Residency Guidelines
The information on this website is considered to be general guidance and is not legal advice. Refer to the state statutes to view the actual law.
About Colorado Residency
Tuition classification is governed by state law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, as amended) and by judicial decisions that apply to all public institutions of higher education in Colorado, and is subject to change at any time.
The university is not free to make exceptions to the rules except as specifically permitted by state law. For more information, please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education website.
- You attended a Colorado high school for at least one year preceding the date of your graduation and you’ve lived in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months before enrolling at CU Boulder.
- You (if you're 23 or older) or your parents (if you're under 23) have been domiciled in Colorado for one or more years.
- You're a member of an American Indian tribe with historical ties to Colorado.
- You're a dependent of or are yourself a qualifying member of the military (aid restrictions apply).
- You're under 23 and your parents haven't been domiciled in Colorado for one or more years.
- You're 23 or older and you haven't been domiciled in Colorado for one or more years.
- You're in possession of a nonimmigrant visa (F-1, F-2, H-3, M-1, M-2 or J-1).
Establishing Residency
To qualify to be classified as a Colorado resident for tuition purposes, a qualified individual (see "Domicile Eligibility" below) must have been domiciled in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the beginning of the semester for which resident status is sought.