Academic Integrity
Graduate students in the MA and PhD programs are expected to adhere to practices and principles of academic integrity that govern research conduct in the US. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research provides clear descriptions of what constitutes research misconduct, including plagiarism and data fabrication/falsification. A graduate student who is found to have committed any form of research misconduct will be subject to academic sanctions once a departmental investigation confirms that the misconduct has occurred. If a graduate student is suspected of research misconduct by a faculty member, the faculty member who observes the misconduct will (a) inform the department chair and (b) submit an accusation form to the Honor Code office, whether or not the student admits responsibility for the violation. The findings of the Honor Code panel will inform the Department's investigation, but a student who commits research misconduct, whether in a course or outside of a course, may receive sanctions from both the Honor Code office and Linguistics department. The Honor Code and Department adjudication processes are separate: while the Honor Code office assigns non-academic sanctions (e.g., a fine), Department sanctions are academic sanctions. Departmental (academic) sanctions may include the assignment of an F grade in the course, once the misconduct is confirmed by either the Department or Honor Code investigation. Starting in Fall 2016, the Department will hold a mandatory annual training session for incoming graduate students concerning research misconduct and academic integrity more generally.