Dance MFA Assessment Survey

Strong applicants will have familiarity with the following topics and practices in the field of dance before applying to graduate school. Please respond to the following questions based on your existing knowledge. If you do not know an answer or are unfamiliar with a term, please state “unfamiliar.” It will not serve you to answer outside your experience and knowledge. This information helps us to customize a plan of study that balances a student’s educational needs and will not disqualify you as an applicant.

Please answer the questions below and upload them as one document to the Additional Information section of your online application.

  1. Please summarize your administrative, choreographic, design and/or production experience in dance or arts presentation, either as a soloist or team member.
  2. Do you have any significant training or experience in other disciplines or arts practices? If yes, please summarize.
  3. Do you have any substantial music, music theory or musicology training? If yes, please summarize.
  4. Please summarize your experience working with musicians/composers, in both your teaching and choreography. 
  5. Please briefly summarize your understanding of Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory.
  6. Please briefly summarize your understanding of Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism.
  7. Please briefly summarize your understanding of Ruth St. Dennis’ cultural appropriations utilized in her performance efforts. 
  8. Please identify some of the pivotal and iconic artists for the dance form you have identified as your dominant or “home” form of study. Please include brief notes on why their contributions are significant to your field.
  9. Have you studied, trained or been certified in any of the following Somatic Methods. Please discuss. 
  • Alexander Technique
  • Body Mind Centering
  • Anatomy
  • Feldenkrais
  • Ideokinesis (Todd, Sweigard, Dowd, Bernard)
  • Bartenieff Fundamentals
  • Franklin Method
  • Massage Therapy
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Injury Prevention
  • Integrative Physiology
  • Other