
The Anthropology Department is greatly appreciative of our alumni and friends for their financial support over the years. Your contribution will go toward supporting scholarships and awards to many of our worthy graduate students and the department as a whole. Contributions of any size make a significant difference in the lives of our students and faculty to conduct research around the world on a variety of exciting topics.

Your gift to the Anthropology Department can take many different shapes. The information below highlights many of the different funding opportunities our department has to meet your desired funding goals and the impacts you want to make. The CU Foundation can also assist you with your needs, be they for targeted or unrestricted programs.

With sincerest thanks to our group donors and special endowments. 

General Anthropology Fund

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Contributions are used to support department activities at the discretion of the department chair including purchasing specialized software and being able to attract outstanding faculty scholars.


Archaeological Field School

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To provide support for the archaeological field school in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Anthropology Graduate Student Support Fund

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Contributions to this fund are used to support the research and teaching of our graduate students in the program. These students study many varied topics within our 3 sub-disciplines of Archaeology, Biological Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology.


Biological Anthropology Field Workers Fund

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To support field workers integral to research in the Dept of Anthropology at CU Boulder including travel, education enhancement and expenses associated with bringing individuals to the US.  Strong preference is for field workers from rural West Africa.


David Breternitz Endowment for Archaeological Field Research Fund

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The David Breternitz Endowment for Archaeological Field Research fund was recently established in his honor by his friends to support graduate student fieldwork in the Southwest. David Breternitz’s career at the University of Colorado consisted of a great deal of fieldwork in the Fremont, Mesa Verde, and Dolores districts and in various parts of Africa. In 3 seasons in the Fremont, 13 summers at Mesa Verde, and 8 more at Dolores, Breternitz trained hundreds of future academic, federal, and contract archaeologists. He reached many others as MC of the SW at the Pecos Conference. Your generous gift will contribute to this fund.


Earl Morris Scholarship Fund

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To provide an award to outstanding archaeology Ph.D. students in the Department of Anthropology at CU Boulder in honor of Earl Morris.


George Armelagos Memorial Flatirons Fund for the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colorado Boulder

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To provide unrestricted support for the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Undergraduate Excellence in Anthropology Fund

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To provide flexible support for undergraduate students, education and programming in the Anthropology Department at University of Colorado Boulder, as determined by the Chair of Anthropology Department at CU-Boulder.


Thank you for supporting the Anthropology Department at CU Boulder