Workshop 2023 registration information
********The workshop is now fully booked, and our waiting list is quite long. You are welcome to sign up on the waiting list, but at this point it is unlikely a spot will open up for you.********
The registration fee is $600 for individuals with an academic appointment due by January 24th, 2023, and $1000 for individuals with non-academic positions. This fee is payable at the time of registration using a credit card at the Eventbrite website:
The academic registration fee is $600.00 until January 24th, 2023. After January 24th, 2023 the fee increases to $700.00. Ticket sales end February 26th, 2023.
A $30 refund processing fee will be charged on any refunds made; and the registration fee is not refundable after February 14th, 2023.
The registration fees will cover workshop attendance, breakfast and lunches throughout the week (Monday-Friday), hosted receptions, and a gift bag with information on the workshop and Boulder.
Please contact the Workshop Coordinator by emailing or phone at 303-735-8490 if you need additional event information.