Dual-Career Program

Who is Eligible?
To participate in this program, you should be:
  • The spouse/partner(s) of a newly hired, full-time, benefits-eligible CU tenured or tenure-track faculty member who has lived in the Denver/Boulder metro area for less than 12 months.
  • The spouse/partner(s) of a current full-time, benefits-eligible faculty member with a written request submitted directly by the employee’s dean or department chair.

Program Services

  • Client referrals to on-campus hiring managers, when appropriate
  • Information on open positions at CU and connections with local employers 

Although there is no guarantee of job placement, the Dual-Career Program will help with job searches for a tenured or tenure-track faculty member’s spouse/partner(s) through professional networking and employment referrals – for both CU and the Boulder/Denver area. The program:

  • Provides support to clients who have recently relocated to the Denver/Boulder metropolitan area.
  • Is available to eligible participants up to 12 months from the date of enrollment, or until gainful employment is secured. In situations where your relocation date is delayed, the timeline can be extended.
  • Does not assist in the job search of any person who is gainfully and currently employed in the local area.
  • Does not guarantee employment or job placement.
  • Is contingent upon available funding for on-campus dual-career hires.

CU Boulder is not responsible for the practices of companies to which referrals are made. Further, we do not know the individual employment policies of companies to which referrals are made.

Career Resources

The following resources can serve as a guide to get you started in the process. 

CU Boulder Dual-Career Policies
Jobs at University of Colorado Campuses
Other Nearby Higher Education Institutions
Other Job Listing Sites