Word Clouds

When to Use: At the end of a project
Estimated Time: 5 minutes for participants
Participants: Young Children, Youth, Adults, Educators
- Method of collecting responses by on-line polling, spreadsheet, or from a text document
- Word cloud generator such as
- You may have to edit participant responses to correct misspellings, capitalization, past and present tenses before generating your word cloud.
- Different word cloud generators offer options for customizing color schemes, fonts, word orientation, etc.
Sample Topics: Ask participants to supply 3-5 descriptive words.
- Feelings and Reactions
- Themes - subjects and topics of interest
- Values - what is important
- Favorites/ Least Favorites
- Creating live word clouds with Google Slides from Poll Everywhere
- How to interpret word cloud data from Boost Labs
- Tips on using Wordclouds.com from Europlanet Society