All Courses by Semester

Spring 2025

Course CodeTitleTimeInstructor
ANTH 1105  Exploring a Non-Western Culture: TibetMW 11:15am-12:05pmMcGranahan, Carole 
ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural DiversityMWF 1:25pm-2:15pmHosek, Lauren 
ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural DiversityTTh 9:30am-10:45amHammons, Christian 
ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural DiversityMW 10:10am-11amThompson, Warren 
ANTH 1170Exploring Culture and Gender through FilmTTh 2pm-3:15pmHammons, Christian 
ANTH 1170Exploring Culture and Gender through FilmNo Time AssignedHammons, Christian 
ANTH 2020Human Biological Variation and AdaptationTTh 9:30am-10:45amBernstein, Robin 
ANTH 2200The Archaeology of Human HistoryTTh 11am-11:50amBamforth, Douglas 
ANTH 2525Environmental AnthropologyMW 12:20pm-1:10pmJacka, Jerry 
ANTH 3009Modern Issues, Ancient TimesMWF 9:05am-9:55amRupp, Travis
ANTH 3010The Human AnimalTTh 2pm-3:15pmBernstein, Robin
ANTH 3119The Archaeology of DeathMWF 10:10am-11amRupp, Travis
ANTH 4020Explorations in AnthropologyTTh 2pm-3:15pmJoyce, Arthur 
ANTH 4020Explorations in AnthropologyM 10am-12:30pmTaylor, William
ANTH 4020Explorations in AnthropologyTTh 9:30am-10:45amTaylor, William
ANTH 4020Explorations in AnthropologyMWF 1:25pm-2:15pmJacka, Jerry 
ANTH 4120Advanced Biological AnthropologyTTh 3:30pm-4:45pmDeWitte, Sharon 
ANTH 4129Aegean Art and ArchaeologyTTh 2pm-3:15pmNakassis, Dimitri 
ANTH 4180Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary IssuesW 4:15pm-6:45pmSponheimer, Matthew 
ANTH 4180Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary IssuesTTh 2pm-3:15pmDeWitte, Sharon 
ANTH 4340Archaeological Method and TheoryTTh 11am-12:15pmJones, Eric 
ANTH 4580 The Holocaust: An Anthropological PerspectiveTTh 2pm-3:15pmShankman, P 
ANTH 4605Anthropology of NeuroscienceTTh 11am-12:15pmGoldfarb, Kathryn
ANTH 4610Medical AnthropologyTh 2pm-4:30pmGoldstein, Donna
ANTH 4700Practicing AnthropologyNo Time AssignedStaff
ANTH 4720Departmental Honors in Anthropology 2W 9:30am-12pmOrtman, Scott
ANTH 4745Science, Technology and SocietyMW 4:40pm-5:55pmCool, Alison
ANTH 4800Language and CultureTTh 9:30am-10:45amStaff 
ANTH 6320Linguistic AnthropologyT 3:30pm-6pmHall, Kira 
ANTH 7000Seminar: Current Research Topics in Cultural AnthropologyT 1pm-3:30pmGoldfarb, Kathryn 
ANTH 7020 Seminar: Biological AnthropologyT 11am-1:30pmSauther, Michelle 
ANTH 7030Seminar: ArchaeologyNo Time AssignedStaff
ANTH 7200Bridging SeminarT 9:30am-12pmMcGranahan, Carole 
ANTH 7840 - Independent Research 


Fall 2024

Course CodeTitleInstructor
ANTH 1125Exploring Cultural Diversity in the U.S.: Migration and MobilityEric Jones
ANTH 1125Exploring Cultural Diversity in the U.S.: Indigenous Cultures of East USEric Jones
ANTH 1140Exploring a Non-Western Culture: The MayaSarah Kurnick
ANTH 1140Exploring a Non-Western Culture: The AztecsGerado Gutierrez
ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Plagues Past and PresentSharon DeWitte
ANTH 1170 Exploring Culture and Gender through FilmChristian Hammons
ANTH 1190 Origins of Ancient CivilizationsArt Joyce
ANTH 2010 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 1Steve Leigh/Matt Sponheimer
ANTH 2030 Laboratory in Biological Anthropology 1Michelle Sauther
ANTH 2100 Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyAlison Cool
ANTH 3000 Primate Behavior MichelleSauther
Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Food and AlcoholTravis Rupp
Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Race and AntiquityDimitri Nakassis
ANTH 4000Quantitative Methods in AnthropologyScott Ortman
ANTH 4615/5615  Kinship: Being and BelongingKate Goldfarb
ANTH 4020Explorations in Anthropology: Volcanoes and MythChristian Hammons
ANTH 4120 Advanced Biological Anthropology: Evolutionary MedicineRobin Bernstein
ANTH 4120Advanced Biological Anthropology:Lauren Hosek
Plains ArchaeologyDoug Bamforth
The Archaeology of InequalitySarah Kurnick
ANTH 4580The Holocaust: An Anthropological PerspectivePaul Shankman
ANTH 4615/5615Kinship: Being and BelongingKate Goldfarb
ANTH 4710 Departmental Honors in Anthropology 1Scott Ortman
Advanced Biological AnthropologyLauren Hosek
ANTH 5345Archaeological TheoryArt Joyce
ANTH 6320Linguistic AnthropologyKira Hall
ANTH 7000 Seminar: Current Research Topics in Cultural AnthropologyAlison Cool
ANTH 7030Seminar: Physical ArchaeologyGerardo Gutierrez
ANTH 7600Human Ecology: Cultural AspectsJacka


Summer 2024


Course CodeTitleInstructor
ANTH 1155Exploring Cultural Diversity in the U.S  -Dying to Live: US HealthcarePaige Edmiston
ANTH 1155Exploring Cultural Diversity in the U.S.: US Energy Systems TransitionsLauren Barrett
ANTH 1170Exploring Culture and Gender through FilmChristian Hammons
ANTH 1200
Culture and Power
Kristin Drybread
ANTH 2010 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 1Stephania Zneimer
ANTH 2020Human Biological Variation and AdaptationYuti Gao
ANTH 2100Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyWarren Thompson
ANTH 2200The Archaeology of Human HistoryDoug Bamforth
ANTH 3009Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Ancient SportsT Rupp
ANTH 3010The Human AnimalRobin Bernstein
ANTH 3300Elements of ReligionAnden Drolet
ANTH 3760Exploring Culture and Media in Southeast AsiaChristian Hammons
ANTH 3770Primates of Vietnam: Conservation in a Rapidly Developing CountryJonathan O'Brien
ANTH 4020Explorations in Anthropology: Gender/Power Thru FilmF. McClean
ANTH 4020Explorations in Anthropology: Volcanoes and MythChristian Hammons
ANTH 4020Explorations in Anthropology: Conserv of Indigenous PeoplesLaura Deluca
ANTH 4300From Cloud People to the Land of the Sky: The Archaeology of OaxacaJeffrey Brzezinski
ANTH 4320Tourism, Development, and Belonging in Costa RicaKate Fischer
ANTH 4350Archaeological Field and Laboratory ResearchScott Ortman

Spring 2024

Course CodeTitleInstructor
ANTH 1110Anthropology of Japan: Culture, Diversity, and IdentityKathryn Goldfarb
ANTH 1120Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Pueblo Indians of the SouthwestScott Ortman
ANTH 1155Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Ancient Aliens & Contemp ArchSarah Kurnick
ANTH 1155Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Anthropological GeneticsFernando Villanea
ANTH 1155Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Digital Tech & Global ConnectAlison Cool
ANTH 1155Exploring Global & Cultural Diversity: How we Go: The Anthropology of Death and DyingWarren Thompson
ANTH 1170Exploring Culture and Gender through Film Christian Hammons
ANTH 2020Human Biological Variation and Adaptation Robin Bernstein
ANTH 2100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Katherine Fischer
ANTH 2200The Archaeology of Human History Doug Bamforth
ANTH 2525Environmental AnthropologyJerry Jacka
ANTH 3009Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Food and AlcoholT. Rupp
ANTH 3009Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Race and AntiquityAnne Duray
ANTH 3119The Archaeology of DeathSarah James
ANTH 4020
- 001
Explorations in Anthropology - Historical Archaeology Eric Jones
ANTH 4020-003Explorations in Anthropology: MesoAmerican TransitionsGerardo Gutierrez
ANTH 4070Methods in Biological AnthropologyMichelle Sauther
ANTH 4120-001Advanced Biological Anthropology - Social BioarchaeologySharon DeWitte
ANTH 4120-002Advanced Biological Anthropology - Ancient DNAFernando Villanea 
ANTH 4120
Advanced Biological Anthropology: Human Behavioral EndocrinologyRobin Bernstein
ANTH 4125Evolution and the Human Life Cycle: A Primate Life History PerspectiveMichelle Sauther
ANTH 4129Aegean Art and ArchaeologyA. Duray
ANTH 4160Early Hominin PaleoecologyMatthew Sponheimer
ANTH 4500

Cross-Cultural Aspects of Socioeconomic Development


Jerry Jacka
ANTH 4580The Holocaust: An Anthropological Perspective P Shankman
ANTH 4610Medical AnthropologyDonna Goldstein
ANTH 4700Practicing AnthropologyKate Goldfarb
ANTH 4720 Departmental Honors in Anthropology 2 Steven Leigh
ANTH 4800Language and CultureMona Attwa
ANTH 5020Explorations in Anthropology: Historical ArchaeologyEric Jones
ANTH 5020Explorations in Anthropology: Mesoamerican TraditionsGerardo Gutierrez
ANTH 5070Methods in Biological AnthropologyMichelle Sauther
ANTH 5120Advanced Biological Anthropology - Social BioarchaeologySharon DeWitte
ANTH 5129Aegean Art and ArchaeologyA. Duray
ANTH 5455Epistemology in ArchaeologyDouglas Bamforth
ANTH 5500Cross-Cultural Aspects of Socioeconomic DevelopmentJerry Jacka
ANTH 5610Medical AnthropologyDonna Goldstein
ANTH 5700Practicing AnthropologyKate Goldfarb
ANTH 6320Linguistic AnthropologyKira Hall
ANTH 7000 Seminar: Current Research Topics in Cultural Anthropology: Politics of Numbers and DataAlison Cool
ANTH 7020Seminar: Physical AnthropologySharon DeWitte
ANTH 7030Seminar: Archaeology: Settlement PatternsEric Jones

Fall 2023


Course CodeTitleInstructor
ANTH 1125
Exploring Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
ANTH 1150Exploring a Non-Western Culture: The MayaKurnick
ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Plagues Past and Present 
ANTH 1170 Exploring Culture and Gender through FilmHammons
ANTH 1190 Origins of Ancient CivilizationsJoyce
ANTH 2010 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 1Leigh/Sponheimer
ANTH 2030 Laboratory in Biological Anthropology 1Sauther
ANTH 2100 Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyJones
ANTH 3000 Primate Behavior Sauther
Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Food and AlcoholTravis Rupp
Modern Issues, Ancient Times: Race and AntiquityAnne Duray
ANTH 4020 Explorations in Anthropology: Anthropology of WarBamforth
ANTH 4120 Advanced Biological Anthropology: Human Behavioral EndocrinologyBernstein
ANTH 4130Advanced OsteologyHosek
From Olmec to Aztec: The Archaeology of MexicoJoyce
Landscape ArchaeologyKurnick
ANTH 4710 Departmental Honors in Anthropology 1Leigh
ANTH 4745/5745 Science, Technology and SocietyCool
ANTH 4755/5755Cultures of Expertise: Science, Power and KnowledgeCool
Advanced Biological AnthropologyBernstein
ANTH 5400Research Methods in Archaeology 2Gutierrez
ANTH 5460Archaeology and Contemporary SocietyOrtman
Core Course-Cultural AnthropologyGoldstein
ANTH 7000 Seminar: Current Research Topics in Cultural Anthropology: MaterialityGoldfarb
ANTH 7020Seminar: Physical AnthropologyVillanea
Bridging Seminar: Domestication and human storyTaylor / Villanea
ANTH 7300Seminar: Research Methods in Cultural AnthropologyJacka


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