“After conferring and voting on the issue, the Curriculum Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences moves that the Program in Jewish Studies be allowed to create a new Major degree in Jewish Studies.”
Committee Reports
Curriculum Committee, Val Ferme
Diversity, Cecilia Pang
Finance, Matt Pranter
Grievance, Loriliai Biernacki
Personnel, Susan Kent
Chair Election
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Approval of Minutes, February 17, 2011
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Chairs Report, Horst Mewes
Report on Class Notes sales in the CU Bookstore
Discussion of Senior Instructor proposal
Discussion of Professor of Practice proposal
Discussion of Film Studies proposal
ASSETT, Available Services, Michele Jackson
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Approval of Minutes, January 20, 2011
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Vote on College Level Review System for Instructors.
Vote on Curriculum Committee Recommendations:
The Curriculum Committee recommends the creation of a university faculty committee to oversee campus-wide certificates.
The Curriculum Committee recommends that every certificate program, regardless of where it resides, should be reviewed every five (5) years to ensure that both the program and its curriculum are still viable.
Chairs Report, Horst Mewes
Report on the status of the BFA/ASC ‘Status of Instructors’ motion.
Invitation of Prof. Michele Jackson, Director of ASSET, to report on faculty course services
Report on Class Notes sales in the CU Bookstore
New Business
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Approval of Minutes, December 9, 2010
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Notice of Motion Concerning College Level Review System for Instructors.
Vote on Curriculum Committee Recommendations:
The Curriculum Committee recommends the creation of a university faculty committee to oversee campus-wide certificates.
The Curriculum Committee recommends that every certificate program, regardless of where it resides, should be reviewed every five (5) years to ensure that both the program and its curriculum are still viable.
Chair’s Remarks, Horst Mewes
New Business?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Approval of Minutes, November 18, 2010
Chair’s Remarks, Horst Mewes
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Report on the Status of Instructor, Horst Mewes
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Approval of Minutes, October 21, 2010
Chair’s Remarks, Horst Mewes
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Report on RAPS, Doug Bamforth, RAP Council Chair
Grievance Committee Report, Loriliai Biernacki
Report on the Status of Instructors, Horst Mewes
New Business?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Approval of Minutes, September 16, 2010
Chair’s Remarks, Horst Mewes
Dean’s Remarks, David Boonin, Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities
Diversity Committee Report, Cecilia Pang
Curriculum Committee Report, Valerio Ferme
Report on the Status of Instructors, Horst Mewes
Department Feedback
General Discussion
New Business
Student Credit Hours
Thursday, September 14, 2010
Call to Order
Chair’s Remarks, Horst Mewes
Approval of Minutes, April 15, 2010
Dean’s Remarks, Todd Gleeson
Curriculum Committee Priorities, Valerio Ferme
BFA Resolution on Instructors and Current Plans for Implementation, Horst Mewes