Your Senior Year
Just when you feel like you’ve figured college out, it’s time to look ahead to graduate school. Here are some things to think about.
You're almost there! To make sure you stay on track and reach graduation with ease, we have a checklist of things to consider.
Sometimes, the best plan for life after graduation is to go directly to grad school. Sometimes it can be better to wait. Delve into the pros of a gap year.
In short, run your audit as-is and see if it’s all green. If you see anything not green, it’s time to reach out to advising.
Your senior year can be the culmination of your college experience. We want to make sure it is exactly that.
Considering grad school? Talk to your advisor in September about building a competitive application.
Connect with career services for help in your job search and interviewing technique.
After your final semester’s registration, check your audit to make sure it’s green.
Think about spending time with a service organization like Peace Corps.