The Dave Clough stories keep rolling in!
Last week we asked the CU community to share stories about Professor Dave Clough as he prepares for retirement after 42 years. And wow, did you deliver!
We’ve already shared heartwarming memories from alumna Nan Joesten and former CU Boulder assistant athletic director Julie Manning, and here are a few more gems:
Nicholas Sandoval (ChemEngr'06, PhD'11):
“Prof. Clough was the first person I ever met in the chemical engineering dept. I can still remember him giving me a tour of the cavernous halls of the Engineering Center. I was so overwhelmed but couldn't believe that Prof. Clough would take time out of his day to show a prospective ChemE major around.
Prof. Clough's dedication to his students and craft is awe-inspiring. He showed me what an engineering classroom could be like, and I strive to make the courses I teach half as interesting and interactive. I can't wait to have the opportunity to teach my own Process Control course, if only to repeat a joke about poles on the left hand side of the plane.”
Hussam Hasoon (ChemEngr'16):
"Dr. Clough's patience for his students is unmatched. My car battery died at the top floor of the Engineering Center garage. He patiently waited, stuck behind me, while five of his students tried to push start the car for about 25 minutes. He didn't even honk."
Jennifer Jackson Starck (ChemEngr'98):
“If I had not ever met Dr. Clough, I would be a chemistry grad instead of chemical engineering. I walked though the engineering building on my way across campus to get out of the rain. I met David Clough in the hallway, and he proceeded to invite me to his office to talk about my ideas for my school plans. Two hours later, I was registered for chemical engineering classes at CU Boulder. One small detour through a building and it changed the course of my education and future. Dr. Clough is my all time favorite professor, and I owe him for finding the engineer in me. Congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Clough, the school will not be the same without you.”
There’s still time to share your story. Join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #MyDaveCloughStory or submit your story online. Share this campaign with your friends to help us reach anyone we might be missing.
We’re also asking you to help us create an endowed faculty position in David Clough’s name. Through June 30, a generous donor has offered to match every gift dollar-for-dollar. To learn more, visit our crowdfunding page.
Kim Coates is the alumni engagement coordinator in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.