Raul Saucedo

  • Assistant Professor
  • Honors Representative


Raul Saucedo works primarily in metaphysics and related topics in logic and philosophy of science. His current research focuses on a few interconnected issues concerning parts and wholes, space and time, plurals, and fundamentality. He is also interested in the treatment of such themes across the history of philosophy (especially in the ancient Greek and early modern periods) as well as in non-Western intellectual traditions (especially ancient Indian thought). At the moment he's working on a few papers articles and a book manuscript defending the ontological priority of collectivity over individuality.

Before coming to CU, he was Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and Research Fellow in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University. He received his PhD from Cornell University and studied at UC Berkeley and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) as an undergraduate. He was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico.

For more information (including CV and papers), visit his personal website.