Student Resources

The College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado offers many academic support services. Some of these are listed here with links to relevant schedules

  • The Blanca Nodes are high performance machines that students have access to for research computing
  • CU Boulder's VPN service provides a secure connection to the campus network from any location for access to campus resources
  • The Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) offers IT support for students as well as common tech services
  • Students can obtain free licenses for MATLAB and Mathematica for educational purposes

Research is a fundamental aspect of graduate student education. Many students utilize outside funding to be able to achieve their research goals. Below you will find a compiled list of various fellowships and grants available to graduate students and postdocs. If you are interested in additional funding, please explore the list of opportunities and feel free to contact the graduate chair for assistance.

Fellowships/Awards for Graduate Students

Fellowships for Postdocs

Resources available to students in distress

·      Alcohol and Substance Abuse Resources

·      Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) including after hours crisis services

·      Don't Ignore It: For seeking confidential support, reporting concerns, and learning skills for helping as friends and bystanders. Don't ignore harassment, discriminatory actions, unwanted sexual behavior, an abusive partner, and stalking.

·      National Graduate Student Crisis Line

·      Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance​

·      Office of Victim Assistance

·      Quick Assist: A guide provided by Student Affairs to help faculty and staff identify and refer distressed students.

·      Student Legal Services

·      Health and Wellness Services

Additional Off-Campus Resources:

·      Alcoholics Anonymous

·      Domestic Violence Crisis Services

·      Moving to End Sexual Assault (MESA)

·      National Graduate Student Crisis Line, (877) GRAD-HLP or (877) 472-3457

·      Safehouse