominators are encouraged to refresh nominations during their active period to add new information or achievements.

Winners must be available to accept the award in person at the Engineering Awards Banquet. A nominee who is chosen for the award but unable to attend the banquet will be returned to the pool for consideration the following year as long as the nomination is still within its three-year active status.

Recent Alumni Award

Recent Alumni Award nominees must have graduated from the College of Engineering and Applied Science with a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree within the last 10 years, as counted from the year of graduation for the most recent degree. (Example: A May 2013 BS and May 2013 MS graduate would have eligibility through December 2023; a December 2013 graduate would have eligibility through December 2023.)

(50%) – Career accomplishments and professional development: Nominee has made a significant or distinct contribution(s) to an organization, business, or cause since graduation from the college. This may include demonstrated experience or knowledge of field. Examples: formal recognition/awards, patents, innovations, key projects; active involvement in professional organizations; leadership roles in professional groups or boards, or in the company/industry in which they are employed; training and certifications, advanced education, and licenses.

(25%) – Continued involvement with CU and the college: Nominee actively participates in university or college-sanctioned/organized events or activities and/or gives back to the college/university in the form of time or money. Examples: student mentorship, senior design project involvement, departmental engineering boards, engineering societies, freshman projects, alumni events, financial contributions, speaking engagements, industry recruitment, etc.

(25%) – Character, growth, and service: Nominee exhibits exemplary personal qualities and development. Examples: proven leadership skills or qualities, passion for interests, demonstrated integrity and ethical decision-making, and commitment of time, experience, and/or recurring involvement with volunteer, nonprofit, or outreach work.

Faculty, staff, alumni, or friends of the University of Colorado Boulder may submit nominations. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominees who do not meet the eligibility requirements will not be considered. Nominations that are incomplete or received after the Nov. 15 deadline will be deferred until the following year. Nominations that do not conform to the guidelines (including the minimum/maximum number of supporting letters) will be returned to the nominator. Please note, nominations of current, full-time College of Engineering and Applied Science faculty or staff are not permitted. Alumni can be considered for a RAA after they are no longer employed by the college full-time.

Nominations remain active for three years, meaning a nominee not selected in the year the nomination is submitted will have two additional years of consideration.

Winners must be available to accept the award in person at the Engineering Awards Banquet. A nominee who is chosen for the award but unable to attend the banquet will be returned to the pool for consideration the following year as long as the nomination is still within its three-year active status.

Make a nomination