November 21, 2013, 3:30-5:00, UMC 247
Meeting Minutes
Representatives present: Daniel Barth, PSYC; Giulia Bernardini, HUMN; Deane Bowers, EBIO; Jack Burns, APS; Brian Catlos, RLST; Cathy Comstock, RAPS; Bert Covert, ANTH; Damian Doyle, PWR; Francoise Duresse, AAH; Amma Ghartey-Tagoe Kootin, THDN; David Grant, MATH; Weiqing Han, ATOC; Asunción Horno-Degado, SPAN; Alison Jaggar, WMST; David Jonas, CHEM; Catherine Labio, ENGL; Mark Pittenger, HIST; Mike Radelet, SOCY; Rob Rupert, PHIL; Greg Tucker, GEOL
Representatives not present: Michela Ardizzoni, FRIT; Reece Auguiste, FILM; Paul Beale, PHYS; Cynthia Carey, IPHY; Diane Conlin, CLAS; Vanja Dukic, APPM; Daniel Kaffine, ECON; Chris Kopff, HNRS; Susan Moore, SLHS; Bhuvana Narasimhan, LING; Greg Odorizzi, MCDB; Matthias Richter, ALC; Elisabeth Root, GEOG; Beverly Weber, GSLL; Bianca Williams, ETHN
Also present: Steven Leigh, Leslie Reynolds
The meeting was called to order at 3:33PM. Catherine Labio thanked the representatives who came out on a snowy day.
Dean’s Remarks, Steven Leigh
The University of Colorado Boulder’s rank is rising for Fulbright Scholars, both students and faculty.
Dean Leigh had been encouraged by the campus uptake on the Academic Quality Initiative developed by the Planning Committee last year. An enrollment management committee has been formed to consider the implications of growing the campus 10 percent. The registrar’s office has looked at the success of the scholarship program proposed by the ASC Budget Committee and approached 242 students who were getting behind in their progress toward graduation. Of those students, 52 were given scholarships of $500 or $1,000 to take classes during summer session. Half of those students are now on track and all but one is still enrolled. Arts and Sciences hopes to expand summer scholarships, possibly by using summer revenue.
Last summer’s session put about $1,000,000.00 back into the departments.
The Budget Committee will be looking at dynamic budgeting this year.
Dean’s Charge, Catherine Labio, Steven Leigh
Today, Professor Labio and Dean Leigh completed the new Core Review Committee. They will meet for the first time before the winter break. Many questions concerning the core have been coming up including questioning the need for a core. The committee will present its findings in the spring; the ASC will vote on it in April.
Catherine Labio opened the floor for comments on the Dean’s Charge. Among the issues discussed:
Dean Leigh reminded the representatives that he can only make suggestions on what issues the ASC will take up. The faculty should be telling the campus what to do. There is a committee of chairs and directors who are looking at short term issues; he advises that the ASC focus more on where the campus ought to be in 10 to 20 years.
Professor Labio asked the ASC representatives to contact her with issues they want to discuss; if they send her a topic, the ASC can hold a debate or invite guests to speak on concerns of mutual interest.
Chair’s Remarks, Catherine Labio
Last month the issue of faculty involvement in CU communications was raised. There is a new campus communications platform called Be Boulder that was developed with faculty input through the BFA.
Professor Labio asked the representatives to look at the calendar of events link and let he know if it meets the faculty’s needs.
In December there will be a joint meeting with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS); please invite fellow faculty members.
Online Education, Rob Rupert
Professor Rupert asked the ASC representatives to consider a set of 12 proposed guidelines for online course evaluation developed by the Curriculum Committee to help departments evaluate their new online courses. This document focuses on academic issues. ASSETT has other guidelines, which deal with technical matters. This is not a definitive document and not meant to be an endorsement of online courses. The Curriculum Committee will continue to provide oversight.
A few issues discussed:
Quoting from the Online Instruction Policies (the full document is available as an appendix to the minutes of the 4.18.13 meeting):
“Online courses are understood to be those courses that have a significant instructional component (one-third or more of the instruction that is delivered) that occurs outside the traditional classroom (face-to-face) setting.
Professor Labio asked the representatives to take the guidelines drafted by the Curriculum Committee to the departments and discuss. There will be a vote in December.
Libraries, Leslie Reynolds, Senior Associate Dean, Libraries
Dean Reynolds started with the goal of the libraries:
Advance learning and discovery in the University and beyond by providing access to a broad array of resources for education, research, scholarship, and creative work to inspire and ensure the interchange of ideas.
The libraries are in the midst of a program review and budget issues are the biggest challenge. The libraries would need a 6 to 8 percent increase in budget to keep up with inflation; this year the libraries received a 5 percent increase and last year received no increase. To make up for this shortfall the libraries cancel journal titles and buy fewer publications. The budget situation is unsustainable; teaching and research can’t be supported if this trend continues. 70 percent of the acquisition budget goes to paying for serials, 30 percent goes to purchasing books.
There are not enough librarians to provide support for research in engineering and the sciences.
There is a growing demand for instructional support services.
Norlin would like to stay open as long as the Commons (24/5) is open, but doesn’t have the resources. Archives (in the basement) needs environmental controls. The operations budget hasn’t increased since the days of the card catalog and typewriters.
Some positive news: Library faculty have recently approved an opt-out Open Access Policy for their publications and hope that the rest of the campus will adopt the same. This information was shared with the BFA Library Committee. The libraries have a partnership with high performance computing on research data services. Also, the libraries are working with Faculty Affairs on a new faculty profiling system, VIVO.
Dean Reynolds opened the floor to discussion. Among the issues raised:
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM
Minutes submitted by Janice Jeffryes