Reading List and Introductory Study Material
This page contains resources to help you become familiar with R before attending the Workshop as well as readings that may be relevant. The faculty recommend you review the R resources listed here if you are not already familiar with R, and that you consider reading the background papers listed below in quantitative genetics and/or twin/family modeling if you are unfamiliar with those areas.
- A series of videos and scripts from faculty member Elizabeth Prom-Wormley to introduce R.
- Quick R A web resource to introduce R to people familar with other statistical software packages, such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata.
- Evans, Gillespie, and Martin (2002). Biometrical Genetics. PDF or
- Posthuma, et al. (2003). Theory and Practice in Quantitative Genetics. PDF or
- Keller, et al. (2009). Modeling Extended Twin Family Data I: Description of the Cascade Model PDF or
- Twin Analysis book chapter.
- Neale (2006). Quantitative Genetics. PDF or
- Classic genetics papers at QIMR.