Your Information & Records

The following information is specific to CU Boulder instructors and advisors.

    Name Pronunciation

    CU Boulder offers NameCoach, a tool that allows you to record the preferred pronunciation of your name for use by colleagues and students.

    Once you've recorded your name or provided a phonetic spelling, that information will be available to your students through Canvas. NameCoach is also available in Outlook.

    In the future, we plan to integrate the pronunciation tool into additional on-campus systems, including class listings and the campus directory.

    Preferred/Affirmed Name

    A preferred/affirmed name is one that differs from your legal name.

    If you're an instructor or advisor and would rather be referred to on campus by a nickname, professional name, anglicized name or name that better aligns with your gender identity, you may submit a request (see next section) to change your name in CU Boulder systems.

    In Student-Facing Systems

    Submit an instructor & advisor preferred/affirmed name update form to the Office of the Registrar to update your name in Campus Solutions and its downstream systems, including:

    • Buff Portal
    • Buff Portal Advising
    • CU Boulder Class Search
    • MyCUInfo's Faculty Toolkit tab
    • CU Experts
    • Canvas
    • Google Suite
    • MyCUInfo's CU Resources tab
    • Phone directory (Cisco Call Manager)
    • ServiceNow

    Additional Systems & Records

    The following university systems and records require additional steps to update your preferred/affirmed name.

    • Buff OneCard: All Buff OneCards are issued with your primary name. If you've established a preferred/affirmed name, you may bring your current card to the Buff OneCard office and purchase a replacement for $5.
    • CU People Search: To update the name on your CU People Search record, follow the "IdentiKey Manager" instructions on HR's Preferred Name page.
    • Email address: To request an update to your email alias (the part of your email address before @), contact OIT at or 303-735-4357.
    • Email display name: To update your email display name, follow the "IdentiKey Manager" instructions on HR's Preferred Name page.
    • IdentiKey username/CU login name: Your IdentiKey username is composed of the first two letters of your legal first name, the first two letters of your last name, and four random digits. If you have a new legal name or have privacy concerns, contact the IT Service Center to request a change to the letters in your username. See also OIT's IdentiKey FAQs.
    • Microsoft Office 365: To update your display name for your Microsoft Office 365 account, follow the "IdentiKey Manager" instructions on HR's Preferred Name page.
    • Salesforce eComm: This system consumes data from multiple CU and CU Boulder systems and should update automatically after changing your preferred/affirmed name in the systems above.

    Contact the Office of the Registrar for instructions on updating your preferred/affirmed name in university systems and processes not listed here.