Applied Ecology

Environmental engineers in this area of specialization have specific knowledge on biology and ecology. They assess the impacts of contamination and disturbance on ecosystems and organisms and develop ways to manage ecosystems to mitigate contamination and safeguard natural resources.

Environmental Engineering Technical Electives (upper-division)

Students select at least Two courses from this list (or a second from list A, no double counting). Faculty can petition to add additional courses.

**CVEN 3434 Intro to Applied Ecology (3 credits, S; prerequisites: CHEN 1211-1221)

**Required first course (unless student has prereq’s for other EBIO courses) A minor is suggested.

  • EBIO 3850 Animal Diversity: Invertebrates (4 credits, offered every other spring; recommended prerequisites: CVEN 3434 OR EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240.)
  • EBIO 4030 Limnology (3 credits, S; recommended prerequisites: CVEN 3434 OR EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220.)
  • EBIO 4060 Landscape Ecology (3 credits, F; recommended prerequisites: CVEN 3434 OR EBIO 2640 OR EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240 and EBIO 2040.)
  • EBIO 4155 Ecosystem Ecology (3 Credits, S; recommended prerequisites: CVEN 3434 OR EBIO 2040 [an equivalent general biology].)
  • EBIO 4145 Restoration Ecology (4 credits, I*; required prerequisites: EBIO 2040 OR ENVS 3434 OR CVEN 3434.)
  • EBIO 4080 Freshwater Phycology (4 credits, F; recommended prerequisites: CVEN 3434 OR EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 and EBIO 1230 and EBIO 1240, restricted to 57-180 credits.)
  • EBIO 4100 Advanced Ecology: Lake and Stream Ecology (3 credits, I*; recommended prerequisites: General biology or instructor consent)

*Note: "I" indicates a class on an intermittent schedule.

Ecology and Evolutional Biology Minor

You may want to consider earning a minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. For more information, see the EBIO Minor website.

Companies and Organizations that Specialize in Ecology: