Our Graduate Students

Electrical Engineering Graduate Student Association (EGSA)


To create and maintain an ECEE graduate student community in the department; to provide a voice for ECEE graduate students in departmental affairs. Group leadership and event attendance is open to all graduate students, PhD and MS in any degree program at any level. 


Current ECEE graduate students can connect with one of their EGSA officers to discuss the department and program.

Outstanding Graduate Student Award Winners

Each year, ECEE’s Graduate Committee celebrates outstanding students with monetary awards to recognize excellence in research, teaching and community service. The committee also recognizes a student for Best Thesis and awards summer fellowships to outstanding students with demonstrated financial need. Students are nominated by their faculty advisors and their peers.

  • 2020 - Daniel Zalkind, “Methods for Enabling Controls Collaboration During Wind Turbine Design.” Advisor: Lucy Pao


  • 2020 - Satyaki Mukherjee, Michael Grayson, Yucheng Gao and Andrea Ashley


  • 2020 - Thomas Trantow and Daniel Martin


  • 2020 - David Miller, Mohamed Salman, Nathan Dostart and Vivek Sankaranarayanan


  • 2020 - Gaeron Friedrichs, Alex Anderson


  • Songyi Yen


  • 2020 - Zhe Feng
  • 2020 - Charlie Rackson, Michael Grayson, Jose Antonio Estrada, Stephanie Swartz and Zhe Feng