Michael M. Byram Distinguished Visiting Professor Nomination Form
The Michael M. Byram Distinguished Visiting Professorship (Byram Distinguished Professor) is a new and strategically important component of The Smead Program. This visiting appointment is designed to enhance the Department’s stature and global impact by providing an opportunity to recruit a senior aerospace faculty member to our campus for one semester or a full academic year. During this time, the Byram Distinguished Professor will learn about our programs, hold research seminars, perform collaborative research on our campus, mentor students and faculty, and build future collaborations across our Department.
The Smead endowment provides resources to facilitate this addition to our ranks, and funds are available to support the salary and research needs of the selected candidate whether they visit for a single semester, an academic year, or a calendar year. Byram Distinguished Professors must be able to serve in full-increment semesters (i.e. one full semester or two full semesters, if not the calendar year), in order to be considered.
Following nominations, selection of the Byram DVP is managed by the Department Chair, Brian Argrow, Dean Bobby Braun (who is also the Smead Space Technology Chair), and the A. Richard Seebass Chair, Prof. Dan Scheeres, in consultation with the current Smead Faculty Fellows, Profs. Marcus Holzinger & Alireza Doostan.
We are pleased to welcome Professor Sergio Pellegrino from Caltech as our inaugural Byram DVP in Spring 2019! Please help us create a robust list of potential candidates for the coming academic year and beyond. All suggestions (and why you want us to consider them) are welcome!