


  1.  K. N. Dickson, Y. Lange Simmons, A. F. Ricks, A. M. Skipper, A. F. Briggs, A. J. Muhowski, S. R. Bank, and J. T. Gopinath, “Impact of Mechanically Applied Strain on Auger Recombination in InGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells,” Accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters (2024).


  1. K. Wootten, M. Zohrabi, Y. Wang, and J. T. Gopinath, “Using Orbital Angular Momentum for Temperature and Force Sensing in an Optical Fiber,” Optics Express 32, 29558-29565 (2024).
  2. T. Shanavas, R. R. McLeod, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, “A fast finite difference solver for optical microscopy in deep biological tissue,“ Optics Letters49(15), 4417-4420 (2024).
  3. S. D. Gilinsky, D. N. Jung, G. L. Futia, M. Zohrabi, T. A. Welton, O. D. Supekar, E. A. Gibson, D. Restrepo, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Tunable liquid lens for three-photon excitation microscopyBiomedical Optics Express15, 3285-3300 (2024).
  4. S. A. Pierce, J. Jacobellibi, K. S. Given, W. B. Macklin, J. T. Gopinath, M. E. Siemens, D. Restrepo, and E. A. Gibson, “OpenSTED: Open-Source DyMIN 1 system for STED Microscopy,” Journal of Neuroscience,  special section on Open Source Tools and Techniques 11(3):034311 (2024), doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.11.3.034311.
  5. E. Miscles, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Direct laser write lithography for high optical quality electrowetting prisms,” Optics Express  32, 36632 - 36645 (2024).
  6. R. Oroke, E. J. Miscles, S. D. Gilinsky, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, “Electrowetting lens based on a conical aluminum cavity,” Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical 379, 115917 (2024).
  7. F. Speed, C. A. Saladrigas, A. Teel, S. Vieau, V. M. Bright, J. T. Gopinath, C. G. Welle, D. Restrepo, and E. A. Gibson, “High-speed in vivo calcium recording using structured illumination with self-supervised denoising,” 3, 2044 Optica Continuum (2024).
  8. G. Krueper, L. Cohen and J. T. Gopinath, Cascaded multiparameter quantum metrology”,  Physical Review A 111, 012618 (2024).


  1. E. J. Miscles, W. Y. Lim, O. D. Supekar, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Axisymmetrical resonance modes in an electrowetting optical lens,”  Applied Physics Letters 122, 201106 (2023).
  2. Mo ZohrabiWei Yang LimSamuel GilinskyVictor M. Bright, and Juliet T. Gopinath , "Adaptive aberration correction using an electrowetting array", Applied Physics Letters 122, 081102 (2023).
  3. M. Grayson, G. Krueper, B. Xu, M. Zohrabi, D. Helme, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, “On-Chip Mid-Infrared Optical Sensing with GeSbSe Waveguides and Resonators,” Optics Express 31, 877- 889 (2023).
  4. V. Kumar, K. Behrman, F. Speed, C. A. Saladrigas, O. D. Supekar, Z. Huang, V. M. Bright, C. G. Welle, D. Restrepo, J. T. Gopinath, E. A. Gibson, and I. A. Kymissis, “MicroLED light source for optical sectioning structured illumination microscopy," Optics Express 31, 16709-16718 (2023)
  5. G. Krueper, L. Cohen and J. T. Gopinath, New Cascaded Architecture for Classical and Quantum Multiparameter Sensing”, arXiv:2304.08545 [quant-ph], (2023).
  6. D. J. Park, O. D. Supekar, V. M. Bright, A. R. Greenberg, and J. T. Gopinath, "Raman spectroscopy for real-time concurrent detection of multiple scalants on RO membranes, " Desalination 565, 116851 (2023).
  7. S. D. Gilinsky, M. Zohrabi, O. D. Supekar, W. Y. Lim, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Two-dimensional individually addressable electrowetting lens arrayOptics Express31, 30550-30561 (2023).


  1. T. Shanavas, M. Grayson, B. Xu, M. Zohrabi, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, “Cascaded forward Brillouin lasing in a chalcogenide whispering gallery mode microresonator,”  APL Photonics7, 116108 (2022)
  2. O.D. Supekar, A. Sias, S.R. Hansen, G. Martinez, G.C. Peet, X. Peng, V.M. Bright, E.G. Hughes, D. Restrepo, D.P. Shepherd, C.G. Welle, J.T. Gopinath, and E.A. Gibson, "Miniature Structured Illumination Microscope for in vivo 3D Imaging of Brain Structures with Optical Sectioning", Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 2530-2541 (2022)
  3. G. Krueper, C. Yu, S. B. Libby, R. Mellors, L. Cohen, and J. T. Gopinath, “Realistic Model of Entanglement-Enhanced Sensing in Optical Fiber,” Optics Express30, 8652-8666 (2022).
  4. B. Heffernan, P. Riley, O. Supekar, S. Meyer, D. Restrepo, M. Siemens, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, “Two-photon fiber-coupled super-resolution microscope for biological imaging,” APL Photonics7, 036102 (2022).
  5. W. Y. Lim, M. Zohrabi, J. Zhu, T. Socco, T. Carmon, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Spectrally tunable liquid resonator based on electrowetting,”  Optics Express30, 18949-18965 (2022).
  6. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, S. C. Coburn, G. B. Rieker, and J. T. Gopinath, “Orbital Angular Momentum-Based Dual-Comb Interferometer for Ranging and Rotation Sensing,” Optics Express 30, 21195-21210 (2022).
  7. M. Grayson, B. Xu, T. Shanavas, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, “Fabrication and Characterization of High Quality GeSbSe Reflowed and Etched Ring Resonators,” Optics Express 30, 31107 - 31121 (2022).
  8. D. J. Park, O. D. Supekar, A. Greenberg, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “In-situ monitoring of calcium carbonate scale progression on reverse osmosis membranes using Raman spectroscopy,” Desalination and Water Treatment273, 92–103 (2022).


  1. Y. Lange Simmons, Kenneth J. Underwood, Omkar D. Supekar, Brendan M. Heffernan, Tarah A. Welton, Emily A. Gibson, and Juliet T. Gopinath, "Femtosecond diode-based time lens laser for multiphoton microscopy," Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 6269-6276 (2021)
  2. B. Xu, B. Heffernan, K. Bae, M. E. Siemens, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, "Selective excitation of plasmon resonances with single V-point cylindrical vector beams," Opt. Express 29, 13071-13083 (2021).
  3. E. F. Strong, A. Q. Anderson, M. P. Brenner, B. M. Heffernan, N. Hoghooghi, J. T. Gopinath and G. B. Rieker, “Angular velocimetry for fluid flows: an optical sensor using structured light and machine learning,” Optics Express 29, 9960 (2021) .
  4. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, B. M. Heffernan, M. E. Siemens, G. B. Rieker and J. T. Gopinath, “Observation of the Rotational Doppler Shift in Spatially Incoherent Light,” Optics Express 29,4058 (2021).


  1. J. Zhu, T. M. Horning, M. Zohrabi, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “Photo-induced writing and erasing of gratings in As2S3 chalcogenide microresonators,” Optica 7, 1645-1648 (2020).
  2. K. Bae, J. Zhu, C. Wolenski, A. Das, T. M. Horning, S. Pampel, M. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and Won, Park, “Indium Tin Oxide Nanoparticle-Coated Silica Microsphere with Large Optical Nonlinearity and High Quality Factor,” ACS Photonics (2020).
  3. D. Park, O. D. Supekar, A. R. Greenberg, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Real-time monitoring of calcium sulfate scale removal from RO desalination membranes using Raman spectroscopy,” Desalination 97, 114736 (2020).
  4. E. L. Strong, A. Anderson, J. T. Gopinath and G. Rieker, “Centering a beam of light to the axis of rotation of a planar object,” Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 105101 (2020).
  5. S. Pampel, K. Bae, M. Zohrabi, M. Grayson, T. M. Horning, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “Third-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in an ITO Nanoparticle-Coated Microresonator,” 28, 30004 Optics Express (2020).
  6. K. J. Underwood, A. F. Briggs, S. D. Sifferman, V. B. Verma, N. Sirica, R. P. Prasankumar, S. -W. Nam, K. L. Silverman, S. R. Bank and J. T. Gopinath, "Strain dependence of Auger recombination in 3 um GaInAsSb/GaSb type-I active regions,"Applied Physics Letters 116,262103 (2020).
  7. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, B. M. Heffernan, M. E. Siemens, G. B. Rieker, and J. T. Gopinath, "Detection Technique Effect on Rotational Doppler Measurements,"Optics Letters 45, 2636-2639 (2020).
  8. M. Zohrabi, W. Y. Lim, V. M. Bright and J. T. Gopinath, "High extinction ratio, low insertion loss, optical switch based on an electrowetting prism,"Optics Express 28,5991-6001 (2020).
  9. W. Y. Lim, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Calibration and characteristics of an electrowetting laser scanner,"IEEE Sensors 20, 3496-3503 (2020).
  10. O. D. Supekar, D. J. Park, A. R. Greenberg, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Real-Time Detection of Early-Stage Calcium Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate Scaling Using Raman Spectroscopy,"Journal of Membrane Science 596, 117603 1-9 (2020).


  1. M. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, J. Zhu, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, "Enhancement of third-order nonlinearity of thermally evaporated GeSbSe waveguides through annealing,"Optics Express 27 , 33606-33620 (2019).
  2. J. Chiles, N. Nader, E. J. Stanton, D. Herman, G. Moody, J. Zhu, J. Connor Skehan, B. Guha, A. Kowligy, J. T. Gopinath, K. Srinivasan, S. A. Diddams, I. Coddington, N. R. Newbury, J. M. Shainline, S. W. Nam, and R. P. Mirin, "Multifunctional integrated photonics in the mid-infrared with suspended AlGaAs on silicon," Optica , 1246-1254 (2019).
  3. B. M. Hefferman, S. A. Meyer, D. Restrepo, M. E. Siemens, E. A. Gibson and J. T. Gopinath , "A fiber-coupled stimulated emission depletion microscope for bend-insensitive through-fiber imaging," Scientific Reports 9, 11137 (2019).
  4. J. Zhu, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, T. M. Horning, M. B. Grayson, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath , "Nonlinear characterization of silica and chalcogenide microresonators," Optica 6, 716-722 (2019).
  5. M. Zohrabi, W. Y. Lim, R. H. Cormack, O. D. Supekar, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, "Lidar system with nonmechanical electrowetting-based wide-angle beam steering," Optics Express 27 , 4404-4415 (2019).
  6. J. M. Anderson, S. N. Alperin, A. A. Voitiv, W. G. Holtzmann, J. T. Gopinath and M. E. Siemens, "Characterizing vortex beams from a spatial light modulator with collinear phase shifting holography," Applied Optics. 58 , 404-409 (2019).


  1. W. Y. Lim, O. D. Supekar, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, "Liquid combination with high refractive index contrast and fast scanning speeds for electrowetting adaptive optics," Langmuir 34 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02849, 14511-14518 (2018).
  2. O. D. Supekar, J. Brown, A. R. Greenberg, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, "Real-time detection of reverse-osmosis membrane scaling via Raman spectroscopy," Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b01272 (2018).
  3. B. N. Ozbay, G. L. Futia, M. Ma, V. M. Bright, J. T. Gopinath, E. G. Hughes, D. Restrepo, and E. A. Gibson "Three dimensional two-photon imaging of neural activity in freely moving mice using a miniature fiber coupled microscope with dynamic focusing," Scientific Reports 8108, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26326-3 (2018).


  1. M. Zohrabi, R. H. Cormack, C. McCullough, O. D. Supekar, E. A. Gibson, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, "Numerical analysis of wavefront aberration correction using multielectrode electrowetting-based devices," Optics Express 25 31451-31461 (2017).
  2. O. D. Supekar, B. N. Ozbay, M. Zohrabi, P. D. Nystrom, G. L. Futia, D. Restrepo, E. A. Gibson, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Two-photon laser scanning microscopy with electrowetting-based prism scanning," Biomedical Optics Express , 5412-5426 (2017).
  3. G. Kang, M. R. Krogstad, M. Grayson, D.-G. Kim, H. Lee, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, "High quality chalcogenide-silica hybrid wedge resonator," Optics Express 25 , 15581-15589 (2017).
  4. B. M. Heffernan, R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, "Tunable higher-order orbital angular momentum using polarization-maintaining fiber," Optics Letters 42 , 2683-2686 (2017).
  5. O. D. Supekar, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Enhanced response time of electrowetting lenses with shaped input voltage functions," Langmuir 33, 4863-4869 (2017).


  1. R. D. Niederriter, B. N. Ozbay, G. L. Futia, Emily A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, "Compact diode laser source for multiphoton biological imaging," Biomedical Optics Express 8, 315-322 (2016).
  2. R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, "Independent control of orbital angular momentum and beam profile in two-mode polarization-maintaining fiber," Optics Letters 41, 5736-5739 (2016).
  3. K. Underwood and J. T. Gopinath, "Control of the state of a mode-locked fiber laser using an intracavity Martinez compressor," Optics Letters 41, 5393-5396 (2016).
  4. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "Optical characterization of chalcogenide Ge-Sb-Se waveguides at telecom wavelengths," Photonics Technology Letters 28 2720- 2723 (2016).
  5. S. N. Alperin, R. D. Niederriter, J. T. Gopinath and M. E. Siemens, "Quantitative measurement of the orbital angular momentum of light with a single, stationary lens," Optics Letters 41 5019 (2016).
  6. M. Zohrabi, R. H. Cormack, and J. T. Gopinath, "Wide-angle nonmechanical beam steering using liquid lenses," Optics Express 24, 23798 (2016).
  7. R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath "Continuously tunable orbital angular momentum generation using polarization maintaining fiber," Optics Letters 41 3213 - 3216(2016).
  8. R. D. Montoya, K. Underwood, S. Terrab, A. M. Watson, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath "Large extinction ratio optical electrowetting shutter," Optics Express 24 9660 - 9666(2016).


  1. S. Terrab, A. M. Watson, C. Roath, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Adaptive electrowetting lens-prism element," Optics Express 23 25838 - 25845(2015).
  2. A. M. Watson, K. Dease, S. Terrab, C. Roath, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, "Focus-tunable low power electrowetting lenses with thin parylne films," Applied Optics 54 6224-6229(2015).
  3. K. J. Underwood, A. M. Jones, and J. T. Gopinath, "FPGA-based phase control of AOM Fourier synthesis system through gradient descent phase-locking algorithm," Applied Optics 54 5624-5628 (2015).
  4. B. N. Ozbay, J. T. Losacco, R. Cormack, R. Weir, V. M. Bright, J. T. Gopinath, D. Restrepo and E. A. Gibson, "Miniaturized fiber-coupled confocal fluorescence microscope with an electrowetting variable focus lens using no moving parts," Optics Letters 40, 2553-2556 (2015).
  5. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "Nonlinear characterization of Ge28Sb12Se60 bulk and waveguide devices," Optics Express 23, 7871-7878 (2015).


  1. A. M. Jones and J. T. Gopinath, "Fast-to-slow axis mode imaging for brightness enhancement of a broad-area laser diode array," Optics Express 21, 17912-17919 (2013).
  2. R. D. Niederriter, A. M. Watson, R. N. Zahreddine, C. J. Cogswell, R. H. Cormack, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, "Electrowetting lenses for compensating phase and curvature distortion in arrayed laser systems," Applied Optics 52, 3172 (2013).
  3. R. D. Niederriter, J. T. Gopinath and M. E. Siemens, "Measurement of the M2 beam propagation factor using a focus-tunable liquid lens," Applied Optics 52, 1591-1598 (2013).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, V. M. Bright, C. C. Cogswell, R. D. Niederriter, A. Watson, R. Zahreddine, and R. H. Cormack, "Simulation of electrowetting lens and prism arrays for wavefront compensation," Applied Optics 51, 6618-6623 (2012).


  1. P. W. Juodawlkis, J. J. Plant, W. Loh, L. Missaggia, F. O'Donnell, D. C. Oakley, A. Napoleone, J. Klamkin, J. T. Gopinath, D. J. Ripin, S. Gee, P. J. Delfyett, and J. P. Donnelly, "High-Power, Low-Noise 1.5-μm Slab-Coupled Optical Waveguide (SCOW) Emitters: Physics, Devices, and Applications," IEEE J. of Sel. Top. in Quant. Electron. 17, 1698-1714 (2011).


  1. K-H Hong, J. T. Gopinath, D. Rand, A. M. Siddiqui, S-W Huang, E Li, B. J. Eggleton, J. D. Hybl, T. Y. Fan, and F. X. Kaertner, "High-energy, kHz-repetition-rate, ps cryogenic Yb:YAG chirped-pulse amplifier," Optics Letters 35, 1752-1754 (2010).


  1. K.-H. Hong, A. Siddiqui, J. Moses, J. T. Gopinath, J. Hybl, F. O. Ilday, T. Y. Fan, and F. X. Kaertner, "Generation of 287-W, 5.5-ps pulses at 78-MHz repetition rate from a cryogenically cooled Yb:YAG amplifier seeded by a fiber chirped-pulse amplification system," Optics Letters 33, 2473-2475 (2008).
  2. J. T. Gopinath, B. Chann, T.Y. Fan, and Antonio Sanchez, "1450-nm high-brightness wavelength-beam combined diode arrays and stacks," Optics Express 16, 9405-9410 (2008).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, B. Chann, R. K. Huang, C. Harris, J. J. Plant, L. Missaggia, J. P. Donnelly, P. W. Juodawlkis, and D. J. Ripin, "980-nm monolithic passively modelocked diode lasers with 62 pJ of pulse energy," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19, 937-939 (2006).
  2. J. J. Plant, J. T. Gopinath, B. Chann, D. J. Ripin, R. K. Huang, and P. W. Juodawlkis, "250 mW, 1.5 micron monolithic passively mode-locked slab-coupled optical waveguide laser," Optics Letters 31, 223-225 (2006).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, H. Sotobayashi, E. P. Ippen, T. Hasegawa, T. Nagashima, and N. Sugimoto, "Highly nonlinear bismuth-oxide fiber for supercontinuum generation and femtosecond pulse compression," Journal of Lightwave Technology 23, 3591 - 3596 (2005).
  2. F. J. Grawert, S. Akiyama, J. T. Gopinath, F. O. Ilday, H. M. Shen, J. Liu, K. Wada, L. C. Kimerling, E. P. Ippen, and F. X. Kaertner, "220 fs Er-Yb:glass laser mode-locked by a broadband low-loss Si/Ge saturable absorber," Optics Letters 30, 329-331 (2005).
  3. P. T. Rakich, H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, S. G. Johnson, J. W. Sickler, C. W. Wong, J. D. Joannopoulos, and E. P. Ippen, "Nano-scale photonic crystal microcavity characterization with an all-fiber-based 1.2 - 2.0 micron supercontinuum," Optics Express 13, 821-825 (2005).
  4. F. J. Grawert, F. O. Ilday, D. Kielpinski, J. T. Gopinath, L. A. Kolodziejski, G. S. Petrich, E. P. Ippen, and F. X. Kaertner, "Automatic feedback control of an Er-doped fiber laser with an intracavity loss modulator," Optics Letters 30, 1066-1068 (2005).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, M. Soljacic, E. P. Ippen, V. N. Fuflyigin, W. A. King, and M. Shurgalin, "Third-order nonlinearities in Ge-As-Se-based glasses for telecommunications applications," Journal of Applied Physics 96, 6931-6933 (2004). Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science December 2004.
  2. J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, H. Sotobayashi, E. P. Ippen, T. Hasegawa, T. Nagashima, and N. Sugimoto, "Highly nonlinear bismuth-oxide fiber for smooth supercontinuum generation at 1.5 micron," Optics Express 12, 5697-5702 (2004).
  3. S. N. Tandon, J. T. Gopinath, A. A. Erchak, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, "Large area oxidation of AlAs layers for dielectric stacks and thick buried oxides," Journal of Electronic Materials 33, 774-779 (2004).
  4. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, E. M. Koontz, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, "Wavelength tunable, passively mode-locked Bismuth Oxide-based Erbium-doped fiber laser," Optics Communications 237 no. 4-6, 399-403 (2004).
  5. R. P. Prasankumar, I. Hartl, J. T. Gopinath, E. P. Ippen, J. G. Fujimoto, P. Mak and M. F. Ruane, "Design and characterization of semiconductor-doped silica film saturable absorbers," Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Optical Physics) 21, 851-857 (2004).
  6. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, Y. Takushima, K. Hsu, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband wavelength tunable, single frequency, and single polarization Bismuth Oxide-based Erbium-doped fiber laser." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 1628-1630 (2004).
  7. S. N. Tandon, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, F. X. Kaertner, and E. P. Ippen, "Large area broadband saturable bragg reflectors using oxidized AlAs." Optics Letters 29, 2551-2553 (2004).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, H. Sotobayashi, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband amplification of picosecond pulses in a 23 cm length of Bi2O3-based Erbium-doped fiber," OSA TOPS 92 (Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications), 50-53 (2003).
  2. T. R. Schibli, J. Kim, O. Kuzucu, J. T. Gopinath, S. N. Tandon, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski,J. G. Fujimoto, E. P. Ippen, and F. X. Kaertner, "Attosecond active synchronization of passively mode-locked lasers using balanced cross-correlation," Optics Letters 28, 947-949 (2003).
  3. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, and E. P. Ippen,"23 cm long Bi2O3-based EDFA for picosecond pulse amplification with 80 nm gain bandwidth,Electronics Letters 39, 1374-1375 (2003).


  1. D. J. Ripin, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, F. X. Kaertner, and E. P. Ippen, "Oxidized GaAs/AlAs mirror with a quantum-well saturable absorber for ultrashort-pulse Cr4+:YAG laser." Optics Communications 214, 285-289 (2002).
  2. K. S. Abedin, J. T. Gopinath, L. A. Jiang, M. E. Grein, H. A. Haus, and E. P. Ippen, "Self-stabilized passive, harmonically mode-locked stretched pulse Erbium fiber ring laser," Optics Letters 27, 1758-1760 (2002).
  3. K. S. Abedin, J. T. Gopinath, E. P. Ippen, C.E. Kerbage, R. S. Windeler, and B. J. Eggleton, "Highly nondegenerate femtosecond four-wave mixing in tapered microstructure fiber," Applied Physics Letters 81, 1384-1387 (2002).
  4. D. J. Ripin, C. Chudoba, J. T. Gopinath, J. G. Fujimoto, E. P. Ippen, U. Morgner, F. X. Kartner, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow, and T. Tschudi, "Generation of 20-fs pulses by a prismless Cr4+:YAG laser," Optics Letters 27, 61-63 (2002).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, E. R. Thoen, E. M. Koontz, M. E. Grein, L. A. Kolodziejski, E. P. Ippen, and J. P. Donnelly, "Recovery dynamics in proton-bombarded semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors," Applied Physics Letters 78, 3409-3411 (2001).


  1. J. T. Gopinath, Invited presentation for Optical Fiber Conference (OFC) (2025).
  2. J. T. Gopinath, “Chalcogenide glasses for nonlinear photonics,” Invited keynote talk at 22nd International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG 2024).
  3. M. Zohrabi, G. Futia, C. M. McCullough, A. Teel, F. de Souza, R. Oroke, V. M. Bright, D. Restrepo, E. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, “A MEMS based miniature two-photon microscope with patterned optogenetic stimulation for all optical neural recording and modulation, “Accepted for presentation at Society for Neuroscience (2024).
  4. S. Reynolds,  P. Fowler; A. Voitiv,  D.  Restrepo,  E. Gibson,  J. Gopinath, and M. Siemens, “SpiralVortex Superresolution Localization With a Stable Excitation Beam,” Presented at Frontiers in Optics Conference (2024).
  5. D. R. Quiroz, E. J. Miscles, M. Zohrabi, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Characterization of two-dimensional dynamic scanning with electrowetting tunable prisms,” Accepted for presentation at the IEEE Photonics Society Conference (2024).
  6. S. D. Gilinsky, E. J. Miscles, J. Musgrave, J. Bartos, S. -W. Huang, V. M. Bright and J. T. Gopinath, “Nonmechanical spectral-domain optical coherence tomography using an electrowetting prism,” Accepted for presentation at the IEEE Photonics Society Conference (2024).
  7. E. Miscles, C. A. Saladrigas, M. Zohrabi, V. Kumar, I. Kymissis, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Monolithic electrowetting prism for structured illumination microscopy,” Presented at 2024 Hilton Head workshop (2024).
  8. G. L. Futia, M. Zohrabi, C. McCullough, A. Teel, F. Simoes de Souza, R. Oroke, V. M. Bright, D. Restrepo, J. T. Gopinath and E. A. Gibson, “Opto2P-FCM: A MEMS Based Miniature Two-Photon Microscope with Patterned Optogenetic Stimulation,” Postdeadline, Presented at Biophotonics Congress (2024).
  9. V. Kumar, C. A. Saladrigas, O. Durnan, F. Speed, E. A. Gibson, J. T. Gopinath and I. Kymissis, “MicroLED arrays as light source for optical sectioning-SIM and targeted illumination imaging,” Presented at Display Week (2024).
  10. J. T. Gopinath, “Nonlinear chalcogenide microresonator devices,” Invited presentation, Photonics West, paper 12871-1 (2024).
  11. F. Speed, C. A. Saladrigas, S. Vieau, V. Kumar, A. Teel, V. M. Bright, D. Restrepo, I. Kymissis, J. T. Gopinath, C. G. Welle, and E. A. Gibson, “Calcium Recording in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons with Enhanced Contrast Using OS-SIM,” Presented  at the Optica Biophotonics Congress (2024).
  12. B. Lu, B. Xu, G. Krueper, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, “High-quality mid-infrared chalcogenide ring resonator,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), (2024).
  13. C. A. Saladrigas, E. J. Miscles, V. Kumar, I. Kymissis, V. M. Bright and J. T. Gopinath, “Wobulation in structured illumination microscopy using a tunable electrowetting prism,” Highlight talk at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), (2024).
  14. Y. L. Simmons, K. Dickson, A.F. Ricks, A.M. Skipper, A.F. Briggs, A.J. Muhowski, S.R. Bank, and J.T. Gopinath, “Impact of Mechanical Strain on Auger Recombination in InGaAs/InP,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2024).
  15. J. T. Gopinath, “Nonlinear chalcogenide microresonator devices,” Invited presentation, Photonics West (2024).
  16. F. Speed, V. Kumar, C. Saladrigas, S. Vieau, I. Kymissis, J. Gopinath, V. Bright, C. Welle, D. Restrepo, E. Gibson. Illumination methods for voltage imaging with a microLED light source. Program No. PSTR574.22. 2023 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience (2023).
  17. K. Wootten, M. Zohrabi, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, “Temperature and strain fiber sensing using orbital angular momentum,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2023).
  18. S. D. Gilinsky, D. N. Jung, G. L. Futia, M. Zohrabi, T. A. Welton, E. A. Gibson, D. Restrepo, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Electrowetting lens for focus-tunable three-photon excitation microscopy,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2023).
  19. R. Oroke, E. J. Miscles, S. D. Gilinsky, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, “Machined Aluminum Electrowetting Lens,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2023).
  20. E. J. Miscles, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright, “Enhancing Imaging Performance in Electrowetting Prism Scanners through Electrode Gap Reduction,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2023).
  21. J. T. Gopinath, Shedding light on the brain: Super-resolution and multiphoton microscopy, Invited Presentation, NanoNeuro (2023).
  22. J. T. Gopinath, “Photonic devices based on chalcogenides,” Invited presentation, Photonics North (2023).
  23. B. Xu, M. Grayson, T. Shanavas, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, “Dispersion control of high-quality Ge23Sb7S70 reflowed wedge resonators,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2023).
  24. G. M. Brodnik, H. Lu, J. Erikson, D. R. Carlson, J. T. Gopinath, J. A. Black, and S. B. Papp, “Robust wavelength control of microresonator parametric oscillation with nanophotonic bandgaps,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2023).
  25. G. Krueper, L. Cohen, R. Mellors, S. B. Libby, M. Messerly, J. Combes, and J. T. Gopinath, “Quantum Multiparameter Estimation Model of Cascaded Phases in Optical Fiber,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2023).
  26. T. Shanavas, R. McLeod, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, “Comparison of coherent and incoherent donut beams for deep tissue STED microscopy,” Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2023).
  27. G. Krueper, L. Cohen, J. Combes, S. B. Libby, R. Mellors, M. Messerly, and J. T. Gopinath, “Modeling of Cascaded Phase Sensing in Optical Fiber Using Squeezed Light,” Presented at APS March Meeting (2023).
  28. J. T. Gopinath, B. Heffernan, S. A. Meyer, D. Restrepo, M. E. Siemens, and E. A. Gibson, “A window into the brain: Advances in super-resolution microscopy,”  Invited presentation, Conference on Optics Photonics and Quantum Optics 2022 (2022).
  29. S. D. Gilinsky, M. Zohrabi, O. D. Supekar, W. Y. Lim, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Two-Dimensional Individual Addressable Electrowetting Micro-Lens Array,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2022).
  30. E. J. Miscles, W. Y. Lim, O. D. Supekar, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Vibration suppression in an electrowetting lens,” Presented at the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting (2022).
  31. J. T. Gopinath, “From water filtration to autonomous navigation: Using photonics to enable new sensing modalities”, Plenary, Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (2022).
  32. O. Supekar, A. Sias, S. Hansen, G. Martinez, G. Peet, X. Peng, V. Bright, E. Hughes, D. Shepherd, C. Welle, J. Gopinath and E. Gibson, “SIMscope3D: A structured illumination miniature microscope for high resolution brain imaging,” Presented at the 2022 Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics (2022).
  33. O. D. Supekar, Y. Lange Simmons, V. M. Bright, and J. T. Gopinath, “Narrow linewidth picosecond source at 760 nm generating 50 nJ pulses using four-wave mixing,” Presented at the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022).
  34. T. Shanavas, M. B. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, “Cascaded Forward Brillouin Scattering in a Chalcogenide Microsphere,” Presented at the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022).
  35. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, S. C. Coburn, G. Rieker, and J. T. Gopinath, “Dual Comb Ranging and Rotation Sensing with Orbital Angular Momentum,” Presented at the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022).
  36. E. F. Strong, S. C. Coburn, A. Q. Anderson, R. Cole, J. T. Gopinath, S. Becker, and G. Rieker, “Broadband hyperspectral spectroscopy imging using dual frequency comb spectroscopy and compressive sensing,” Presented at the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022).
  37. Y. Wang, B. M. Heffernan, M. Zohrabi, J. Farrell, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, “Fiber sensing using higher-order spatial modes and the orbital angular momentum of light,” Presented at the 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022).
  38. E. F. Strong, A. Q. Anderson, B. M. Heffernan, M. P. Brenner, N. Hoghooghi, J. T. Gopinath and G. B. Rieker, “Sensing angular velocity with optical orbital angular momentum and machine learning,” Presented at OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (2021).
  39. S. A. Meyer, M. E. Siemens, J. T. Gopinath, D. Restrepo, and E. A. Gibson, “OpenSTED: Inexpensive and open-source implementation of Dynamic Intensity Minimum (DyMIN) for Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscopy,” Presented at the OSA Biophotonics Congress (2021)..
  40. G. R. Krueper, R. Mellors, C. Yu, S. B. Libby, M. Messerly, and J. T. Gopinath, “Entangled-enhanced interferometry in optical fiber,” Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021).
  41. B. M. Heffernan, P. Riley, O. D. Supekar, S. A. Meyer, N. M. George, D. Restrepo, M. E. Siemens, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, “Two-photon fiber STED microscopy using polarization maintaining fiber,” Presented  at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021).
  42. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, B. M. Heffernan, M. E. Siemens, G. B. Rieker, and J. T. Gopinath, “Rotation measurement using spatially incoherent light and the rotational Doppler shift,” Presented  at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021)..
  43. B. M. Heffernan, B. Xu, K. Bae, M. E. Siemens, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “Tailoring the multipole content at tight focus using cylindrical vector beams with orbital angular momentum,” Presented  at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021)..
  44. B. Xu, B. M. Heffernan, K. Bae, M. Siemens, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, “Group theory guided symmetry coupling between cylindrical vector beams and localized surface plasmon resonances,” Presented  at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021).
  45. W. Y. Lim, M. Zohrabi, J. Zhu, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Electrowetting-based tunable liquid droplet microresonator,” Presented at the IEEE MEMS Conference (2021).
  46. D. Park, O. Supekar, A. Greenberg, J. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, “Novel Sensors for Real-time Detection of Membrane Fouling in RO Desalination Systems,” Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting (2020).
  47. J. T. Gopinath, “Nonlinear chalcogenide photonic devices,” Invited presentation at the IEEE Photonics Society Conference (2020).
  48. S. Pampel, T. M. Horning, K. Bae, M. Zohrabi, M. Grayson, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “Enhanced Nonlinearity in a Functionalized Whispering Gallery Mode Microcavity,” Presented at the Frontiers in Optics Conference (2020).
  49. J. T. Gopinath, "Fiber-Coupled Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy (STED)" Invited presentation at OSA Imaging and Sensing Congress (2020).
  50. A. F. Briggs, S. D. Sifferman, K. J. Underwood, L. J. Nordin, J. T. Gopinath and S. R. Bank, "Auger Recombination in Strained GaInAsSb Quantum Well Membranes" Presented at EMC Conference (2020).
  51. G. Martinez Sanchez, O. D. Supekar, G. L. Futia, B. N. Ozbay, C, Welle, V. M. Bright, J. T. Gopinath, D. Restrepo, D. Shepherd, and E. A. Gibson, "Widefield fluorescence optical sectioning microscopy in a miniature fiber-coupled microscope with active axial scanning" Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
  52. A. Q. Anderson, E. F. Strong, B. M. Heffernan, M. E. Siemens, G. B. Rieker, and J. T. Gopinath, "Detection strategies for measuring rotation with the rotational Doppler effect" Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
  53. E. F. Strong, A. Q. Anderson, B. M. Heffernan, M. P. Brenner, J. T.Gopinath, and G. B. Rieker, "An angular velocity sensor using machine learning and optical orbital angular momentum" Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
  54. K. Bae, T. M. Horning, S. Pampel, M. Zohrabi, M. B. Grayson, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, "On-chip high-quality Ge23Sb7S70 round-wedge resonators for broadband dispersion engineering," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
  55. K. J. Underwood, A. F. Briggs, S. D. Sifferman, V. Verma, N. Sirica, R. Prasankumar, S. W. Nam, K. L. Silverman, S. Bank, and J. T. Gopinath, "Auger Recombination in Strained Mid-Infrared Quantum Wells," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
  56. Y. L. Simmons, K. J. Underwood, B. M. Heffernan, O. Supekar, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, "Near-infrared Femtosecond Time Lens Diode Laser with kW Peak Powers for Two-Photon Microscopy,"Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics(2020).
  57. M. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, J. Zhu, J. T Gopinath, and W. Park, "Enhancement of third-order nonlinearity of thermally evaporated GeSbSe waveguides through annealing," Presented at SPIE Photonics West, Proceedings Volume 11283, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV; 1128319 (2020)
  58. K. Bae, J. Zhu, M. B. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, C. Wolenski, T. M. Horning, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park,"High-quality factor, nonlinear indium tin oxide nanoparticle-coated silica microsphere," Presented at Conference on Nonlinear Optics (2019).
  59. J. Zhu, M. Zohrabi, T. M. Horning, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath,"Photosensitive Writing and Erasing of Gratings in an As2S3 Chalcogenide Microresonator," Presented at Conference on Nonlinear Optics (2019).
  60. J. Zhu, K. Bae, M. Zohrabi, T. M. Horning, M. B. Grayson, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath,"In situ, nonlinear characterization of microresonators,"Presented at Conference on Nonlinear Optics, Postdeadline (2019).
  61. J. T. Gopinath, M. Zohrabi, O. D. Supekar, W. Y. Lim, B. N. Ozbay, G. L. Futia, D. Restrepo, E. A. Gibson, and V. M. Bright,"Electrowetting adaptive optical devices for LIDAR," Invited presentation at Applied Industrial Optics (2019).
  62. J. T. Gopinath, B. M. Heffernan, S. A. Meyer, D. Restrepo, M. E. Siemens, and E. A. Gibson,"Imaging of HeLa cells with fiber stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED)," Presented at the International Conference on Orbital Angular Momemtum (ICOAM) (2019).
  63. B. M. Heffernan, S. A. Meyer, D. Restrepo, M. E. Siemens, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath,"Bend-insensitive, through-fiber stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging of HeLa cells," Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2019).
  64. S. D. Sifferman, M. Motyka, A. F. Brights, K. J. Underwood, K. M. McNichoas, R. Kudrawiec, J. T. Gopinath and S. R. Bank,"Dilute-Bismide Alloys for GaSb-based Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Lasers," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2018).
  65. O. D. Supekar, B. N. Ozbay, M. Zohrabi, P. D. Nystrom, G. L. Futia, D. Restrepo, E. A. Gibson, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright,"Electrowetting prism for scanning in two-photon microscopy," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2018).
  66. O. D. Supekar, J. J. Brown, A. R. Greenberg, J. T. Gopinath, and V. M. Bright,"Real-time detection of scaling on reverse osmosis membranes with Raman spectroscopy," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2018).
  67. B. M. Heffernan, S. A. Meyer, M. E. Siemens, D. Restrepo, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath,"Stimulated emission depletion microscopy with polarization-maintaining fiber," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2018).
  68. K. Underwood, A. F. Briggs, S. D. Sifferman, S. R. Bank, and J. T. Gopinath,"Auger Recombination in Mid-Infrared Active Regions," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2018).
  69. S. Alperin, B. Heffernan, R. D. Niederriter, R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath,"Generation and detection of tunable orbital angular momentum in optical fiber," Presented t ICOAM (International Conference on Orbital Angular Momentum), Capri, Italy (2017).
  70. J. T. Gopinath,"Nonlinear chalcogenide materials and devices," Invited presentation at Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) (2017),
  71. M. Zohrabi, R. H. Cormack, and J. T. Gopinath, "Nonmechanical beam steering using tunable lenses," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (2017).
  72. O. D. Supekar, M. Zohrabi, J. J. Brown, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, "Enhancing the response time of electrowetting lenses using voltage shaping," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (2017).
  73. B. M. Heffernan, R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, "Generation of higher-order orbital angular momentum in polarization-maintaining fiber," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (2017).
  74. G. Kang, S. Cho, M. R. Krogstad, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, "Design and fabrication of high-Q chalcogenide glass micro-disk resonators," SPIE Photonics West, Paper 10106-8 (2016).
  75. R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, "Generation of tunable orbital angular momentum in polarization maintaining fiber," Presented at Frontiers in Optics, FTh5B.2 (2016).
  76. S. N. Alperin, R. D. Niederriter, J. T. Gopinath, and M. E. Siemens, "Quantitative measurement of the average orbital angular momentum of light with a cylindrical lens," Presented at Frontiers in Optics, JW4A.87 (2016).
  77. R. D. Niederriter, B. N. Ozbay, G. L. Futia, D. Restrepo, E. A. Gibson, and J. T. Gopinath, "Miniature picosecond diode laser system for two-photon fluorescence imaging of the mouse brain," Presented at Society for Neuroscience Meeting (SFN), Poster 365.04/MMM37 (2016).
  78. K. Underwood, R. D. Montoya, S. Terrab, A. M. Watson, V. M. Bright and J. T. Gopinath, "Large Extinction Ratio Electrowetting Optical Shutter," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), JW2A.144 (2016).
  79. K. Underwood and J. T. Gopinath, "Intracavity Martinez Compressor for Simultaneous Dispersion Compensation and Tunable Spectral Filtering," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), STu3.P.2 (2016).
  80. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "Linear and Nonlinear Properties of Ge-Sb-Se Waveguides at Telecom Wavelengths," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) , SF.1P.2 (2016).
  81. S. Terrab, A. M. Watson, K. M. Dease, J. T. Gopinath and V. M. Bright, "Electrowetting-Based Variable Tuning Prism," Presented at 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), AW4K.4 (2015).
  82. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "Characterization of Ge28Se12Sb60 waveguides," Presented at 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), STh1G.7 (2015).
  83. K. J. Underwood, A. M. Jones and J. T. Gopinath, "Synthesis of coherent optical pulses using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based gradient descent phase locking algorithm with three semiconductor lasers," Presented at 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SM3F.3 (2015).
  84. S. N. Alperin, M. E. Siemens, R. D. Niederriter, and J. T. Gopinath, "Measuring orbital angular momentum of light with a single, stationary lens ," Presented at 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO).
  85. R. D. Niederriter, M. E. Siemens, and J. T. Gopinath, "Fiber Optic Sensors Based on Orbital Angular Momentum," Presented at 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SM1L.5 (2015).
  86. A. M. Jones and J. T. Gopinath, "Beam quality improvement of broad-area laser diodes by fast-to-slow axis mode imaging," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2013), JW1J3.
  87. R. D. Niederriter, J. T. Gopinath and M. E. Siemens, "Variable-focus method for characterizing general astigmatic laser beams," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2013), CTu3D.
  88. M. R. Krogstad, E. Rengnath, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "Third-order nonlinearities of Ge28Sb12Se60 for waveguide devices," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2013), JW2A.
  89. J. T. Gopinath, "Ultrafast and ultrabright lasers," Presented at New Laser Scientists Conference (October 2010).
  90. K.-H. Hong, J. Gopinath, D. Rand, A. Siddiqui, S.-W. Huang, E. Li, B. Eggleton, J. Hybl, T. Y. Fan, and F. X. Kaertner, "High-Energy, Picosecond, Cryogenic Yb:YAG Chirped-Pulse Amplifier at kHz Repetition Rates for OPCPA Pumping," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2010), JThD2.
  91. J. T. Gopinath, K. F. Wall, J. Hybl, P. F. Moulton, and T.Y. Fan, "High-Power,Actively Modelocked Cryogenic Yb:YAG Laser," Presented at Advanced Solid-State Photonics(ASSP) (Feb. 2010), AWB22.
  92. K. H. Hong, J. T, Gopinath, D. Rand, A. Siddiqui, J. Moses, J.-C. Lai, J. Hybl, T. Y. Fan, and F. X. Kaertner "Generation of 2-kHz, 40-mJ picosecond pulses from a cryogenic Yb:YAG chirped-pulse amplifier for OPCPA pumping," Presented at Advanced Solid-State Photonics (Feb 2010), Postdeadline paper.
  93. K-H. Hong, J. Gopinath, A. Siddiqui, J. Moses, C-J Lai, J. Hybl, and T. Y. Fan, "High average-power cryogenically cooled picosecond Yb:YAG amplifier seeded by a fiber CPA system". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2009), CThI4.
  94. T. Y. Fan, D. J. Ripin, J. D. Hybl, J. T. Gopinath, A. K. Goyal, D. A. Rand, S. J. Augst, and J. R. Ochoa, "Cryogenically cooled solid-state lasers: recent developments and future prospects," Presesnted at 2009 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 11th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/EQEC) (Feb. 2009), p. 1.
  95. J. T. Gopinath, J. Hybl, D. Ripin, J. Ochoa, T. Y. Fan, K. Hong, A. Siddiqui, J. Moses, and F. X. Kaertner, "Cryogenically cooled Yb:YAG amplifier with 287-W output power in 5.5-ps pulses". Presented at Directed Energy Professional Society Ultrashort Pulse Laser Workshop (DEPS) (Sept. 2008).
  96. D. Pudo, H. Byun, J. T. Gopinath, G. S. Petrich, E. P. Ippen, F. X. Kaertner, and L. A. Kolodziejski, "Nonlinear phase response of a saturable Bragg reflector for modulation depth control," Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (May 2008), CWA2.
  97. J. D. Hybl, J. T. Gopinath, R. L. Aggarwal, S. J. Augst, B. Chann, P. Foti, J. R. Ochoa, D. Rand, D. J. Ripin, and T.Y. Fan, "Ultrashort-pulse cryogenic Yb lasers". Presented at Directed Energy Professional Society Meeting (DEPS) (Oct. 2007).
  98. J. T. Gopinath, B. Chann, T. Y. Fan, and A. Sanchez-Rubio, "High brightness wavelength beam-combined eyesafe diode laser stacks". Presented at 2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (Nov. 2006), CThEE1.
  99. J. T. Gopinath, J. J. Plant, B. Chann, R. K. Huang, C. Harris, L. Missaggia, J. P. Donnelly, P. W. Juodawlkis, and D. J. Ripin, "High power monolithic passively mode-locked slab-coupled optical waveguide lasers". Invited talk presented at the 2006 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (May 2006), CThH5.
  100. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, J. W. Sickler, P. W. Rakich, and E. P. Ippen, "Supercontinuum generation and its applications," Presented at 2005 SPIE, Passive Optical Components for WDM Communications V (SPIE) (Oct. 2005), 6014-6030.
  101. P. T. Rakich, H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, J. W. Sickler, C. W. Wong, M. Qi, S. G. Johnson, E. Lidorikis, J. D. Joannopoulos, H. I. Smith, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband studies of 1D and 3D photonic crystals (invited paper)," SPIE Optics East (Oct. 2005), 6017-02.
  102. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, J. W. Sickler, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband fiber lasers using bismuth oxide-based erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (invited)". Presented at SPIE International Symposium on InformationTechnology and Communications (ITCom) (October 2004);, 5595-03.
  103. J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, H. Sotobayashi, and E. P. Ippen, "Novel highly nonlinear bismuth oxide fiber for supercontinuum generation". Presented at the Lasers and Electro-Optics(LEOS) Annual Meeting(July 2004), 483-484.
  104. P. T. Rakich, J. T. Gopinath, H. Sotobayashi, C. W. Wong, S. G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband supercontinuum based measurements of high-index contrast photonic bandgap devices from 1 to 2 micron". Presented at the Lasers and Electro-Optics(LEOS) Annual Meeting (July 2004), 813-814.
  105. F. J. Grawert, S. Akiyama, J. T. Gopinath, F. O. Ilday, J. Liu, H. Shen, K. Wada, L. C. Kimerling, E. P. Ippen, and F. X. Kaertner, "Silicon-germanium saturable absorber mirrors". Presented at the Lasers and Electro-Optics (LEOS) Annual Meeting (July 2004), 735-736.
  106. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, J. W. Sickler, and E. P. Ippen, "Novel fiber laser technologies using broadband bismuth oxide-based erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (invited)". Presented at the 9th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications (ECOC) (June 2004), paper 5.
  107. S. N. Tandon, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, F. X. Kaertner, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband saturable Bragg reflectors from the infrared to visible using oxidized AlAs". Presented at the 2004 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2004), CThV5.
  108. J. W. Sickler, J. T. Gopinath, S. N. Tandon, H. Sotobayashi, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, "Femtosecond laser using broadband erbium-doped bismuth oxide gain fiber". Presented at the 2004 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2004), CThK6.
  109. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, and E. P. Ippen, "Broadband bismuth oxide-based erbiumdoped fiber lasers (invited)". Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe 2004, (April 2004), 1-9.
  110. J. T. Gopinath, M. Soljacic, E. P. Ippen, V. N. Fuflyigin, W. A. King, and M. Shurgalin, "Third-order nonlinearities in Ge33As12Se55 glass for high-index contrast fiber devices". Presented at the 2004 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2004), CFA3.
  111. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, Y. Takushima, E. P. Ippen, and K. Hsu, "90 nm wavelength tunable single frequency Bi2O3-based Erbium-doped fiber laser". Presented at the Lasers and Electro-Optics(LEOS) Annual Meeting (Oct. 2003), 796-797.
  112. H. Sotobayashi, J. T. Gopinath, and E. P. Ippen, "Bi2O3-based erbium-doped fibers for broadband photonic network applications (invited)," The 2nd Symposium on Photonics Networking and Computing (PNC 2003) (Sept. 2003), PNC-2.
  113. H. Sotobayshi, J. T. Gopinath, E. M. Kootnz, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, "Passively modelocked Bi2O3-based Erbium-doped fiber laser with a 30 nm wavelength tunability in the L band". Presented at the European Conference on Optical Communications (Sept. 2003), 464-465.
  114. J. T. Gopinath, H. Sotobayshi, and E. P. Ippen, "Picosecond pulse amplfication over a bandwidth of 80 nm in a 23 cm length of Bi2O3-based Erbium-doped fiber". Presented at the OSA Optical Amplifiers (OAA) Meeting (July 2003), 130-132.
  115. S. N. Tandon, J. T. Gopinath, T. R. Schibli, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, F. X. Kaertner, and E. P. Ippen, "Saturable absorbers with large area broadband Bragg reflectors for femtosecond pulse generation". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2003), CWM5.
  116. T. R. Schibli, J. Kim, L. Matos, A. W. Killi, J. T. Gopinath, S. Tandon, G. Petrich, J. G. Fujimoto, E. P. Ippen, F. X. Kaertner, and L. A. Kolodziejski, "300 attosecond active synchronization of passively modelocked lasers using balanced cross-correlation". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2003), JTuC4.
  117. T. R. Schibli, J. Kim, O. Kuzucu, J. T. Gopinath, S. N. Tandon, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Koldziejski, J. G. Fujimoto, E. P. Ippen, and F. X. Kaertner, "Attosecond active synchronization of passively modelocked lasers using balanced cross-correlation". Presented at Advanced Solid- State Photonics 2003 (ASSL) (Feb. 2003), Postdeadline paper.
  118. K. S. Abedin, J. T. Gopinath, L. A. Jiang, M. E. Grein, H. A. Haus, and E. P. Ippen, "Self-organization of harmonic pulses in a passively modelocked stretched pulse Erbium fiber ring lasers," Presented at 2002 IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Annual Meeting (LEOS) (Nov. 2002), 465-466.
  119. K. S. Abedin, J. T. Gopinath, E. P. Ippen, C. E. Kerbag, R. S. Windeler, and B. J. Eggleton, "Efficient highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing with tapered microstructure fiber," Presented at Nonlinear Optics OSA Topical Meeting (NLO) (Aug. 2002), 415-417.
  120. D. J. Ripin, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, F. X. Kaertner, E. P. Ippen, A. A. Erchak, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski,and U. Morgner, "A few-cycle Cr4+:YAG laser". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2002), 24.
  121. A. A. Erchak, D. J. Ripin, J. T. Gopinath, H. M. Shen, F. X. Kaertner, G. S. Petrich, L. A. Kolodziejski, and E. P. Ippen, "Large scale oxidation of AlAs layers for broadband saturable Bragg reflectors". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2002), 225.
  122. J. T. Gopinath, E. R. Thoen, E. M. Koontz, M. E. Grein, L. A. Kolodziejski, E. P. Ippen, and J. P. Donnelly, "Ultrafast recovery times in implanted semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors at 1.5 micron". Presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (June 2001), appears in Errata Section of Postconference Edition, pp. CWI4-1 to CWI4-3.
  123. R. P. Prasankumar, I. Hartl, J. T. Gopinath, E. P. Ippen, J. G. Fujimoto, P. Mak and M. F. Ruane, "Ultrafast dynamics of non-epitaxially grown semiconductor-doped silica film saturable absorbers". Presented at Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) (June 2001), 103-104.

Note: The data that support the findings of peer-reviewed publications are available from the PI upon reasonable request.