April 16, 2019
Tuesday April 16, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, Old Main Chapel
1. Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (begin at 330)
Welcoming remarks and acknowledgement of Janice Jeffryes, Standing and ad-hoc Committee Chairs and members, all ASC representatives, Task Force Chairs and members, SAC Chair and members, ex-officio members from BFA and CMCI, Student Government representatives. Special meeting of the CU Boulder Faculty Senate to discuss the announcement of Mark Kennedy as finalist for the position of president of the University of Colorado system: Old Main Chapel on Wednesday, April 17th from 4-5:30 pm. Attendance limited exclusively to faculty.
2. Election for ASC Chair – Barbara Buttenfield (335)
Call to order, nomination, platform and call for a paper ballot vote. Only ASC members may vote.
3. Dean’s remarks - James White (345)
Course fees. College restructuring. Future of the Interim Dean and Associate Deans.
4. Regular Business (355)
4a. Reports from the Chairs of ASC Standing Committees (2-3 minutes each, consult handouts)
Curriculum, Diversity, Grievance, Personnel, Planning, Online Education & Information Technology, Budget. [The ASC Budget Committee has put forward the position that the current allocation of the campus general funds to the Arts and Sciences College is inequitable.]
4b. Task Force on Instructors. Rolf Norgaard & Jenny Knight (420). Motion for endorsement. Recommendation to establish a Task Force to implement recommendations. Vote (by hand, or written ballot).
4c. Task Force on Strategic Plan Implementation. Michaele Ferguson & Elaine Paul (435) Motion for endorsement. Recommendation to establish a Task Force to implement recommendations. Vote (by hand, or written ballot).
5. Outcomes of the Votes on Chair, and Endorsements (450)
Closing remarks.
Adjourn (500)
March 19, 2019
Tuesday March 19, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, UMC 247
Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (begin at 330; end at: 332)
3. Dean’s remarks - James White (332) Implementing the results of our Task Forces’ reports. Comments on the Provost’s considerations on College restructuring. How is the College’s Strategic Plan - which includes Faculty, Staff and Students - part of this discussion? What is the status of the course fees? Any path forward?
4. Regular Business
4e. ad hoc committee on Sports Injuries (David Grant) (340). Outcomes and recommendations of this Task Force (in your e-packets).
4a. Task Force on Instructors. Rolf Norgaard (345). Outcomes and recommendations of the Task Force (in your e-packets).
4b. Faculty Advisory Committee (415)
Faculty Advisory Committee for the AAC is currently being formed.
4c. Task Force on Strategic Plan Implementation. Michaele Ferguson & Elaine Paul and committee members (420) Outcomes and recommendations of the Task Force (in your e-packets).
4d. Budget report. (Tricia Rankin) (450)
ASC has invited Anne Schmiesing and Carla Ho-a to our end-of-semester meeting at Old Main. What are specific things we wish to know about from Financial Futures? What of issues of transparency?
5. Council invited to be heard
Time permitting
Adjourn (500)
February 19, 2019
Tuesday February 19, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, UMC 247
Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (330)
Welcome. Updates on the Faculty Vote on our By-Laws; Qualtrics Survey of ASC representatives; Online education documents in your packets; visitors today: CRC graduate committee representatives, Jason Shelton (recruiting), CMCI, SAC, BFA, UGGS, Student government; nominations being accepted for our April election for ASC Chair. ASC Excom recommendations for a Faculty Advising Board to the Academic Advising Center; Government shutdown averted (barely); DACA students remain in limbo again.
3. Dean’s remarks - James White (332) Comments and perspectives on Academic Futures? Dean is chairing committee on interdisciplinary work. What was the outcome of the Deans’ meeting on January 22 on “growth enrollment model”? What occurred at the Provost’s meeting with the Reorganization Committee on Friday 2.15?
4. Regular Business (340)
4a. Online Education committee report. Vilja Hulden (340 ) presentation of recommendations and discussion of these recommendations. (Note: should we consider regularizing summer semester?)
4b. Faculty Advisory Committee, ad hoc or separate of ASC for the AAC? David Stock (4 00 ) Excom opinion: Input of faculty and the staff in the AAC to ask them to consider what kind of advisory board they want/need.
4c. Activities of the ASC’s Strategic Plan Task Force. Michaele Ferguson & Elaine Paul (405) presentation of membership and schedule.
4d. ASC’s Instructors Task Force update (ca. Mar. 1). (415) Report from Rolf Norgaard
4e. Budget report. Andy Cowell (for Tricia Rankin) (417)
From Jim White: https://www.howcollegesspendmoney.com/ expenditures on administrator vs. instructional. Are we “out of line with our peers?” **FOR MARCH< ANN SCHMIESING AND CARLO HO-A will visit ASC TO DISCUSS ACADEMIC FUTURES. Main issue for Budget Cmte at the moment is grad student fees – we support review/studying them. Discussion.
4f. Be sure to attend the Provost Open Forum in March (4 25 )
The Provost has announced that he will hold Open Forums. Students, faculty, and staff are invited and encouraged to attend, to ask questions, and to engage in dialogue regarding the activities of the Division of Academic Affairs at CU Boulder.
For the College of A&S cohort, our open forum will be on Monday, March 4th in Old Main Chapel from 9:00 to 10:00 am. We should be sure to have as many representatives of the ASC attend this meeting. From our reading of the timing, this will coincide with announcements about the College reorganization.
5. New Business (43 (430)
5a. INVITED: Committee on Rights and Compensation (CRC) (430)
BFA have voted to support the CRC petition on waiving graduate student fees. We as the faculty governance body of the College of Arts & Sciences should decide how we respond to the CRC petition.
5b. INVITED: Jason Shelton, College of Arts & Sciences, Director of Recruitment, Office of Academic Affairs (450)
Introductions; What is your role in the College?
How do you see the unfolding of the College reorganization in the context of your duties?
What synergies can be created between their offices and the ASC that would increase efficacy across the College? What are “College Labs”?
5. Council invited to be heard
Time permitting
Adjourn (500)
Tuesday January 15, 2019
3:30 to 5:00 PM UMC 247
Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (330)
Welcome to 2019, and a look forward to ASC activities in the new year.
*We must organize a February FAS Vote: Following our By-Laws, we intend to bring the Staff Advisory Council Chair, BFA Chair and CMCI Chair in as permanent ex-officio non-voting members. By-Laws stipulate that such structural changes require a vote by the FAS, we intend to do this in February 2019. Motions to proceed with these initiatives were passed by the ASC (unanimously) last year, and implementation is currently under discussion by the Executive Committee. Electronic votes are acceptable.
3. Dean’s remarks - James White (335)
What more information can he share about the Reorganization of the College? We anticipate that the Provost will not have a statement about proposed College Reorganization before February. Dean’s meeting on January 22 that will raise the topic of the “growth enrollment model” viz. CAS and ENG.
4. Business (345)
4a. INVITED: Lily Board AD for Academic Advising and Student Success
Update on the College’s efforts at enhancing Advising and the Academic Advising Center (AAC). It has been proposed that there be a Faculty Advising Board to the AAC. Discussion.
4b. Update on the College’s Strategic Plan Task Force. (350)
Membership is currently being recruited. We wish to have a report by this Task Force by our March, 2019 ASC meeting that prioritizes the Strategic Plan and makes recommendations for changes to it.
4c. How shall ASC respond to the petition by the graduate students concerning their fees? (355)
How shall ASC proceed? Do we support the petition? Merely call attention to it? Input needed for suggestions on how ASC proceed (or not). Information from BFA.
4d. Update on the College’s Budget (400)
Report from ASC Budget Chair Tricia Rankin: A subgroup of the ASC Budget committee met with Dean Ann Schmiesing, and members of the McKinsey firm involved in Financial Futures. Budget Cmte. stressed that things that generated net income for the campus such as increased enrollment might not (and in case of enrollment were not) income generating for A&S due to the way revenue was shared and that therefore some plans campus was making might not be embraced at College level. This goes back to the historicity of the Base Budget (that the College “pays” a ~60% “overhead” to the campus).
Budget committee also stressed that comments about student retention in the College should be attributed to our lack of staff, not a lack of interest. We are largest College and often have fewer staff than much smaller colleges. Similarly asking for our faculty to volunteer in this role must account for the fact that our faculty have less staff support and higher teaching/service loads to begin with.
4e. The Provost has reconvened a steering group to review comments on the College reorganization plan. The reason for doing this is to “…look for potential issues the Reorg committee did not consider, as well as to generate good ideas for moving forward with an implementation.”
Many people in the College are now waiting to learn more about the College Reorg plan. The Federal shutdown impacts are presently dominating the concerns of faculty. It is noteworthy that the shutdown could very soon affect many researchers and students on campus.
4f. INVITED: Visit to ASC by College of Arts & Sciences AD Hillary Potter, AD Daryl Maeda, and Communications Director Clint Talbot (415)
Introductions; What are your roles in the College?
How do you see the unfolding of the College reorganization in the context of their duties?
What synergies can be created between their offices and the ASC that would increase efficacy across the College?
4g. Be sure to attend the Provost Open Forum in March
The Provost has announced that he will hold Open Forums. Students, faculty, and staff are invited and encouraged to attend, to ask questions, and to engage in dialogue regarding the activities of the Division of Academic Affairs at CU Boulder.
For the College of A&S, our open forum will be on Monday, March 4th in Old Main Chapel from 9:00 to 10:00 am. We should be sure to have as many representatives of the ASC attend this meeting. From our reading of the timing, this will coincide with announcements about the College reorganization.
5. Council invited to be heard
Time permitting
Adjourn (500)
December 11, 2018
Tuesday December 11, 2018
3:30 to 5:00 PM
(*NO* snacks and beverages will be provided; paper handouts and electronic materials)
Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (330)
The purpose of this meeting is multi-fold, first is to welcome our College of Arts & Sciences community (Faculty, Staff and Students), as well as to welcome as special guests our colleagues from Boulder Faculty Assembly, CMCI and other schools and colleges on the Boulder campus, and the Staff Advisory Committee, to discuss the Strategic Plan.
à We seek to modify our By-Laws to invite the Staff Advisory Committee chair or a designated representative to attend meetings as a welcomed visitor. Following our By-Laws, we intend to bring the Staff Advisory Council Chair and CMCI in as permanent ex-officio non-voting members sometime next semester by FAS vote. A motion to proceed with these initiatives was passed by the ASC.
à Our end-of-Fall-semester meetings are when we hear brief (3 minute) reports of the activities of our standing committees. It is at the end-of-Spring-semester (April, 2019) that we will hear more detailed reports from our standing and ad-hoc committees on their achievements for the Academic Year 2018-2019.
à ASC seeks to endorse the vision and spirit of the College’s Strategic Plan (SP). At our October all-hands meeting, we voted to create an SP Implementation Task Force. That Task Force is still being composed. We would then as a body learn the outcomes of the Task Force’s findings by our March 2019 all-hands meeting, and vote on Implementation of the SP at our April 2019 meeting (the final meeting of the semester).
After Committee reports, we will have an open discussion and a call for a vote of eligible ASC members for endorsement of the College’s Strategic Plan. Keep in mind that the SP is a “living document” and we expect there to be changes arising from on-going discussions and research by the Task Force.
3. Dean’s remarks - James White (340)
Welcome and encourage attendees to be aware of all of the various visioning initiatives going on with the campus.
4. Business (345)
4a. Reports from the ASC Standing Committees
3-5 minutes each, with handouts describing the operations of the ASC Standing Committees.
4b. A petition by the graduate students concerning fees
4c. Dialogue on the A&S Strategic Plan (400)
Open forum. Comments, questions, and concerns are invited from all participants. Moderated by ASC Chair.
5. Vote to endorse the Vision and Spirit of the Strategic Plan of the College of Arts & Sciences, anticipating changes that would be made to the document before a vote for Implementation is considered (450)
6. Council invited to be heard
Time permitting
Adjourn (500)
November 13, 2018
Tuesday November 13, 2018, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, NOTE, DIFFERENT LOCATION: Recreation Center Ice Rink Overlook, Large Meeting Room
October 23, 2018
Tuesday October 23, 2018, 3:30 to 5:00 PM Location: UMC 247, (snacks and beverages will be provided; no paper handouts, all electronic materials)
September 18, 2018
3:30 to 5:00 PM; Location: UMC 247 (snacks and beverages will be provided; no paper handouts, all electronic materials)