Screen shot of student submitted photos and comments related to bugsVirtual whiteboards/bulletin boards provide an online collaborative space for participants to post and share questions, ideas and photos. Padlet, Jamboard, and Google Slides are just a few examples of the virtual learning tools now available to support online collaboration. These resources are dynamic online learning tools that can also be used to support program evaluation by enabling you to gauge participant interest and engagement.

When to Use: Anytime for student sharing and collaboration on ideas.

Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes, depends on project

Participants: Young Children, Youth, Adults, Educators

Supplies: Flexible depending on setting and group. 

  • Devices for participation - laptops, tablets, access to internet
  • Apps for participation
    • Jamboard App - free through Google suite
    • Padlet - free trial limited to three padlets, subscripton plan 

Features: Teachers and students can draw, write, and share files in real-time, or post at different times in a shared collaborative online space.

  • Sticky note feature for brainstorming or feedback
  • Drawing features for circling, highlighting, or mind-mapping
  • Image database for creating posters or stories, images can also be added from files
