Nisar Ahmed

  • Associate Professor
  • Director of RECUV

Focus Area

Autonomous Systems (AUT)


PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Dynamics, Systems and Controls), Cornell University, 2012
MS, Mechanical Engineering (Dynamics, Systems and Controls), Cornell University, 2009
BS, Engineering, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 2006

Professional Experience

2023 - Present, Site Director for NSF IUCRC Center for Aerial Autonomy, Mobility, and Sensing
2021 - Present, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2017 - Present, Courtesy Appointment, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado Boulder
2018 - 2022, CU Boulder Co-site Director for NSF IUCRC Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
2014 - 2021, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2013 - 2014, Visiting Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
2012 - 2014, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University


2021, H. Joseph Smead Faculty Fellow
2018, Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (ACGSC) Dave Ward Memorial Lecture Award
2014, ASEE Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship
2011, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference Best Paper Award
2008 - 2011, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Research Interests

Collaborative human and autonomous robot vehicle systems; dynamic state estimation and sensor fusion; supervisory control and decentralized coordination in networked systems; statistical system identification, machine learning and artificial intelligence for aerospace applications