CLASIC students who are presenting papers at academic meetings can request travel funds up to $750 (for an out-of-state domestic academic meeting) or $1000 (for an international meeting). Please see the CLASIC Handbook for additional sources of travel funds.

Please attach a document with the title of your paper and both the abstract and letter of acceptance pasted in. Also, please indicate whether you have been awarded or applied for funds for this project from another funding source. If so, indicate how much money you have requested or received from that source.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Budget Estimate
Please estimate your expenses as best you can for each category

Travel Arrangement Guidelines 

CLASIC program contact: Kristine Stenzel;

Airline Ticket 

You may purchase your ticket on the internet for both domestic and international travel. Upon return from trip, please turn in the airfare receipt. The receipt must show your name and proof of payment, such as the last 4 digits of your credit card or a $0 balance. 

If the cost of airfare is less than the amount awarded, it is possible for CLASIC to purchase the airfare before travel through Christopherson Business Travel (with an additional $20 fee). Please work with Kris Stenzel if you would like to do this as there may be special approvals necessary, especially in the case of international travel.

Conference Registration

It is possible to have your conference registration paid directly by CLASIC with the Department purchasing card. Please work with Kris Stenzel if you would like to do this.


All hotel reimbursements must be in your name and your hotel invoice must show the dates of stay and either a zero balance or be marked “Paid.” 


The University has per diem rates to be used for food:  Domestic  International 


These costs include ground transportation and baggage fees. 

All receipts must be itemized and show proof of payment. If the charge is under $25, no receipt is required.