The Nominations and Elections Committee is chaired by the elected Secretary of the Assembly and supervises the conduct of the nominations and elections of the members of the Assembly, its officers, and its committee chairs and committee members. The committee shall determine methods for filling temporary vacancies on the Assembly and its committees, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws and as provided by the Standing Rules of the Boulder Faculty Assembly. The Committee will also recommend to the Executive Committee faculty members for appointment to campus-wide committees, as requested by the administration. The Committee will also periodically review the apportionment of the Assembly’s membership and adjust it to ensure a fair distribution of representation among the members of the Faculty Senate.

Fall 2024: TBD


Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)

NameContact Information
Vicki Grove
BFA Secretary • Department Representative • BFA Committee Chair • NEC Chair • CU Faculty Council Secretary
Germanic and Slavic Literature and Languages
Glenda Walden
TFAC Chair • TFAC: Teaching/Clinical Faculty Representative • Bylaws Representative: At-Large Representative • NEC Representative: A&S • At-Large Representative • Associate Teaching Professor