CMCI community: We’ve gathered tools and resources together in one place to make event planning easier. This self-service toolkit is intended for events planned primarily by departments, centers and labs.

Read first:

  • Compliance, Ethics and Policy
    This campus office contains multiple important policies you can reference as resources during the event planning process, including: the Events and Activities policy (general guidelines and helpful vocabulary definitions used across campus), Events and Activities Approval Guidance (may be needed for venue approval), Campus Use of University Facilities and the Child Protection Policy (if any attendees are under the age 18).
  • Events with Alcohol policy
    If campus alcohol policies are not followed and Alcohol Authorization Form (AAF) is not completed/submitted, the university may be fined or could lose their liquor license. The link includes contact information for the campus manager of alcohol services. Another important note: During alcohol service, you are required to serve at least three (3) different proteins.
  • Guide for making your event accessible (PDF)
    From the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance: Tips and sample language
  • Event Management Form (EMF)
    If an EMF is needed, the venue scheduler is responsible for initiating and explaining the process to the client (you). If so, the EMF will be emailed to the client to complete through DocuSign.
    • The EMF is used to gather information regarding your event to help the University determine if your event meets the academic mission of the University and can be held on campus. University stakeholders such as Risk Management, CUPD, Facilities Maintenance and the fire marshal will review the EMF. You will then be notified by the appropriate scheduling authority that your event has been approved (or not) and you are clear to finalize the scheduling process. You will be issued a confirmation/permit to hold your event upon final approval. An EMF may be initiated if (not a complete list):
      • Anticipated attendance is 150 or more

      • Outside

      • Minors attending

      • Activity may be considered dangerous, such as axe throwing