Rose, Bud, Thorn
When to Use: At any point in a project
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Participants: Young Children, Youth, Groups + Facilitator
Supplies: Flexible depending on setting and group. Try these different options.
- Verbal responses - No materials
- Sticky notes - three colors to designate rose, bud, and thorn; wall space
- Index cards - three colors to designate rose, bud, and thorn; collected and sorted
- Worksheet or whiteboard - written responses under each category, markers
Sample Questions:
- Rose
- What is something that is working well?
- What is something positive about the event/ project/ product/ experience?
- What are you proud of?
- What was the highlight?
- Bud
- What is an area of opportunity?
- What is an idea that can be explored further?
- What can be improved?
- What are you looking forward to?
- Thorn
- What is something that isn’t working?
- What is something negative?
- What caused stress?
- What was difficult?
- Directions for using Rose, Bud, Thorn Design Thinking Activity from Atomic Object
- Summary explanation of Rose, Bud, Thorn Design Thinking Exercise from Easy Retro
- Four step process geared towards children from Mindful Schools